Arthur BURTONAge: 0 days1885–1885
- Name
- Arthur BURTON
- Given names
- Arthur
- Surname
Birth | between July 1885 and September 1885 35 24 Text: Thanet RD, ref 2a 905 |
Death | between July 1885 and September 1885 Text: Thanet RD, ref 2a 486 (age 0) |
Family with parents |
father |
Frank BURTON Birth: between 1850 and 1851 — Brighton, Sussex, England Death: |
mother |
Eliza Jane LOVELOCK Birth: 18 December 1860 38 21 — Maidstone, Kent, England Death: between April 1947 and June 1947 |
Marriage: between April 1880 and June 1880 — Thanet RD, Kent, England |
9 months elder sister |
Edith Jane BURTON Birth: between October 1880 and December 1880 30 19 — Margate, Kent, England Death: |
21 months elder brother |
Frank BURTON Birth: between April 1882 and June 1882 32 21 — Margate, Kent, England Death: |
2 years elder sister |
Fanny Maud BURTON Birth: between April 1884 and June 1884 34 23 Death: between April 1885 and June 1885 |
18 months himself |
Arthur BURTON Birth: between July 1885 and September 1885 35 24 Death: between July 1885 and September 1885 |
21 months younger brother |
Albert Lewis BURTON Birth: between January 1887 and March 1887 37 26 — Margate, Kent, England Death: between January 1952 and March 1952 |
3 years younger sister |
Louisa BURTON Birth: between April 1889 and June 1889 39 28 Death: between April 1890 and June 1890 |
2 years younger brother |
William BURTON Birth: March 1891 41 30 — Margate, Kent, England Death: between October 1892 and December 1892 |
2 years younger sister |
Annie Elizabeth BURTON Birth: between April 1893 and June 1893 43 32 — Margate, Kent, England Death: |
3 years younger sister |
Dorothy Kate BURTON Birth: between October 1895 and December 1895 45 34 — Margate, Kent, England Death: |
13 months younger sister |
Clara Louisa BURTON Birth: 2 November 1896 46 35 — Margate, Kent, England Death: 1987 |
20 months younger sister |
Florence Adeline BURTON Birth: between April 1898 and June 1898 48 37 — Margate, Kent, England Death: |
3 years younger sister |
Lilian BURTON Birth: between October 1900 and December 1900 50 39 — Dover, Kent, England Death: |
Birth | GRO Online Indices of Births and Deaths Text: Thanet RD, ref 2a 905 |
Death | GRO data at Ancestry or Findmypast Text: Thanet RD, ref 2a 486 (age 0) |