Lambeth-Australia & NZ and New South Wales Trees

Thomas Robert LovelockAge: 72 years18591931

Thomas Robert Lovelock
Given names
Thomas Robert
Birth March 22, 1859 25 23
Christening April 10, 1859 (Age 19 days)
Birth of a sisterLetitia Mary Lovelock
September 24, 1860 (Age 18 months)

Bermondsey RD, ref 1d 58 (registered in the Oct-Dec quarter)

Christening of a sisterLetitia Mary Lovelock
October 14, 1860 (Age 18 months)
Birth of a brotherGeorge Mason Lovelock
October 10, 1862 (Age 3 years)
Christening of a brotherGeorge Mason Lovelock
November 2, 1862 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a brotherWalter Frederick Lovelock
January 20, 1865 (Age 5 years)

Bermondsey RD, ref 1d 69

Christening of a brotherWalter Frederick Lovelock
February 12, 1865 (Age 5 years)
Birth of a brotherFrancis Henry Lovelock
February 2, 1867 (Age 7 years)

Bermondsey RD, ref 1d 80

Christening of a brotherFrancis Henry Lovelock
February 24, 1867 (Age 7 years)
Birth of a brotherCharles William Lovelock
March 22, 1869 (Age 10 years)
Christening of a brotherCharles William Lovelock
April 18, 1869 (Age 10 years)
Birth of a brotherArthur Edward Lovelock
August 4, 1871 (Age 12 years)
Source: Free BMD

St Olave RD, 1d, 233

Census 1871 (Age 11 years)

Note: 32 Neckinger Street, Bermondsey, Surrey, England
Christening of a brotherArthur Edward Lovelock
August 20, 1871 (Age 12 years)
Birth of a sisterAnnie Elizabeth Lovelock
December 22, 1873 (Age 14 years)
Source: Free BMD

St Olave RD, 1d, 260 (in the Jan-Mar quarter of 1874)

Christening of a sisterAnnie Elizabeth Lovelock
January 11, 1874 (Age 14 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherMartha Lloyd
between January 1878 and March 1878 (Age 18 years)


Lewisham RD, ref 1d 625 (age 67)

Birth of a sisterAlice Beatrice Lovelock
June 2, 1878 (Age 19 years)
Source: Free BMD

St Olave RD, 1d, 242 (in the Jul-Sep quarter)

Christening of a sisterAlice Beatrice Lovelock
June 30, 1878 (Age 19 years)
Census 1881 (Age 21 years)

Note: 11 Thomas Street, Bermondsey, Surrey, England
Death of a fatherRobert Thomas Lovelock
October 19, 1883 (Age 24 years)
Religious marriageAlice Maud Mary FryView this family
September 6, 1896 (Age 37 years)
Source: Free BMD

St Saviour RD, ref 1d 76

Death of a brotherCharles William Lovelock
June 18, 1897 (Age 38 years)
Source: Free BMD

1d 704

Birth of a daughter
Florence Ivy Emily Maud Lovelock
October 7, 1897 (Age 38 years)

Source: Free BMD

Camberwell RD, ref 1d 914

Christening of a daughterFlorence Ivy Emily Maud Lovelock
October 31, 1897 (Age 38 years)
Death of a daughterFlorence Ivy Emily Maud Lovelock
between January 1898 and March 1898 (Age 38 years)

Source: FreeBMD

Camberwell RD, ref 1d 611 (age 0)

Death of a brotherGeorge Mason Lovelock
December 20, 1898 (Age 39 years)

Shared note: The GRO Army Death Indices records at FindmyPast give the date of death as 1898, at Jhansi in India, aged 36. The Register of Freemasons data at records George as a member of the Rock of Gwalior Lodge in Jhansi. He was initiated on 2 Feb 1897. The Register does not record his death. He had previously been initiated into the Star of Agra Lodge at Agra on 2 Jul 1895, when a Sergeant.
Death of a motherMary Thompson Boys
February 6, 1902 (Age 42 years)
Source: Ken Medlycott

Also Free BMD 1d 126

Burial of a motherMary Thompson Boys
February 12, 1902 (Age 42 years)
Birth of a daughter
Dorothy May Lovelock
June 25, 1903 (Age 44 years)
Source: 1911 Census
Source: Jason Brown
Publication: Email correspondence beginning 5 Nov 2011
Citation details: Email message 5 Nov 2011
Quality of data: primary evidence

St Olave RD, ref 1d 265 (registered in Jul-Sep quarter)

Christening of a daughterDorothy May Lovelock
July 15, 1903 (Age 44 years)
Death of a brotherArthur Edward Lovelock
April 21, 1906 (Age 47 years)

Source: Free BMD

Camberwell RD, ref 1d 443 (age 34)

Birth of a daughter
Mary Thompson Boys Lovelock
between July 1908 and September 1908 (Age 49 years)


Camberwell RD, ref 1d 862

Death of a daughterMary Thompson Boys Lovelock
between April 1909 and June 1909 (Age 50 years)


Greenwich RD, ref 1d 504 (age 0)

Burial of a daughterMary Thompson Boys Lovelock
June 2, 1909 (Age 50 years)
Census 1911 (Age 51 years)

Note: 56 Stanton Street, Peckham, London, England
Death of a sisterLetitia Mary Lovelock
September 11, 1923 (Age 64 years)

Eastbourne RD, ref 2b 94 (age 62)

Death between October 1931 and December 1931 (Age 72 years)


Camberwell RD, ref 1d 793 (age 72)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: May 24, 1858St John's Church, Waterloo, Lambeth, Surrey, England
10 months
18 months
younger sister
2 years
younger brother
2 years
younger brother
2 years
younger brother
2 years
younger brother
Charles William Lovelock
Birth: March 22, 1869 35 33Bermondsey, Surrey, England
Death: June 18, 1897Greenwich RD, Greenwich, London, England
2 years
younger brother
2 years
younger sister
4 years
younger sister
Family with Alice Maud Mary Fry - View this family
Marriage: September 6, 1896All Saints, Walworth, London, England
13 months
6 years
5 years
William Whytock + Alice Maud Mary Fry - View this family
wife’s husband
Marriage: between July 1912 and September 1912
-14 months

BirthLovelocks in Surrey data on main Lovelock Family History website
ChristeningLovelocks in Surrey data on main Lovelock Family History website
MarriageFree BMD

St Saviour RD, ref 1d 76

MarriageLovelocks in Surrey data on main Lovelock Family History website
DeathGRO Index of deaths

Camberwell RD, ref 1d 793 (age 72)


32 Neckinger Street, Bermondsey, Surrey, England RG10 634 F33 P57

Robert T Lovelock;Head;35;Carpenter & House decorator;Bermondsey, Surrey Mary T Lovelock;Wife;35;;Bermondsey, Surrey Thomas R Lovelock;Son;12;;Bermondsey, Surrey Letitia M Lovelock;Daur;10;;Bermondsey, Surrey George M Lovelock;Son;8;;Bermondsey, Surrey Walter F Lovelock;Son;6;;Bermondsey, Surrey Francis H Lovelock;Son;4;;Bermondsey, Surrey Charles W Lovelock;Son;2;;Bermondsey, Surrey


11 Thomas Street, Bermondsey, Surrey, England RG11 0561 F54 P40

Thos. MITCHELL;Head;M;29;M;India Rubber Worker;Woodstock, Oxford, England Ellen MITCHELL;Wife;M;29;F;;Pentonville, Middlesex, England Emily MITCHELL;Daur;7;F;Scholar;Hoxton, Middlesex, England Thomas MITCHELL;Son;3;M;Scholar;Bermondsey, Surrey, England Ethel MITCHELL;Daur;9 m;F;;Bermondsey, Surrey, England Thomas LOVELOCK;Boarder;U;22;M;Carpenter;Bermondsey, Surrey, England Charles HAWES;Lodger;U;19;M;Blacksmith;Lambeth, Surrey, England


56 Stanton Street, Peckham, London, England RG14 PN2555 RG78 PN86 RD27 SD5 ED12 SN214

Thomas Robert Lovelock;Lodger, Married 15 years, Living Apart (sic);51;Waterside Labourer;Bermondsey

Note: 3 Children born to the marriage, of whom 2 were dead.

Shared note

Thomas enlisted into the 13th Royal Defence Corps on 6 Nov 1914 claiming to be 50 years old. He also stated his occupation as Carpenter, and claimed to have no next of kin.