Marie Veronica FISHAge: 78 years1925–2003
- Name
- Marie Veronica FISH
- Given names
- Marie Veronica
- Surname
Birth | about 1925 Source: 1950 US Census |
Birth of a son #1 | Thomas William LOVELOCK 9 July 1950 (Age 25 years) Source: FamilySearch website data |
Death | 26 May 2003 (Age 78 years) Source: FamilySearch website data |
Family with William Donald LOVELOCK |
husband |
William Donald LOVELOCK Birth: 28 January 1927 27 24 — Hollis, New York, USA Death: 23 September 2011 — Brooksville, Hernando, Florida, USA |
herself |
Marie Veronica FISH Birth: about 1925 — Trenton, Mercer, New Jersey, USA Death: 26 May 2003 — Brooksville, Hernando, Florida, USA |
son |
Thomas William LOVELOCK Birth: 9 July 1950 23 25 — New York, USA Death: 10 December 2016 — Rome, Floyd County, Georgia, USA |
daughter |