1901 Census Extracts
The 1901 census extracts have mostly been obtained using a tool called the 1901 Census Extractor/GuessTimator, which allowed one to obtain the maximum of information from the on-line 1901 census without paying for the transcripts or images. In particular, it made it possible to group records accordning to households. However, the resulting data should be treated with care, since some of it is deduced or calculated from the available data. To quote from the Help page of the GuessTimator:
"The GuessTimator has built in features to manipulate the data upon capture, namely.
- Remember certain parameters used to facilitate the search, Gender, Relationship to Head and Marital Condition. These will appear on the data sheet.
- Guess Gender from a list of known names.
- Calculate the individuals’ birth year from age given.
- Calculate the Piece and Folio number from the page number given.
- Calculate Chapman County code for the place the individual was resident in.
- Calculate the Registration District for the Piece Number generated."
In particular, Graham and I have found that the Chapman codes in the "Cty" column are not always correct.
Firthermore, the above named tool is no longer available, since it
was rendered inoperative following changes to the 1901 census web site.
Another tool, the 1901 England
& Wales Census Decoder, which performs a similar function, is
still available. and allows 1901 census data to be collated into
probable family groups, although with less certainty.
You should also remember that the census was taken well before the
county boundary changes of 1965/68, so you may not find some
parishes/towns where you're expecting them! (E.g. West Ham comes under
Essex and not London).