This file contains a number of Wiltshire Lovelock Trees. The different trees, together with a link to the progenitor of each, are as follows:
- The Lyneham Line - Abraham Lovelock (? - 1703), who married Priscilla Greenaway on 15 July 1689 at Wroughton, Wiltshire
- The Lyneham Tree 2 - Hannah Lovelock (1790 - ?), whose son William Lovelock was baptised on 17 March 1816 at Lyneham, Wiltshire
- The Ramsbury Tree - Thomas Lovelock (? - 1695), who was buried on 19 January 1695 at Ramsbury, Wiltshire
- The Shrewton Tree - John Lovelock (1770 - 1835), who married Mary Foyle on 29 January 1798 at Shrewton, Wiltshire
- The Warminster Tree - John Lovelock (? - ?) who married Agnes Deadman on 24 September 1599 at Warminster, Wiltshire
- The Wootton Rivers Tree 2 - John Lovelock (? - 1749), who married Mary Winter on 15 October 1739 at Wootton Rivers, Wiltshire
The file previously included the Wroughton-Tidcombe tree, but this has been moved into the Ropley-Tidcombe Trees gedcom file.
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This family tree was last updated on February 11, 2025.
Record | Last change | by | |
Margaret Sybil Jackson | January 23, 2025 - 2:51:52 p.m. | graham rl | |
Jessica Mary Rogers | February 4, 2025 - 1:02:33 p.m. | graham rl | |
Margaret Shirley Mort | February 11, 2025 - 4:11:02 p.m. | graham rl |