Frederick Tom PADWICKAge: 82 years1872–1954
- Name
- Frederick Tom PADWICK
- Given names
- Frederick Tom
- Surname
Birth | between April 1872 and June 1872 Source: Free BMD/GRO Indexes Text: Stockbridge RD, ref 2c 93 |
Marriage | Ada Jane LOVELOCK — View this family between January 1900 and March 1900 (Age 27 years) Source: Free BMD/GRO Indexes Text: Andover RD, ref 2c 343 |
Census | 1901 (Age 28 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Albert William PADWICK May 28, 1902 (Age 30 years) Source: Free BMD/GRO Indexes Text: Andover RD, ref 2c 241 (registered in Jul-Sep quarter) Shared note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Birth of a daughter #2 | Alice May PADWICK June 5, 1904 (Age 32 years) Source: Free BMD/GRO Indexes Text: Andover RD, ref 2c 246 Shared note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Birth of a son #3 | Harold Alfred PADWICK July 11, 1908 (Age 36 years) Source: Free BMD/GRO Indexes Text: Andover RD, ref 2c 250 Shared note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Census | 1911 (Age 38 years) |
Death | between April 1954 and June 1954 (Age 82 years) Source: Free BMD/GRO Indexes Text: Andover RD, ref 6b 48 (age 82) |
Family with Ada Jane LOVELOCK |
himself |
Frederick Tom PADWICK Birth: between April 1872 and June 1872 — Longstock, Hampshire, England Death: between April 1954 and June 1954 |
wife |
Ada Jane LOVELOCK Birth: between April 1873 and June 1873 34 26 — St George Hanover Square, Middlesex, England Death: between January 1961 and March 1961 |
Marriage: between January 1900 and March 1900 — |
2 years son |
Albert William PADWICK Birth: May 28, 1902 30 29 — Andover, Hampshire, England Death: April 1988 |
2 years daughter |
Alice May PADWICK Birth: June 5, 1904 32 31 — Andover, Hampshire, England Death: September 1989 |
4 years son |
Harold Alfred PADWICK Birth: July 11, 1908 36 35 — Andover, Hampshire, England Death: April 2005 |
Birth | Free BMD/GRO Indexes Text: Stockbridge RD, ref 2c 93 |
Marriage | Free BMD/GRO Indexes Text: Andover RD, ref 2c 343 |
Death | Free BMD/GRO Indexes Text: Andover RD, ref 6b 48 (age 82) |
Census | High Street, Stockbridge, Hampshire, England RG13 1079 F64 P12 Frederick T Padwick;Head;29;Brick Labourer;Longstock, Hants Ada J Padwick;Wife;27;;Belgrave Sq, London, Middx William Barnstock;Boarder;50;General Labourer;Longstock, Hants |
Census | 31 London Street, Andover, Hampshire, England RG14 PN6343 RG78 PN305 RD112 SD3 ED6 SN383 Frederick Tom Padwick;Head;39;Brewers Drayman;Longstock, Hants Mary (sic) Jane Padwick;Wife, married 11 years;37;;Belgrave Square, London Albert William Padwick;Son;8;;Andover, Hants Alice May Padwick;Daur;6;;Andover, Hants Harold Alfred Padwick;Son;2;;Andover, Hants |