Cholderton Tree

Henry Lovelock LOVELOCKAge: 48 years18621910

Henry Lovelock LOVELOCK
Given names
Henry Lovelock
Birth between July 1862 and September 1862 27 28
Citation details: Dursley RD, ref 6a 192
Quality of data: primary evidence
Birth of a brotherGeorge LOVELOCK
May 1867 (Age 4 years)
Citation details: Dursley RD, ref 6a 220
Quality of data: primary evidence
Christening of a brotherGeorge LOVELOCK
June 9, 1867 (Age 4 years)
Death of a brotherGeorge LOVELOCK
between October 1867 and December 1867 (Age 5 years)
Citation details: Dursley RD, ref 6a 142 (age 0)
Quality of data: primary evidence
Burial of a brotherGeorge LOVELOCK
December 1, 1867 (Age 5 years)
Shared note: Age 7 months.
Death of a paternal grandmotherHarriet SHIPWAY
about June 1869 (Age 6 years)

Dursley RD, ref 6a 131 (age 75) (registered in Jul-Sep quarter)

Quality of data: primary evidence
Burial of a paternal grandmotherHarriet SHIPWAY
June 15, 1869 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a sisterEmma Eliza LOVELOCK
January 1871 (Age 8 years)
Citation details: Dursley RD, ref 6a 231 (registered in Apr-Jun quarter)
Quality of data: primary evidence
Death of a sisterEmma Eliza LOVELOCK
between July 1871 and September 1871 (Age 9 years)
Citation details: Dursley RD, ref 6a 133 (age 0)
Quality of data: primary evidence
Census 1871 (Age 8 years)
Note: Quarry, Cam, Gloocestershire, England
Birth of a brotherWilliam Clifford LOVELOCK
February 16, 1873 (Age 10 years)
Citation details: Dursley RD, ref 6a 242
Quality of data: primary evidence
Shared note: William's date of birth was recorded as 16 Feb 1875 in the 1901 Canada Census.
Christening of a brotherWilliam Clifford LOVELOCK
February 17, 1873 (Age 10 years)
Census 1881 (Age 18 years)
Note: Kings Head Inn, Dursley, Gloucestershire, England
MarriageAmelia Prudence SMITHView this family
between October 1883 and December 1883 (Age 21 years)

Citation details: Bedminster RD, ref 5c 1312
Quality of data: primary evidence
Birth of a daughter
Emily Gertrude LOVELOCK
between April 1884 and June 1884 (Age 21 years)
Citation details: Dursley RD, ref 6a 251
Quality of data: primary evidence
Birth of a daughter
Mabel Edith LOVELOCK
between July 1885 and September 1885 (Age 23 years)
Citation details: Dursley RD, ref 6a 244
Quality of data: primary evidence
Note: The 1939 Register apparently gives the date of birth as 24 Jul 1886, but the image is obscured. There is no corresponding Free BMD entry.
Death of a daughterEmily Gertrude LOVELOCK
between October 1885 and December 1885 (Age 23 years)
Citation details: Dursley RD, ref 6a 149 (age 1)
Quality of data: primary evidence
Burial of a daughterEmily Gertrude LOVELOCK
December 3, 1885 (Age 23 years)
Birth of a son
Archibald LOVELOCK
April 29, 1887 (Age 24 years)
Citation details: Dursley RD, ref 6a 237
Quality of data: primary evidence
Christening of a daughterMabel Edith LOVELOCK
July 8, 1887 (Age 25 years)
Christening of a sonArchibald LOVELOCK
July 8, 1887 (Age 25 years)
Birth of a daughter
Ella Gertrude LOVELOCK
between April 1889 and June 1889 (Age 26 years)
Citation details: Dursley RD, ref 6a 237
Quality of data: primary evidence
Birth of a daughter
Maria Cordelia LOVELOCK
February 4, 1891 (Age 28 years)
Citation details: Dursley RD, ref 6a 249
Quality of data: primary evidence
Shared note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Census 1891 (Age 28 years)

Note: Fort Fields, Dursley, Gloucestershire, England
Birth of a daughter
Lillian Maggie LOVELOCK
March 27, 1893 (Age 30 years)

Dursley RD, ref 6a 250 (registered in Apr-Jun quarter)

Birth of a daughter
Dorris Eveline LOVELOCK
April 10, 1895 (Age 32 years)
Citation details: Dursley RD, ref 6a 241
Quality of data: primary evidence
Christening of a daughterDorris Eveline LOVELOCK
June 2, 1895 (Age 32 years)

Baptised as Doris Evelyn Lovelock.

Birth of a son
Arthur Charles LOVELOCK
July 20, 1897 (Age 35 years)
Citation details: Dursley RD, ref 6a 247
Quality of data: primary evidence
Shared note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Birth of a son
Henry Stewart LOVELOCK
between January 1900 and March 1900 (Age 37 years)
Citation details: Dursley RD, ref 6a 293
Quality of data: primary evidence
Death of a sonHenry Stewart LOVELOCK
between January 1900 and March 1900 (Age 37 years)
Citation details: Dursley RD, ref 6a 203 (age 0)
Quality of data: primary evidence
Burial of a sonHenry Stewart LOVELOCK
February 3, 1900 (Age 37 years)
Census 1901 (Age 38 years)
Note: Fort Fields, Dursley, Gloucestershire, England
Death of a fatherCharles LOVELOCK
between April 1909 and June 1909 (Age 46 years)
Citation details: Gloucester RD, ref 6a 171 (age 74)
Quality of data: primary evidence
Marriage of a childErnest Edward ATKINSMabel Edith LOVELOCKView this family
between July 1909 and September 1909 (Age 47 years)
Citation details: Dursley RD, ref 6a 545
Quality of data: primary evidence
Death between July 1910 and August 1910 (Age 48 years)
Citation details: Dursley RD, ref 6a 125 (age 48)
Quality of data: primary evidence
Burial August 16, 1910 (Age 48 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: December 10, 1857Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England
9 months
elder sister
Ellen Eliza LOVELOCK
Birth: August 1858 23 24Dursley RD, Dursley, Gloucestershire, England
Death: between April 1859 and June 1859Dursley RD, Dursley, Gloucestershire, England
20 months
elder brother
3 years
5 years
younger brother
Birth: May 1867 32 33Dursley RD, Dursley, Gloucestershire, England
Death: between October 1867 and December 1867Dursley RD, Dursley, Gloucestershire, England
4 years
younger sister
Birth: January 1871 36 37Cam, Gloucestershire, England
Death: between July 1871 and September 1871Dursley RD, Dursley, Gloucestershire, England
2 years
younger brother
Family with Amelia Prudence SMITH - View this family
Marriage: between October 1883 and December 1883
9 months
Emily Gertrude LOVELOCK
Birth: between April 1884 and June 1884 21 31Dursley, Gloucestershire, England
Death: between October 1885 and December 1885Dursley RD, Dursley, Gloucestershire, England
18 months
Mabel Edith LOVELOCK
Birth: between July 1885 and September 1885 23 32Dursley, Gloucestershire, England
Death: between January 1958 and March 1958Gloucester City RD, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England
22 months
Archibald LOVELOCK
Birth: April 29, 1887 24 34Dursley, Gloucestershire, England
Death: January 25, 1966Stroud RD, Stroud, Gloucestershire, England
2 years
Ella Gertrude LOVELOCK
Birth: between April 1889 and June 1889 26 36Dursley, Gloucestershire, England
Death: between October 1964 and December 1964Lewes RD, Lewes, Susex, England
22 months
2 years
2 years
2 years
Arthur Charles LOVELOCK
Birth: July 20, 1897 35 44Dursley, Gloucestershire, England
Death: December 19, 1985Stroud RD, Stroud, Gloucestershire, England
3 years
Henry Stewart LOVELOCK
Birth: between January 1900 and March 1900 37 47Dursley, Gloucestershire, England
Death: between January 1900 and March 1900Dursley RD, Dursley, Gloucestershire, England

BirthGRO Index of Births
Citation details: Dursley RD, ref 6a 192
Quality of data: primary evidence
Census1871 UK Census
Census1881 UK Census
MarriageGRO Index of Marriages
Citation details: Bedminster RD, ref 5c 1312
Quality of data: primary evidence
Census1891 UK Census
Census1901 UK Census
DeathGRO Index of Deaths
Citation details: Dursley RD, ref 6a 125 (age 48)
Quality of data: primary evidence
BurialLovelocks in Gloucestershire data on Lovelock Family History website

Quarry, Cam, Gloocestershire, England RG10 2595 F13 P17

Charles Lovelock;Head;33;Ag Lab;Stinchcombe, Glos Mary Lovelock;Wife;34;;Berkeley, Glos John Lovelock;Son;11;;Cam, Glos Henry Lovelock;Son;8;;Cam, Glos Emma E Lovelock;Daur;3mos;;Cam, Glos


Kings Head Inn, Dursley, Gloucestershire, England RG11 2520 F12 P17

Charles Lovelock;Head;43;Agricultural Labourer;Stinchcombe, Glos Mary Lovelock;Wife;44;;Berkeley, Glos Henry Lovelock;Son;18;General Labourer;Cam, Glos William Lovelock;Son;8;;Stinchcombe, Glos Esau Hill;Boarder;65;General Labourer;Cam, Glos George Cox;Boarder;35;Plasterer;Coaley, Glos


Fort Fields, Dursley, Gloucestershire, England RG12 2003 F22 P8

Henry Lovelock;Head;29;Groom;Dursley, Glos Amelia Lovelock;Wife;36;;Dursley, Glos Gilbert Smith;Son;14;Halter weaver;Dursley, Glos Mabel Lovelock;Daur;5;;Dursley, Glos Archibald Lovelock;Son;3;;Dursley, Glos Ella Lovelock;Daur;2;;Dursley, Glos Maria Lovelock;Daur;2mos;;Dursley, Glos


Fort Fields, Dursley, Gloucestershire, England RG13 2416 F24 P10

Henry Lovelock;Head;39;Gardener Domestic;Stinchcombe, Glos Amelia Lovelock;Wife;44;;Dursley, Glos Mabel Lovelock;Daur;15;;Dursley, Glos Archibald Lovelock;Son;13;;Dursley, Glos Ella Lovelock;Daur;12;;Dursley, Glos Lilian Lovelock;Daur;10;;Dursley, Glos Doris Lovelock;Daur;5;;Dursley, Glos Charles Lovelock;Son;3;;Dursley, Glos