Nora Elizabeth LovelockAge: 87 years1910–1998
- Name
- Nora Elizabeth Lovelock
- Given names
- Nora Elizabeth
- Surname
- Lovelock
Birth | 30 November 1910 22 21 Text: Marylebone RD, ref 1a 514 (registered in Jan-Mar 1911) Shared note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Census | 1911 (Age 32 days) |
Birth of a brother | Henry James Lovelock 10 February 1912 (Age 14 months) Text: Marylebone RD, ref 1a 1060 Note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Birth of a sister | Irene Margery Lovelock 5 March 1915 (Age 4 years) Source: 1921 Census Text: Epping RD, ref 4a 990 Note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Birth of a brother | Jack Alexander Lovelock between January 1917 and March 1917 (Age 6 years) Text: Epping RD, ref 4a 828 |
Census | 1921 (Age 10 years) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Elizabeth Esther Mears between January 1929 and March 1929 (Age 18 years) Text: Chertsey RD, ref 2a 200 (age 72) |
Birth of a son #1 | Brian Frederick G Aldhous between July 1936 and September 1936 (Age 25 years) Text: Epping RD, ref 4a 512 |
Death of a paternal grandfather | James Lovelock between January 1940 and March 1940 (Age 29 years) Text: Surrey South Western RD, ref 2a 1039 (age 85) |
Death of a father | John Lovelock between January 1966 and March 1966 (Age 55 years) Text: Surrey Southeastern RD, ref 5g 383 (age 78) |
Death of a mother | Kate Wisker between April 1969 and June 1969 (Age 58 years) Text: Croydon RD, ref 5a 1808 |
Death of a husband | Herbert John Aldhous between January 1980 and March 1980 (Age 69 years) Text: Surrey South-eastern RD, ref 17 1006 |
Death of a brother | Henry James Lovelock 12 December 1992 (Age 82 years) Text: Macclesfield RD, ref 35 787 |
Death of a sister | Irene Margery Lovelock January 1997 (Age 86 years) Text: Surrey South East RD, ref 1B1F 227 (registered in the name of Margery Irene Birchall) |
Death | June 1998 (Age 87 years) Text: Surrey South-eastern RD, ref 1B5F 71 |
Family with parents |
father |
John Lovelock Birth: 2 January 1888 32 29 — Ibworth, Hampshire, England Death: between January 1966 and March 1966 |
mother |
Kate Wisker Birth: 9 December 1888 — Walthamstow, Essex, England Death: between April 1969 and June 1969 |
Marriage: between April 1910 and June 1910 — |
8 months herself |
Nora Elizabeth Lovelock Birth: 30 November 1910 22 21 — Marylebone, London, England Death: June 1998 |
14 months younger brother |
Henry James Lovelock Birth: 10 February 1912 24 23 Death: 12 December 1992 |
3 years younger sister |
Irene Margery Lovelock Birth: 5 March 1915 27 26 — Chingford, Essex, England Death: January 1997 |
2 years younger brother |
Jack Alexander Lovelock Birth: between January 1917 and March 1917 28 28 Death: between April 2014 and June 2014 |
Family with Herbert John Aldhous |
husband |
Herbert John Aldhous Birth: 2 November 1909 Death: between January 1980 and March 1980 |
herself |
Nora Elizabeth Lovelock Birth: 30 November 1910 22 21 — Marylebone, London, England Death: June 1998 |
son |
Roy Herbert John Aldhous |
son |
Brian Frederick G Aldhous Birth: between July 1936 and September 1936 26 25 Death: between July 2012 and September 2012 |
daughter |
Janet J Aldhous |
Birth | GRO Index of births - Free BMD/Ancestry Text: Marylebone RD, ref 1a 514 (registered in Jan-Mar 1911) |
Death | GRO Index of Deaths - Free BMD/Ancestry Text: Surrey South-eastern RD, ref 1B5F 71 |
Birth | Date of birth included in death registration entry. |
Census | 39 Portman Buildings, Marylebone, London, England RG14 PN572 RG78 PN20 RD7 SD3 ED15 SN56 John Lovelock;Head;23;Police Constable Metropolitan Police;Ibworth, Hants Kate Lovelock;Wife, married 1 year;22;;Walthamstow, Essex Nora Elizabeth Lovelock;Daur;4mos;;Marylebone, London |
Census | 9 Salisbury Road, South Chingford, Epping RD, Essex John Lovelock;Head;33y 5m;Kingsclere, Hampshire;Police Constable Metropolitan Police Kate Lovelock;Wife;32y 6m;Walthamstow, Essex;Home Duties Nora Lovelock;Daughter;10y 7m;Marylebone, London James Lovelock;Son:9y 4m;Marylebone, London Margery Lovelock;Daughter;6y 3m;Chingford, Essex Jack Lovelock;Son;4y 4m;Chingford, Essex Caroline Wisker;Mother in Law;70y 4m;St George's, London;None (sic) |