Elsie Florence HENBESTAge: 103 years1892–1995
- Name
- Elsie Florence HENBEST
- Given names
- Elsie Florence
- Surname
Birth | June 19, 1892 Source: GRO Index of Births Text: New Forest RD, ref 2b 680 (registered in Jul-Sep quarter) Note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Marriage | Charles James LOVELOCK — View this family between January 1933 and March 1933 (Age 40 years) Source: GRO Index of Marriages Text: New Forest RD, ref 2b 1175 |
Death of a husband | Charles James LOVELOCK September 8, 1974 (Age 82 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Southampton RD, ref 20 1239 |
Death | September 17, 1995 (Age 103 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Haywards Heath RD, ref B25 112 |
Family with Charles James LOVELOCK |
husband |
Charles James LOVELOCK Birth: June 10, 1887 28 29 — Winchester, Hampshire, England Death: September 8, 1974 |
herself |
Elsie Florence HENBEST Birth: June 19, 1892 Death: September 17, 1995 |
Marriage: between January 1933 and March 1933 — |
Charles James LOVELOCK + Agnes COLLINS |
husband |
Charles James LOVELOCK Birth: June 10, 1887 28 29 — Winchester, Hampshire, England Death: September 8, 1974 |
husband’s wife |
Agnes COLLINS Birth: between October 1872 and December 1872 — Minstead, Hampshire, England Death: between October 1931 and December 1931 |
Marriage: May 18, 1910 — All Saints, Minstead, Hampshire, England |
Birth | 1939 Register at 'Find my past' website |
Birth | GRO Index of Births Text: New Forest RD, ref 2b 680 (registered in Jul-Sep quarter) |
Marriage | GRO Index of Marriages Text: New Forest RD, ref 2b 1175 |
Death | GRO Index of Deaths Text: Haywards Heath RD, ref B25 112 |
Death | National Probate Calendars data on main Lovelock website |
Birth | Date of birth included in death registration entry. |