Fanny Elizabeth MilsomAge: 84 years1891–1975
- Name
- Fanny Elizabeth Milsom
- Given names
- Fanny Elizabeth
- Surname
- Milsom
Birth | June 24, 1891 34 30 Text: Warrington RD, ref 8c 222 (registered in Jul-Sep quarter) Note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Birth of a brother | James Milsom between July 1893 and September 1893 (Age 2 years) Text: Warrington RD, ref 8c 224 |
Birth of a brother | Arthur Milsom between 1894 and 1895 (Age 2 years) Source: 1901 British census |
Birth of a sister | Florence Milsom April 14, 1896 (Age 4 years) Text: Warrington RD, ref 8c 240 (registered as Florry) Note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Christening of a sister | Florence Milsom April 23, 1896 (Age 4 years) Source: Imagery at |
Census | 1901 (Age 9 years) |
Birth of a sister | Edith Mary Milsom February 4, 1903 (Age 11 years) Text: Warrington RD, ref 8c 280 Source: Data at Note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Christening of a sister | Edith Mary Milsom February 15, 1903 (Age 11 years) Source: Data at |
Birth of a brother | Walter Milsom between January 1905 and March 1905 (Age 13 years) Text: Warrington RD, ref 8c 252 |
Burial of a maternal grandfather | Thomas George Lovelock January 2, 1907 (Age 15 years) Source: Wootton Bassett Parish Register Citation details: Provided by Lynn Squire by email 22 Nov 2004 Text: 1907 George LOVELOCK, abode Black Dog, Wootton Bassett, 02 Jan, age 69 yrs Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | 1911 (Age 19 years) |
Death of a brother | Arthur Milsom March 22, 1918 (Age 26 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Martha Gough between October 1919 and December 1919 (Age 28 years) Text: Cricklade RD, ref 5a 50 (age 80) (registered as Trembling) |
Death of a brother | Walter Milsom between July 1930 and September 1930 (Age 39 years) Text: Warrington RD, ref 8c 141 (age 25) |
Death of a father | George James Milsom April 13, 1933 (Age 41 years) Text: Warrington RD, ref 8c 155 (age 78) (registered as Charles Henry Milsom) Source: 'Find a Will' data at GOV.UK |
Death of a brother | George William Milsom between October 1934 and December 1934 (Age 43 years) Text: Warrington RD, ref 8c 169 |
Death of a mother | Mary Jane Lovelock between April 1942 and June 1942 (Age 50 years) Text: Warrington RD, ref 8c 191 (age 80) |
Death of a brother | James Milsom between July 1965 and September 1965 (Age 74 years) Text: Warrington RD, ref 10f 629 (age 72) |
Death of a brother | William Milsom between October 1966 and December 1966 (Age 75 years) Source: GRO Text: Warrington RD, ref 10f 753 (age 77) |
Death of a brother | Charles Henry Milsom between July 1967 and September 1967 (Age 76 years) Source: GRO Text: Warrington RD, ref 10f 583 (age 85) |
Death of a sister | Florence Milsom between April 1970 and June 1970 (Age 78 years) Text: Warrington RD, ref 10f 1631 (registered in married name of Florrie Fogg) |
Death of a sister | Edith Mary Milsom June 21, 1975 (Age 83 years) Source: 'Find a Will' data at GOV.UK Text: Warrington RD, ref 35 1173 (registered in married name of Bishop) |
Death | between October 1975 and December 1975 (Age 84 years) Text: Warrington RD, ref 35 1011 (registered in married name of Bishop) |
Family with parents |
father |
George James Milsom Birth: about 1857 — Little Sodbury, Gloucestershire, England Death: April 13, 1933 |
mother |
Mary Jane Lovelock Birth: June 22, 1861 23 25 — Lydiard Tregoze, Wiltshire, England Death: between April 1942 and June 1942 |
Marriage: November 5, 1881 — Lydiard Tregoze, Wiltshire, England |
20 months elder brother |
Charles Henry Milsom Birth: between April 1883 and June 1883 26 21 — Hallen, Gloucestershire, England Death: between July 1967 and September 1967 |
18 months elder brother |
George William Milsom Birth: between July 1884 and September 1884 27 23 — Hallen, Gloucestershire, England Death: between October 1934 and December 1934 |
18 months elder brother |
Oliver Milsom Birth: between October 1885 and December 1885 28 24 — Hallen, Gloucestershire, England Death: |
3 years elder sister |
Martha Harriet Milsom Birth: about 1888 31 26 — Eastbrook, South Wales Death: |
2 years elder brother |
William Milsom Birth: between October 1889 and December 1889 32 28 — Warrington, Lancashire, England Death: between October 1966 and December 1966 |
21 months herself |
Fanny Elizabeth Milsom Birth: June 24, 1891 34 30 — Warrington, Lancashire, England Death: between October 1975 and December 1975 |
2 years younger brother |
James Milsom Birth: between July 1893 and September 1893 36 32 Death: between July 1965 and September 1965 |
3 years younger brother |
Arthur Milsom Birth: between 1894 and 1895 37 32 Death: March 22, 1918 — Somme, France |
2 years younger sister |
Florence Milsom Birth: April 14, 1896 39 34 Death: between April 1970 and June 1970 |
7 years younger sister |
Edith Mary Milsom Birth: February 4, 1903 46 41 — Warrington, Lancashire, England Death: June 21, 1975 |
2 years younger brother |
Walter Milsom Birth: between January 1905 and March 1905 48 43 — Warrington, Lancashire, England Death: between July 1930 and September 1930 |
Birth | Free BMD Civil Registration index information for England and Wales. Text: Warrington RD, ref 8c 222 (registered in Jul-Sep quarter) |
Death | Free BMD Civil Registration index information for England and Wales. Text: Warrington RD, ref 35 1011 (registered in married name of Bishop) |
Birth | Date of birth included in death registration entry. |
Census | 47 Forster Street, Warrington, Lancashire, England RG12 3582 F86 P32 George J Milsom;Head;44;Soap Wks Labourer;Little Sodbury, Glos Mary J Milsom;Wife;39;;Fleelands (sic), Wilts Charles H Milsom;Son;18;Soap Packing Box Maker;Hallen, Glos George Milsom;Son;17;Iron Packing Labourer;Hallen, Glos Oliver Milsom;Son;16;Iron Packing Labourer;Hallen, Glos Martha Milsom;Daur;13;;Denisprees, South Wales William Milsom;Son;11;;Warrington, Lancs Fanny Milsom;Daur;9;;Warrington, Lancs James Milsom;Son;7;;Warrington, Lancs Arthur Milsom;Son;6;;Warrington, Lancs Florence Milsom;Daur;4;;Warrington, Lancs |
Census | 101 Longford Street, Warrington, Lancashire, England RG14 PN23134 RG78 PN1353 RD459 SD4 ED4 SN18 George James Milsom;Head;53;Brick Setters Labourer;Little Sodbury, Glos Mary Jane Milsom;Wife, married 30 years;49;;Wootton Bassett, Wilts William Milsom;Son;21;Wire Drawer;Warrington, Lancs James Milsom;Son;17;Spinner;Warrington, Lancs Arthur Milsom;Son;16;;Warrington, Lancs Walter Milsom;Son;6;;Warrington, Lancs Fannie Milsom;Daur;20;Velvet Cutter;Warrington, Lancs Florence Milsom;Daur;15;;Warrington, Lancs Edith Milsom;Daur;8;;Warrington, Lancs |