Died on 6 Sept, 1976, when she was 71 years old, [so] she was born [in] 1905.

Shared note
Shared note:  Died on 6 Sept, 1976, when she was 71 years old, [so] she was born [in] 1905.
Died on 6 Sept, 1976, when she was 71 years old, [so] she was born [in] 1905. From email Andrés Lovelocuk Olivos 8-May-08: I concluded that is impossible that Rosa Loveluck was born 5 Jan 1905, 11 years after her penultimate brother Santiago, [...] 5 Jan 1905 appears as her birth date in her death certificate, but as I explained you before, is not possible, moreover I figured out her age in the pictures and didn't fit with 1905 as her birth date,

Given names Surname GIVN SURN Sosa SOSA Birth SORT_BIRT Place NCHI Death SORT_DEAT Age AGE Place Last change CHAN SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
Mariá Rosa Loveluck Macpherson
Mariá RosaAAAALoveluck MacphersonLoveluck MacphersonAAAAMariá Rosa 0about 18952413377129116 September 19762443028478129833San Miguel, Santiago, Chile  FYESY100