Clifford James CLATWORTHYAge: 94 years1909–2003
- Name
- Clifford James CLATWORTHY
- Given names
- Clifford James
- Surname
Birth | September 26, 1909 Source: Data at |
Birth of a son #1 | Allan James CLATWORTHY August 6, 1942 (Age 32 years) |
Death of a son | Allan James CLATWORTHY October 6, 1943 (Age 34 years) |
Death | November 19, 2003 (Age 94 years) Source: Data at |
Family with Gertrude Anne LOVELOCK |
himself |
Clifford James CLATWORTHY Birth: September 26, 1909 — Craven, Saskatchewan, Canada Death: November 19, 2003 — Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada |
wife |
Gertrude Anne LOVELOCK Birth: April 19, 1914 41 28 — Gibbs, Saskatchewan, Canada Death: December 6, 2004 — Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada |
son |
Allan James CLATWORTHY Birth: August 6, 1942 32 28 Death: October 6, 1943 |
daughter |
Elaine Dawne CLATWORTHY |
daughter |
Irene Linda CLATWORTHY |
son |
Wayne Douglas CLATWORTHY |