Francis TurpinAge: 68 years1660–1728
- Name
- Francis Turpin
- Given names
- Francis
- Surname
- Turpin
- Name prefix
- Rev.
Birth | about 1660 |
Marriage | Abigail … — View this family yes |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Ann Turpin 1688 (Age 28 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Mary Turpin Shared note: Trrish Davey has Mary Turpin b abt 1694 (source?)
Christening of a daughter | Ann Turpin November 13, 1688 (Age 28 years) |
Birth of a son #3 | Robert Turpin 1689 (Age 29 years) |
Christening of a son | Robert Turpin September 28, 1690 (Age 30 years) |
Birth of a son #4 | Francis Turpin 1693 (Age 33 years) |
Christening of a daughter | Abigail Turpin November 22, 1693 (Age 33 years) |
Birth of a son #5 | William Turpin 1696 (Age 36 years) |
Birth of a son #6 | Bloom Turpin 1698 (Age 38 years) |
Christening of a son | Bloom Turpin June 28, 1698 (Age 38 years) |
Birth of a son #7 | John Turpin 1701 (Age 41 years) |
Christening of a son | John Turpin January 1, 1701 (Age 41 years) |
Birth of a son #8 | Benjamin Turpin 1702 (Age 42 years) |
Christening of a son | Benjamin Turpin December 25, 1702 (Age 42 years) |
Birth of a son #9 | George Turpin 1704 (Age 44 years) |
Christening of a son | George Turpin April 2, 1704 (Age 44 years) |
Death of a son | George Turpin June 28, 1704 (Age 44 years) |
Marriage of a child | William Turpin — Elizabeth Newham — View this family September 17, 1724 (Age 64 years) |
Death of a wife | Abigail … 1727 (Age 67 years) |
Christening of a son | Francis Turpin |
Christening of a son | William Turpin |
Death | 1728 (Age 68 years) |
Family with Abigail … |
himself |
Francis Turpin Birth: about 1660 Death: 1728 |
wife |
Abigail … Death: 1727 |
Marriage: — |
daughter |
Ann Turpin Birth: 1688 28 Death: |
2 years son |
Robert Turpin Birth: 1689 29 Death: May 14, 1762 — Hall, Pyle & Kenfig, Glamorgan, Wales |
5 years son |
Francis Turpin Birth: 1693 33 Death: |
11 months daughter |
Abigail Turpin Christening: November 22, 1693 33 — Winterton, Lincolnshire, England Death: |
daughter |
Mary Turpin Birth: Death: |
son |
William Turpin Birth: 1696 36 Death: June 24, 1774 — Grove Farm, Newton Nottage, Glamorgan, Wales |
3 years son |
Bloom Turpin Birth: 1698 38 Death: 1764 |
4 years son |
John Turpin Birth: 1701 41 Death: |
2 years son |
Benjamin Turpin Birth: 1702 42 Death: |
3 years son |
George Turpin Birth: 1704 44 — Messingham, Lincolnshire, England Death: June 28, 1704 — Messingham, Lincolnshire, England |
Shared note | Educated Clare College, Cambridge. Curate of Winterton 1681/2. Ord. Priest 1684. Sometime Vicar Alkborough, Bottersford & Messingham. Will Proved at Lincoln. Dr John Thomas writes: The Rev. Francis Turpin, B.A., Clare College, Cambridge married a lady called Abigail sometime before 1688 when he was curate of Winterton, a village north of the steel town of Scunthorpe. Subsequently he held various livings in Lincolnshire, but his children were baptised in Winterton or Messingham. When the old parson died in 1728 he left a Will proved at Lincoln in which he leaves each of his children one shilling. This was an established practice which indicated that a father had made suitable financial arrangements for his children during his lifetime and the token sum merely shows that he accepted them as his legitimate offspring. I do not know where the Rev. Francis was born, but the name Turpin was not uncommon in Lincolnshire at the time of his birth. |