Hungerford - Shalbourne Tree

Joseph Thomas LovelockAge: 63 years18961959

Joseph Thomas Lovelock
Given names
Joseph Thomas
Birth April 10, 1896 26 22
Citation details: Joseph Thomas Lovelock was born in 2Q 1896 in St Saviour RD, ref 1d 315 (provided by Graham Lovelock)
Quality of data: primary evidence
Christening April 26, 1896 (Age 16 days)
Birth of a brotherJohn Lovelock
July 15, 1898 (Age 2 years)


St Saviour RD, ref 1d 7

Death of a brotherJohn Lovelock
September 5, 1898 (Age 2 years)

St Olave RD, ref 1d 118 (registered as Alfred John)

Birth of a brotherSamuel William Lovelock
July 5, 1900 (Age 4 years)

St Saviour RD, ref 1d 6

Shared note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Christening of a brotherSamuel William Lovelock
July 22, 1900 (Age 4 years)
Census 1901 (Age 4 years)

Note: 12 Charlotte St, Christchurch, Southwark, London, England
Birth of a sisterAgnes Maria Lovelock
between October 1902 and December 1902 (Age 6 years)


Southwark RD, ref 1d 2

Death of a sisterAgnes Maria Lovelock
between April 1903 and May 1903 (Age 6 years)


Holborn RD, ref 1b 368 (age 0)

Christening of a sisterAgnes Maria Lovelock
April 28, 1903 (Age 7 years)
Burial of a sisterAgnes Maria Lovelock
May 27, 1903 (Age 7 years)

The website entry records the name as Agnes Mary Lovelock.

Birth of a brotherHenry James Lovelock
between April 1904 and June 1904 (Age 7 years)


Southwark RD, ref 1d 6

Death of a sisterAlice Jane Lovelock
between January 1905 and March 1905 (Age 8 years)


Southwark RD, ref 1d 19 (age 11)

Burial of a sisterAlice Jane Lovelock
March 4, 1905 (Age 8 years)
Birth of a brotherWilliam Lovelock
August 23, 1907 (Age 11 years)


Southwark RD, ref 1d 2

Shared note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Birth of a sisterElsie Margaret Lovelock
between January 1910 and March 1910 (Age 13 years)


Southwark RD, ref 1d 4

Death of a sisterElsie Margaret Lovelock
about July 1910 (Age 14 years)


Southwark RD, ref 1d 3 (age 0)

Burial of a sisterElsie Margaret Lovelock
July 11, 1910 (Age 14 years)
Birth of a brotherEdwin James Lovelock
October 9, 1911 (Age 15 years)


Southwark RD, ref 1d 16

Note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Census 1911 (Age 14 years)

Note: 134 Stanhope Buildings, Red Cross St, Southwark, London, England
Death of a paternal grandfatherJames Lovelock
between July 1912 and September 1912 (Age 16 years)


Lambeth RD, ref 1d 279 (age 65)

MarriageEllen Sarah WardView this family
June 30, 1918 (Age 22 years)

Southwark RD, ref 1d 118

Birth of a son
Thomas Robert Joseph Lovelock
September 24, 1919 (Age 23 years)


Lambeth RD, ref 1d 488

Shared note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Birth of a son
William Richard Henry Lovelock
between October 1920 and December 1920 (Age 24 years)


Lambeth RD, ref 1d 417

Death of a sonWilliam Richard Henry Lovelock
between January 1921 and February 1921 (Age 24 years)


Lambeth RD, ref 1d 242 (age 0)

Burial of a sonWilliam Richard Henry Lovelock
February 7, 1921 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a daughter
Elsie Alice Ellen Lovelock
between January 1922 and March 1922 (Age 25 years)


Lambeth RD, ref 1d 476

Death of a daughterElsie Alice Ellen Lovelock
April 1922 (Age 25 years)


Lambeth RD, ref 1d 198 (age 0)

Burial of a daughterElsie Alice Ellen Lovelock
April 15, 1922 (Age 26 years)
Birth of a son
Stanley Edwin Lovelock
between April 1923 and June 1923 (Age 26 years)


Lambeth RD, ref 1d 432

Death of a sonStanley Edwin Lovelock
between April 1924 and May 1924 (Age 27 years)


Lambeth RD, ref 1d 170 (age 1)

Burial of a sonStanley Edwin Lovelock
May 20, 1924 (Age 28 years)
Birth of a daughter
Doris Edna Lovelock
between April 1925 and June 1925 (Age 28 years)


Lambeth RD, ref 1d 346

Death of a daughterDoris Edna Lovelock
between April 1926 and May 1926 (Age 29 years)


Lambeth RD, ref 1d 261 (age 1)

Burial of a daughterDoris Edna Lovelock
May 12, 1926 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a son
Charles Terence Lovelock
January 26, 1928 (Age 31 years)


Lambeth RD, ref 1d 360

Shared note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Birth of a daughter
June Rose Lovelock
June 12, 1935 (Age 39 years)


Lambeth RD, ref 1d 252

Death of a motherAlice Victoria Musto
August 9, 1941 (Age 45 years)


Southwark RD, ref 1d 7 (age 69)

Burial of a motherAlice Victoria Musto
August 15, 1941 (Age 45 years)
Death of a fatherJoseph James Lovelock
August 4, 1947 (Age 51 years)


Southwark RD, ref 5d 383 (age 77)

Burial of a fatherJoseph James Lovelock
August 9, 1947 (Age 51 years)
Death of a wifeEllen Sarah Ward
between April 1951 and June 1951 (Age 54 years)


Lambeth RD, ref 5c 1042 (age 51)

MarriageEmma Amelia KendrickView this family
between October 1951 and December 1951 (Age 55 years)


Lambeth RD, ref 5c 2521 (Emma married under her previously-married surname of Tomlin)

Marriage of a childCharles Terence LovelockDinah Amy Doris JohnsonView this family
between January 1953 and March 1953 (Age 56 years)


Lambeth RD, ref 5c 2795


Death December 12, 1959 (Age 63 years)


Lewisham RD, ref 5d 67 (age 63)

Cremation December 18, 1959 (6 days after death)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: August 14, 1892Christ Church, Southwark, London, England
13 months
elder sister
3 years
2 years
younger brother
John Lovelock
Birth: July 15, 1898 28 24
Death: September 5, 1898Guy's Hospital, London, England
2 years
younger brother
3 years
younger sister
21 months
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger sister
21 months
younger brother
Family with Ellen Sarah Ward - View this family
Marriage: June 30, 1918St Saviour, Southwark, London, England
15 months
15 months
18 months
18 months
2 years
3 years
7 years
Family with Emma Amelia Kendrick - View this family
Marriage: between October 1951 and December 1951

BirthGRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths
Citation details: Joseph Thomas Lovelock was born in 2Q 1896 in St Saviour RD, ref 1d 315 (provided by Graham Lovelock)
Quality of data: primary evidence
Birth1939 Register at Findmypast website
ChristeningLovelocks in Surrey data on main Lovelock website
MarriageLovelocks in Surrey data on main Lovelock website
MarriageGRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths

Southwark RD, ref 1d 118

MarriageGRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths

Lambeth RD, ref 5c 2521 (Emma married under her previously-married surname of Tomlin)

DeathGRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths

Lewisham RD, ref 5d 67 (age 63)

Death'Deceased Online' website
Cremation'Deceased Online' website

12 Charlotte St, Christchurch, Southwark, London, England RG13 359 F112 P8

Joseph Lovelock;Head;31;Furnace Stoker;Lambeth, London Alice Lovelock;Wife;27;;Lambeth, London Joseph T Lovelock;Son;4;;Lambeth, London Samuel W Lovelock;Son;8mos;;Lambeth, London


134 Stanhope Buildings, Red Cross St, Southwark, London, England RG14 PN1751 RG78 PN61 RD23 SD1 ED2 SN128

Joseph Lovelock;Head;43;Stoker Railway;England Joseph Thomas Lovelock;Son;14;Errand Boy;Southwark Boro (sic) Samuel William Lovelock;Son;10;;Southwark Boro Henry James Lovelock;Son;6;;Southwark Boro William Lovelock;Son;3;;Southwark Boro Alice Victoria Lovelock;Wife, married 18 years;38;;None stated