Trained at Queen Charlotte Maternity Hospital - According to notes prepared by Edwin Davies (letter …

Shared note
Shared note:  Trained at Queen Charlotte Maternity Hospital - According to notes prepared by Edwin Davies (letter …
Trained at Queen Charlotte Maternity Hospital - According to notes prepared by Edwin Davies (letter to Morgan 29 Jan 1993) Anna moved to Wales on marriage, and returned to Berkshire on her husband's death, which occurred only 15 months after the marriage. This seems to be inconsistent with the three children claimed by Percy! - and doubtful that they would be with a second husband because of her age (also note that her death regsitration is in the name DAVIES) so I have removed the childrenfrom the data base. No sign of a 1901 census return. DATA: TEXT DATE 4 Oct 1860

Given names Surname GIVN SURN Sosa SOSA Birth SORT_BIRT Place NCHI Death SORT_DEAT Age AGE Place Last change CHAN SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
Anna Wiltshire Davies
Anna WiltshireAAAADaviesDaviesAAAAAnna Wiltshire 014 September 18602400668163Englefield, Berkshire, England0013 December 191524208451085520177Wallingford, Berkshire, England  FYESYES