Ada Doris Mary LovelockAge: 88 years1903–1991
- Name
- Ada Doris Mary Lovelock
- Given names
- Ada Doris Mary
- Surname
- Lovelock
Birth | 1 March 1903 41 34 Note: The photograph of Ada's memorial at Find a Grave gives the date of birth as 1 Mar 1904.
Death of a father | Henry John Lovelock 15 July 1925 (Age 22 years) |
Marriage | Roy Albert Jenkins — View this family 1934 (Age 30 years) |
Death of a husband | Roy Albert Jenkins 29 March 1940 (Age 37 years) |
Death of a brother | Harold Henry Lovelock 29 November 1940 (Age 37 years) |
Death of a mother | Ada Bridget Tyler 28 July 1945 (Age 42 years) |
Death of a brother | Albert John Lovelock 1961 (Age 57 years) |
Death | 17 October 1991 (Age 88 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Henry John Lovelock Birth: 7 August 1861 41 32 — Launceston, Tasmania, Australia Death: 15 July 1925 — Clifton Hill, Victoria, Australia |
mother |
Ada Bridget Tyler Birth: 13 December 1868 — Exton, Tasmania, Australia Death: 28 July 1945 — "Carmel" Private Hospital, Hotham Street, Preston, Victoria, Australia |
Marriage: 16 July 1888 — St Patrick, Latrobe, Tasmania, Australia |
11 months elder brother |
Albert John Lovelock Birth: 22 June 1889 27 20 — Launceston, Tasmania, Australia Death: 1961 — Clifton Hill, Victoria, Australia |
17 months elder brother |
Harold Henry Lovelock Birth: 5 December 1890 29 21 — Launceston, Tasmania, Australia Death: 29 November 1940 — Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia |
12 years herself |
Ada Doris Mary Lovelock Birth: 1 March 1903 41 34 — Launceston, Tasmania, Australia Death: 17 October 1991 — Victoria, Australia |
Family with Roy Albert Jenkins |
husband |
Roy Albert Jenkins Birth: 1901 — Panmure, Victoria, Australia Death: 29 March 1940 — Prahran, Victoria, Australia |
herself |
Ada Doris Mary Lovelock Birth: 1 March 1903 41 34 — Launceston, Tasmania, Australia Death: 17 October 1991 — Victoria, Australia |
Marriage: 1934 — |
Birth | The photograph of Ada's memorial at Find a Grave gives the date of birth as 1 Mar 1904. |