Wallingford Berks Line

Mary Louisa ParsonsAge: 46 years18471893

Mary Louisa Parsons
Given names
Mary Louisa
Birth February 20, 1847
Publication: Personal Research Papers
MarriageJohn Frederick LovelockView this family
July 10, 1863 (Age 16 years)
Publication: http://lovelock.free.fr/documents/aus/bmd_vic_au.html

Marriage 1863 LOVELOCK John Frederick and PARSONS Mary Louisa, 2246


Marriage 1863 Australia Lovelock John Frederick [Spouse] Parsons Mary Louise [Copy of certificate held by Shaun Eastment]

Shared note: At time of marriage John Lovelock was 24 and Mary Louise Parsons was only 16 and required her father, Charles Parson's, permission. Banns were proclaimed.
Birth of a son
Charles Frederick Lovelock
June 26, 1864 (Age 17 years)
Publication: Personal Research Papers
Publication: http://lovelock.free.fr/documents/aus/bmd_vic_au.html

Birth 1864 LOVELOCK Charles Frederic [Father] John Frederick [Mother] Mary Louise PARSONS [Birth Place] DAYL [Reg. No.] 14678

Birth of a son
John George Lovelock
April 26, 1867 (Age 20 years)
Publication: http://lovelock.free.fr/documents/aus/bmd_vic_au.html

1867 LOVELOCK John George [Father] John Frederick [Mother] Mary Louisa PARSONS [Birth Plave] DUNOLLY [Reg No] 7840

Birth of a daughter
Clara May Lovelock
May 1, 1869 (Age 22 years)
Publication: http://lovelock.free.fr/documents/aus/bmd_vic_au.html

Birth 1869 LOVELOCK Clara May [Father] Thomas Daniel [sic] [Mother] Mary Louisa PARSONS [Birth Place] DUNOLLY [Reg No] 8258

Publication: Personal Research Papers
Birth of a son
Arthur Lovelock
December 3, 1871 (Age 24 years)

Copy of Death Certificate held by Shaun Eastment.

Death of a sonArthur Lovelock
December 5, 1871 (Age 24 years)

Copy of Death Certificate held by Shaun Eastment.

Birth of a daughter
Ethel Mary Lovelock
June 10, 1873 (Age 26 years)
Publication: Personal Research Papers
Publication: http://lovelock.free.fr/documents/aus/bmd_vic_au.html

1873 LOVELOCK Ethel Mary [Father] John Fredk [Mother] Mary Louisa PARSONS [Birth Place] BALLT [Reg No] 14249

Birth of a daughter
Eva Lovelock
March 15, 1877 (Age 30 years)
Publication: http://lovelock.free.fr/documents/aus/bmd_vic_au.html

1877 LOVELOCK Eda [sic] [Father] John Frederick [Mother] Mary Louisa PARSONS [Birth Place] BALLT [Reg No] 517

Death of a daughterEva Lovelock
May 26, 1877 (Age 30 years)
Publication: http://lovelock.free.fr/documents/aus/bmd_vic_au.html

1877 LOVELOCK Eda [Father] John Frederi [Mother] Mary Louisa PARSONS [Age] 14D [Death Place] BALLARAT [Reg No] 298


Death Certificate held by Shaun Eastment.

Birth of a daughter
Minnie Arabella Lovelock
November 1, 1878 (Age 31 years)
Publication: http://lovelock.free.fr/documents/aus/bmd_vic_au.html

Birth 1878 LOVELOCK Minnie Arabella [Father] John Frederick [Mother] Mary Louisa PARSONS [Birth Place] MELB [Reg No] 24314

Marriage of a childCharles Frederick LovelockElizabeth Margaret WattView this family
February 14, 1887 (Age 39 years)
Publication: http://lovelock.free.fr/documents/aus/bmd_vic_au.html

Marriage 1888 LOVELOCK Charles Frederick and WATTS Elizabeth Margaret [Birth Place] DFORD [Reg No] 2119

Note registered 1888 not 1887.

Publication: Personal Research Papers
Shared note: Electoral Year: 1914
Marriage of a childJohn George LovelockLilias Elizabeth Emily RidgewayView this family
August 7, 1889 (Age 42 years)
Publication: http://lovelock.free.fr/documents/aus/bmd_vic_au.html

Marriage 1889 LOVELOCK Jno Geo [Spouse] RIDGWAY Lillias Elizth Emily [Birth Place] DUNOLLY [Reg. No] 4655


Marriage certificate held by Shaun Eastment.

Death of a sonJohn George Lovelock
December 30, 1890 (Age 43 years)
Publication: http://lovelock.free.fr/documents/aus/bmd_vic_au.html

Death 1891 LOVELOCK Jno Geo [Father] Jno Fred [Mother] Mary Louisa PARSONS [Age] 23 [Death Place] Bmsh [Reg No] 125


Copy of death certificate held by Shaun Eastment.

Marriage of a childCecil Spencer Alwyne ComptonClara May LovelockView this family
November 7, 1891 (Age 44 years)
Publication: http://lovelock.free.fr/documents/aus/bmd_vic_au.html

Marriage 1891 LOVELOCK Clara [Spouse] COMPTON Cecil [Birth Place] DUNOLLY [Reg No] 6946

Shared note: Clara Lovelock and her husband Cecil Compton went to live in Moss Vale, NSW about 1891/2 until 1903/4 when they separated and Cecil moved to Croydon in Sydney. Cecil was a concert pianist/organist. He was an organist at Grafton Cathedral and New Zealand. The children stayed with Clara.
Death July 22, 1893 (Age 46 years)
Publication: http://lovelock.free.fr/documents/aus/bmd_vic_au.html

Death 1893 LOVELOCK Mary Louisa [Father] Parsons Chas [Mother] Arabella HUGHES [Age] 46 [Death Place] B Msh [Reg No] 8346

Publication: Familysearch.org

Name: Mary L Lovelock Occupation: Licd Victualler Death Date: 22 Jul 1893 Event Place: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Residence City: Bacchus Marsh Event Date: 07 Oct 1893 Series Number: 53 Record Number: 036

Publication: Personal Research Papers
Family with parents - View this family
Family with John Frederick Lovelock - View this family
Marriage: July 10, 1863Daylesford, Victoria, Australia
1 year
3 years
2 years
3 years
Arthur Lovelock
Birth: December 3, 1871Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
Death: December 5, 1871Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
18 months
Ethel Mary Lovelock
Birth: June 10, 1873Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
Death: May 27, 1895Albert Park, Victoria, Australia
4 years
Eva Lovelock
Birth: March 15, 1877Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
Death: May 26, 1877Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
20 months
John Frederick Lovelock + Margaret Elizabeth Tanner - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: January 10, 1894St Michael's, Carlton, Victoria, Australia
2 years

BirthGwen Eastment
Publication: Personal Research Papers
MarriageVictoria, Australia - Civil Registration Index
Publication: http://lovelock.free.fr/documents/aus/bmd_vic_au.html

Marriage 1863 LOVELOCK John Frederick and PARSONS Mary Louisa, 2246

MarriageMarriage Certificate

Marriage 1863 Australia Lovelock John Frederick [Spouse] Parsons Mary Louise [Copy of certificate held by Shaun Eastment]

DeathVictoria, Australia - Civil Registration Index
Publication: http://lovelock.free.fr/documents/aus/bmd_vic_au.html

Death 1893 LOVELOCK Mary Louisa [Father] Parsons Chas [Mother] Arabella HUGHES [Age] 46 [Death Place] B Msh [Reg No] 8346

DeathProbate Registers Index, Victoria, Australia
Publication: Familysearch.org

Name: Mary L Lovelock Occupation: Licd Victualler Death Date: 22 Jul 1893 Event Place: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Residence City: Bacchus Marsh Event Date: 07 Oct 1893 Series Number: 53 Record Number: 036

BurialGwen Eastment
Publication: Personal Research Papers

At time of marriage John Lovelock was 24 and Mary Louise Parsons was only 16 and required her father, Charles Parson's, permission. Banns were proclaimed.

Shared note

Probable birth in GRO: Name: Mary Louisa Parsons Registration Year: 1847 Registration Quarter: Jan-Feb-Mar Registration district: Wycombe Inferred County: Buckinghamshire Volume: 6 Page: 458