Jeffery Harry John LOVELOCKAge: 90 years1933–2023
- Name
- Jeffery Harry John LOVELOCK
- Given names
- Jeffery Harry John
- Surname
Birth | between January 1933 and March 1933 41 38 Source: GRO Index of Births Text: Kingsclere RD, ref 2c 440 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Alfred George HUTCHINS between April 1946 and June 1946 (Age 13 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Kingsclere RD, ref 2c 276 (age 80) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Susan GUNTER between April 1951 and June 1951 (Age 18 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Kingsclere RD, ref 6b 293 (age 89) |
Death of a father | Thomas Edward LOVELOCK between July 1960 and September 1960 (Age 27 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Alton RD, ref 6b 45 (age 69) |
Burial of a father | Thomas Edward LOVELOCK September 20, 1960 (Age 27 years) |
Death of a brother | Nelson William LOVELOCK July 10, 1990 (Age 57 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Kingsclere and Whitchurch RD, ref 20 239 |
Death of a mother | Laura Annie HUTCHINS October 1991 (Age 58 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Newbury RD, ref 19 127 |
Death of a brother | Ronald Joseph LOVELOCK October 2005 (Age 72 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Reading RD, ref A14B 268 |
Death of a sister | Margaret Rosemary LOVELOCK between January 2009 and March 2009 (Age 76 years) Text: North Somerset RD, ref 1A006 501558053 |
Death of a brother | Thomas George LOVELOCK December 24, 2010 (Age 77 years) |
Burial of a brother | Thomas George LOVELOCK January 12, 2011 (Age 78 years) |
Death of a wife | Violet Ramona Astrid CURTIS between January 2022 and March 2022 (Age 89 years) Text: Oxfordshire RD, ref 695-1A 523314921 (recorded as Astrid (Violet Astrid R) and as Violet Ramona A) |
Death | October 11, 2023 (Age 90 years) Source: Obituary at website |
Family with parents |
father |
Thomas Edward LOVELOCK Birth: May 11, 1891 46 40 — Ashford Hill, Hampshire, England Death: between July 1960 and September 1960 |
mother |
Laura Annie HUTCHINS Birth: October 13, 1894 29 32 — Woodlands, Axmansford, Hampshire, England Death: October 1991 |
Marriage: January 7, 1922 — St Mary, Kingsclere, Hampshire, England |
6 months elder brother |
Thomas George LOVELOCK Birth: between April 1922 and June 1922 30 27 Death: December 24, 2010 — Thatcham, Berkshire, England |
21 months elder brother |
Nelson William LOVELOCK Birth: December 17, 1923 32 29 Death: July 10, 1990 |
2 years elder brother |
Ronald Joseph LOVELOCK Birth: January 11, 1926 34 31 Death: October 2005 |
2 years elder sister |
Margaret Rosemary LOVELOCK Birth: between January 1928 and March 1928 36 33 Death: between January 2009 and March 2009 |
5 years himself |
Jeffery Harry John LOVELOCK Birth: between January 1933 and March 1933 41 38 Death: October 11, 2023 |
Family with Violet Ramona Astrid CURTIS |
himself |
Jeffery Harry John LOVELOCK Birth: between January 1933 and March 1933 41 38 Death: October 11, 2023 |
wife |
Violet Ramona Astrid CURTIS Birth: between April 1939 and June 1939 Death: between January 2022 and March 2022 |
daughter |
son |
daughter |
Birth | GRO Index of Births Text: Kingsclere RD, ref 2c 440 |
Death | Obituary at website |