William WattsAge: 8 months1860–1861
- Name
- William Watts
- Given names
- William
- Surname
- Watts
Birth | August 1860 32 28 |
Census | 1861 (Age 5 months) |
Death | between April 1861 and June 1861 (Age 8 months) |
Burial | 1 June 1861 (Age 10 months) |
Family with parents |
father |
William Watts Birth: about 1828 — East Garston, Berkshire, England Death: |
mother |
Anna Maria Lovelock Birth: about 1832 33 30 — Lambourn, Berkshire, England Death: between January 1872 and February 1872 |
Marriage: between April 1854 and June 1854 — |
6 months elder brother |
George Watts Birth: between July 1854 and September 1854 26 22 Death: between October 1854 and December 1854 |
20 months elder sister |
Hannah Watts Birth: between January 1856 and February 1856 28 24 Death: between January 1856 and March 1856 |
21 months elder brother |
William Watts Birth: between July 1857 and September 1857 29 25 Death: October 1858 |
3 years himself |
William Watts Birth: August 1860 32 28 — Lambourn, Berkshire, England Death: between April 1861 and June 1861 |
Census | 28 Newbury Street, Lambourn, Berkshire, England RG9 726 F75 P29 William Watts;Head;;28;Labr Agl (sic);Eastgarston, Berks Ann Watts;Wife;;31;;Lambourn, Berks William Watts;Son;;8mos;;Lambourne, Berks |