Elizabeth LovelockAge: 100 years1824–1924
- Name
- Elizabeth Lovelock
- Given names
- Elizabeth
- Surname
- Lovelock
Birth | about 1824 39 22 Source: 1851 Census |
Marriage of parents | William Lovelock — Hannah Knapp — View this family January 1, 1824 Note: William was recorded as being resident at 'Kintbury, Berkshire'.
Christening | July 25, 1824 Source: Kintbury Parish Registers |
Birth of a brother | Thomas Lovelock about 1826 (Age 2 years) Source: 1851 Census |
Christening of a brother | Thomas Lovelock October 18, 1826 (Age 2 years) Source: Kintbury Parish Registers |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Thomas Lovelock April 1828 (Age 4 years) |
Burial of a paternal grandfather | Thomas Lovelock April 19, 1828 (Age 4 years) |
Birth of a brother | William Lovelock about 1830 (Age 6 years) Source: 1851 Census |
Christening of a brother | William Lovelock March 24, 1830 (Age 6 years) Source: Kintbury Parish Registers |
Birth of a brother | Francis Lovelock about 1831 (Age 7 years) Source: 1851 Census |
Christening of a brother | Francis Lovelock January 8, 1832 (Age 8 years) |
Birth of a sister | Ellen Lovelock about 1833 (Age 9 years) Source: 1851 Census |
Christening of a sister | Ellen Lovelock December 27, 1833 (Age 9 years) |
Birth of a brother | George Lovelock about 1835 (Age 11 years) Source: 1851 Census |
Death of a father | William Lovelock about February 1835 (Age 11 years) |
Burial of a father | William Lovelock February 18, 1835 (Age 11 years) Source: Data on Findmypast website |
Christening of a brother | George Lovelock April 1, 1835 (Age 11 years) |
Birth of a sister | Kate Lovelock between 1836 and 1838 (Age 12 years) Source: 1841 Census Source: 1851 Census |
Census | 1841 (Age 17 years) |
Census | 1851 (Age 27 years) |
Census | 1861 (Age 37 years) |
Death of a brother | William Lovelock between July 1867 and September 1867 (Age 43 years) Text: Newbury RD, ref 2c 126 (age 37) |
Census | 1881 (Age 57 years) |
Census | 1891 (Age 67 years) |
Death of a mother | Hannah Knapp between January 1892 and March 1892 (Age 68 years) Text: Newbury RD, ref 2c 239 (age 89) |
Death of a brother | Thomas Lovelock May 16, 1893 (Age 69 years) Text: Newbury RD, ref 2c 149 (age 66) |
Death of a brother | George Lovelock between April 1899 and June 1899 (Age 75 years) Text: Kingsclere RD, ref 2c 143 (age 64) |
Census | 1901 (Age 77 years) |
Death of a sister | Kate Lovelock between July 1904 and September 1904 (Age 80 years) Text: Kingsclere RD, ref 2c 127 (age 67) |
Census | 1911 (Age 87 years) |
Death of a brother | Francis Lovelock March 29, 1921 (Age 97 years) Text: Newbury RD, ref 2c 328 (age 89) |
Burial of a brother | Francis Lovelock April 1, 1921 (Age 97 years) |
Death | between October 1924 and December 1924 (Age 100 years) Text: Newbury RD, ref 2c 269 (age 100) |
Family with parents |
father |
William Lovelock Birth: about 1785 46 37 Death: about February 1835 |
mother |
Hannah Knapp Birth: about 1802 — Boxford, Berkshire, England Death: between January 1892 and March 1892 |
Marriage: January 1, 1824 — St Mary, Reading, Berkshire, England |
1 year herself |
Elizabeth Lovelock Birth: about 1824 39 22 — Kintbury, Berkshire, England Death: between October 1924 and December 1924 |
3 years younger brother |
Thomas Lovelock Birth: about 1826 41 24 — Kintbury, Berkshire, England Death: May 16, 1893 — Newtown, Newbury, Berkshire, England |
5 years younger brother |
William Lovelock Birth: about 1830 45 28 — Kintbury, Berkshire, England Death: between July 1867 and September 1867 |
2 years younger brother |
Francis Lovelock Birth: about 1831 46 29 — Sandleford, Berkshire, England Death: March 29, 1921 — Curridge, Berkshire, England |
3 years younger sister |
Ellen Lovelock Birth: about 1833 48 31 — Sandleford, Berkshire, England Death: May 15, 1925 — Curridge, Berkshire, England |
3 years younger brother |
George Lovelock Birth: about 1835 50 33 — Sandleford, Berkshire, England Death: between April 1899 and June 1899 |
4 years younger sister |
Kate Lovelock Birth: between 1836 and 1838 51 34 — Sandleford, Berkshire, England Death: between July 1904 and September 1904 |
Birth | 1851 Census |
Christening | Kintbury Parish Registers |
Death | GRO data at Free BMD, Ancestry or Findmypast Text: Newbury RD, ref 2c 269 (age 100) |
Census | Itchingswell (sic), Hampshire, England HO107 392/8 F10 P15 Hannah Lovelock;35;Ind;Born in Hants Elizabeth Lovelock;15;Born in Hants Thomas Lovelock;14;Born in Hants William Lovelock;11;Born in Hants Francis Lovelock;9;Born in Hants Ellen Lovelock;7;Born in Hants George Lovelock;6;Born in Hants Kate Lovelock;4;Born in Hants Hannah Knapp;65;Born in Hants |
Census | Shoredeen Farm, Shaw c Donnington (sic), Berkshire, England HO107 1685 F560 P27 Hannah LOVELOCK;Head, W;47;Farmer of 115 acres employing 3 men;Boxford, Berks Elizabeth LOVELOCK;Daur, U;25;;Kintbury, Berks Thomas LOVELOCK;Son, U;23;;Kintbury, Berks William LOVELOCK;Son, U;21;;Kintbury, Berks Ellen LOVELOCK;Daur, U;17;;Sandford (sic), Berks George LOVELOCK;Son, U;15;;Sandleford, Berks Kate LOVELOCK;Daur, U;13;;Sandleford, Berks James BIRD;Ser, U;22;Farmer's Labourer;Greenham, Berks |
Census | Highclere, Hampshire, England RG9 717 F81 P1 Hannah Lovelock;Head, W;58;Farmer of 7 acres;Boxford, Berks Elizabeth Lovelock;Daur, Unm;34;;Kintbury, Berks Thos (sic) Lovelock;Son, Unm;32;;Kintbury, Berks Hannah Knapp;Mother, W;89;Fund holder;Eastgarston, Berks |
Census | Norman`s Farm, Burghclere, Hampshire, England RG11 1265 F19 P4 Thomas LOVELOCK;Head;54;Farmer 114 Acres Employing 2 Men;Kintbury, Berks Hannah LOVELOCK;Mother, W;78;;Boxford, Berks Elizabeth LOVELOCK;Sister;56;;Kintbury, Berks Kate LOVELOCK;Sister;42;;Newbury, Berks Francis LOVELOCK;Brother;49;Linnen Draper;Newbury, Berks |
Census | Newtown Common, Newbury, Berkshire, England RG12 969 F161 P7 Hannah Lovelock;Head, Wid;88;;Boxford, Berks Elizabeth Lovelock;Daur;66;;Kintbury, Berks Thomas Lovelock;Son;64;Farmer;Kintbury, Berks Francis Lovelock;Son;59;Farmers assistant;Newbury, Berks Kate Lovelock;Daur;52;;Newbury, Berks |
Census | The Common, Newtown, Kingsclere, Hampshire, England RG13 1118 F35 P18 Francis Lovelock;Head;69;Farmer;Sandleford, Berks Elizabeth Lovelock;Sister;76;;Kintbury, Berks Ellen Lovelock;Sister;67;;Sandleford, Berks Kate Lovelock;Sister;63;;Sandleford, Berks |
Census | Curridge, Newbury, Berkshire, England RG14PN6381 RG78PN310 RD114 SD2 ED6 SN81 Francis Lovelock;Head;79;No Occupation Private Means;Sandleford, Berks Elizabeth Lovelock;Sister;86;;Sandleford, Berks Ellen Lovelock;Sister;76;;Sandleford, Berks |