Shetland Ancestors
My mother's family came from the Shetland Isles, and this tree traces my Shetland ancestors.
In constructing the tree I have made extensive use of Tony Gott's Shetland Family History Web site. A number of other people have also contributed to the data on this Web site, and I'd like to thank them all for their help.
Kiwitrees Upgrade
21 February 2019 - 09:43:07
The Kiwitrees software has been updated to the latest version, 3.3.4.
Please let me know if you notice any anomalous behaviour, or if you have problems with the new version
Welcome to Shetland Ancestors on Kiwitrees
20 February 2019 - 18:43:40
The Shetland Ancestors database has been installed on the Kiwitrees software.
One advantage is that the Google Maps module is now working once more (it was broken on PhpGedView).
Shetland Ancestors
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This family tree was last updated on 16 February 2023.
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