Lambeth-Australia & NZ and New South Wales Trees

Robert Thomas LovelockAge: 49 years18341883

Robert Thomas Lovelock
Given names
Robert Thomas
Source: IGI
Birth about 1834 23 25

Christening January 24, 1836 (Age 2 years)
Source: IGI
Death of a paternal grandfatherStephen Lovelock
about 1837 (Age 3 years)

Burial of a paternal grandfatherStephen Lovelock
February 10, 1837 (Age 3 years)

Aged 65

Birth of a brotherUnknown Lovelock
between January 1838 and March 1838 (Age 4 years)


St Mary Magdalene Bermondsey RD, ref 4 22 ('Male' Lovelock)

Death of a fatherAbraham Lovelock
about April 1838 (Age 4 years)


St Mary Magdalen Bermondsey RD, ref 4 9 (age 28)

Burial of a fatherAbraham Lovelock
April 15, 1838 (Age 4 years)
Census 1841 (Age 7 years)

Note: Hickmans Folly, Bermondsey, Surrey, England
Birth of a half-sisterMartha Eliza Cooper
between April 1847 and June 1847 (Age 13 years)

St Mary Newington RD, ref 4 353

Marriage of a parentJohn CooperMartha LloydView this family
September 7, 1851 (Age 17 years)
Census 1851 (Age 17 years)

Note: 1 Hickman's Folly, Southwark, Surrey, England
MarriageMary Thompson BoysView this family
May 24, 1858 (Age 24 years)

1858 May 24 St John's Church, Waterloo, Surrey Robert Thomas Lovelock, Bachelor, School Slate Maker, 9 Cornwall Road, Father: Abraham Lovelock, Cordwainer and Mary Thompson Boys, Spinster, Queen Street, Father: Thomas Boys, Coachman. Wit: Thos Boys, H. Boys.

Birth of a son
Thomas Robert Lovelock
March 22, 1859 (Age 25 years)
Christening of a sonThomas Robert Lovelock
April 10, 1859 (Age 25 years)
Birth of a daughter
Letitia Mary Lovelock
September 24, 1860 (Age 26 years)

Bermondsey RD, ref 1d 58 (registered in the Oct-Dec quarter)

Christening of a daughterLetitia Mary Lovelock
October 14, 1860 (Age 26 years)
CensusMary Thompson BoysView this family
1861 (Age 27 years)

Note: 99 George Row, Bermondsey, Surrey, England
Birth of a son
George Mason Lovelock
October 10, 1862 (Age 28 years)
Christening of a sonGeorge Mason Lovelock
November 2, 1862 (Age 28 years)
Birth of a son
Walter Frederick Lovelock
January 20, 1865 (Age 31 years)

Bermondsey RD, ref 1d 69

Christening of a sonWalter Frederick Lovelock
February 12, 1865 (Age 31 years)
Birth of a son
Francis Henry Lovelock
February 2, 1867 (Age 33 years)

Bermondsey RD, ref 1d 80

Christening of a sonFrancis Henry Lovelock
February 24, 1867 (Age 33 years)
Birth of a son
Charles William Lovelock
March 22, 1869 (Age 35 years)
Christening of a sonCharles William Lovelock
April 18, 1869 (Age 35 years)
Birth of a son
Arthur Edward Lovelock
August 4, 1871 (Age 37 years)
Source: Free BMD

St Olave RD, 1d, 233

CensusMary Thompson BoysView this family
1871 (Age 37 years)

Note: 32 Neckinger Street, Bermondsey, Surrey, England
Christening of a sonArthur Edward Lovelock
August 20, 1871 (Age 37 years)
Birth of a daughter
Annie Elizabeth Lovelock
December 22, 1873 (Age 39 years)
Source: Free BMD

St Olave RD, 1d, 260 (in the Jan-Mar quarter of 1874)

Christening of a daughterAnnie Elizabeth Lovelock
January 11, 1874 (Age 40 years)
Death of a motherMartha Lloyd
between January 1878 and March 1878 (Age 44 years)


Lewisham RD, ref 1d 625 (age 67)

Birth of a daughter
Alice Beatrice Lovelock
June 2, 1878 (Age 44 years)
Source: Free BMD

St Olave RD, 1d, 242 (in the Jul-Sep quarter)

Christening of a daughterAlice Beatrice Lovelock
June 30, 1878 (Age 44 years)
CensusMary Thompson BoysView this family
1881 (Age 47 years)

Note: 32 Neckinger Street, Bermondsey, Surrey, England
House Decor (Painter)
1881 (Age 47 years)

ResidenceMary Thompson BoysView this family
1881 (Age 47 years)
Marriage of a childPeter ReeveLetitia Mary LovelockView this family
June 1, 1882 (Age 48 years)
Source: FreeBMD

1d 367

Publication: Email correspondence
Citation details: Email message 3-Dec-08
Quality of data: primary evidence
3 Neckinger Street, Bermondsey, Surrey, England
1882 (Age 48 years)

Death October 19, 1883 (Age 49 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: September 18, 1831St Leonard, Shoreditch, Middlesex, England
7 months
elder brother
19 months
elder brother
13 months
4 years
younger brother
Mother’s family with John Cooper - View this family
Marriage: September 7, 1851St John the Evangelist, Lambeth, Surrey, England
-4 years
Family with Mary Thompson Boys - View this family
Marriage: May 24, 1858St John's Church, Waterloo, Lambeth, Surrey, England
10 months
18 months
2 years
2 years
2 years
2 years
Charles William Lovelock
Birth: March 22, 1869 35 33Bermondsey, Surrey, England
Death: June 18, 1897Greenwich RD, Greenwich, London, England
2 years
2 years
4 years

BirthMarion Herbert
MarriageMarriage Certificate

1858 May 24 St John's Church, Waterloo, Surrey Robert Thomas Lovelock, Bachelor, School Slate Maker, 9 Cornwall Road, Father: Abraham Lovelock, Cordwainer and Mary Thompson Boys, Spinster, Queen Street, Father: Thomas Boys, Coachman. Wit: Thos Boys, H. Boys.

DeathFree BMD - Robert Thomas Lovelock, 47, Bath, 5c, 473

Hickmans Folly, Bermondsey, Surrey, England HO107 1048/5 F12 P16

Martha Lovelock;25;Seamstress;born Surrey William Lovelock;9;;born Surrey John Lovelock;7;;born Surrey Robt (sic) Lovelock;5;;born Surrey Charles Lloyd;60;Callico Gla.. (?);born Surrey Elizth (sic) Lloyd;55;;born Surrey George Lloyd;12;;born Surrey


1 Hickman's Folly, Southwark, Surrey, England HO107 1560 F439 P8

Charles Lloyd;Head;Widr;40;Carman;St John, Southwark, Surrey Marth (sic) Lovelock;Sister;Wido (sic);39;House Keeper;St Johns, Southwark, Surrey William Lovelock;Nephew;18;Errant (sic) Boy;Bermondsey, Surrey John Lovelock;Nephew;17;Errant (sic) Boy;Bermondsey, Surrey Robert Lovelock;Nephew;15;Errant (sic) Boy;Bermondsey, Surrey Martha Cooper;Niece;3;;Newington, Surrey


99 George Row, Bermondsey, Surrey, England RG 9 319 F63 P30

Robert Lovelock;Head;25;School Slate Manufacturer; Bermondsey, Surrey Mary S (sic) Lovelock;Wife;25;;Southwark, Surrey Thomas R Lovelock;Son;2;;Bermondsey, Surrey Letitia M Lovelock;Daur;6mos;;Bermondsey, Surrey


32 Neckinger Street, Bermondsey, Surrey, England RG10 634 F33 P57

Robert T Lovelock;Head;35;Carpenter & House decorator;Bermondsey, Surrey Mary T Lovelock;Wife;35;;Bermondsey, Surrey Thomas R Lovelock;Son;12;;Bermondsey, Surrey Letitia M Lovelock;Daur;10;;Bermondsey, Surrey George M Lovelock;Son;8;;Bermondsey, Surrey Walter F Lovelock;Son;6;;Bermondsey, Surrey Francis H Lovelock;Son;4;;Bermondsey, Surrey Charles W Lovelock;Son;2;;Bermondsey, Surrey


32 Neckinger Street, Bermondsey, Surrey, England RG11 565 F8 P10

Robt (sic) Lovelock;Head;45;House Decr (sic);Bermondsey, Surrey Mary Lovelock;Wife;45;;Bermondsey, Surrey Geo (sic) Lovelock;Son;18;Fur Dresser;Bermondsey, Surrey Walter Lovelock;Son;16;Tailors Asst (sic);Bermondsey, Surrey Francis Lovelock;Son;14;Tailors Asst;Bermondsey, Surrey Chas (sic) W Lovelock;Son;12;;Bermondsey, Surrey Arthur E Lovelock;Son;10;;Bermondsey, Surrey Anne Lovelock;Daur;7;;Bermondsey, Surrey Alice Lovelock;Daur;3;;Bermondsey, Surrey

Shared note

Robert Thomas Lovelock was living at 3 Necringer St, Bermondsey when he made his will on 2nd November 1882. He left all household furniture and money to his wife, and a watch, ring and pin to his eldest son Thomas Robert Lovelock. Witnesses were Peter Reeve and Thomas Tucker. He was a Corporal in the 7th Battalion East Surrey Regiment.