Joseph Thomas LovelockAge: 63 years1896–1959
- Name
- Joseph Thomas Lovelock
- Given names
- Joseph Thomas
- Surname
- Lovelock
Birth | April 10, 1896 26 22 Citation details: Joseph Thomas Lovelock was born in 2Q 1896 in St Saviour RD, ref 1d 315 (provided by Graham Lovelock) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Christening | April 26, 1896 (Age 16 days) |
Birth of a brother | John Lovelock July 15, 1898 (Age 2 years) Text: St Saviour RD, ref 1d 7 |
Death of a brother | John Lovelock September 5, 1898 (Age 2 years) Text: St Olave RD, ref 1d 118 (registered as Alfred John) |
Birth of a brother | Samuel William Lovelock July 5, 1900 (Age 4 years) Text: St Saviour RD, ref 1d 6 Shared note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Christening of a brother | Samuel William Lovelock July 22, 1900 (Age 4 years) |
Census | 1901 (Age 4 years) |
Birth of a sister | Agnes Maria Lovelock between October 1902 and December 1902 (Age 6 years) Text: Southwark RD, ref 1d 2 |
Death of a sister | Agnes Maria Lovelock between April 1903 and May 1903 (Age 6 years) Text: Holborn RD, ref 1b 368 (age 0) |
Christening of a sister | Agnes Maria Lovelock April 28, 1903 (Age 7 years) |
Burial of a sister | Agnes Maria Lovelock May 27, 1903 (Age 7 years) Source: 'Deceased Online' website Text: The website entry records the name as Agnes Mary Lovelock. |
Birth of a brother | Henry James Lovelock between April 1904 and June 1904 (Age 7 years) Text: Southwark RD, ref 1d 6 |
Death of a sister | Alice Jane Lovelock between January 1905 and March 1905 (Age 8 years) Text: Southwark RD, ref 1d 19 (age 11) |
Burial of a sister | Alice Jane Lovelock March 4, 1905 (Age 8 years) Source: 'Deceased Online' website |
Birth of a brother | William Lovelock August 23, 1907 (Age 11 years) Text: Southwark RD, ref 1d 2 Shared note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Birth of a sister | Elsie Margaret Lovelock between January 1910 and March 1910 (Age 13 years) Text: Southwark RD, ref 1d 4 |
Death of a sister | Elsie Margaret Lovelock about July 1910 (Age 14 years) Text: Southwark RD, ref 1d 3 (age 0) |
Burial of a sister | Elsie Margaret Lovelock July 11, 1910 (Age 14 years) Source: 'Deceased Online' website |
Birth of a brother | Edwin James Lovelock October 9, 1911 (Age 15 years) Text: Southwark RD, ref 1d 16 Note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Census | 1911 (Age 14 years) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | James Lovelock between July 1912 and September 1912 (Age 16 years) Text: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 279 (age 65) |
Marriage | Ellen Sarah Ward — View this family June 30, 1918 (Age 22 years) Text: Southwark RD, ref 1d 118 |
Birth of a son #1 | Thomas Robert Joseph Lovelock September 24, 1919 (Age 23 years) Text: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 488 Shared note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Birth of a son #2 | William Richard Henry Lovelock between October 1920 and December 1920 (Age 24 years) Text: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 417 |
Death of a son | William Richard Henry Lovelock between January 1921 and February 1921 (Age 24 years) Text: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 242 (age 0) |
Burial of a son | William Richard Henry Lovelock February 7, 1921 (Age 24 years) Source: 'Deceased Online' website |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Elsie Alice Ellen Lovelock between January 1922 and March 1922 (Age 25 years) Text: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 476 |
Death of a daughter | Elsie Alice Ellen Lovelock April 1922 (Age 25 years) Text: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 198 (age 0) |
Burial of a daughter | Elsie Alice Ellen Lovelock April 15, 1922 (Age 26 years) Source: 'Deceased Online' website |
Birth of a son #4 | Stanley Edwin Lovelock between April 1923 and June 1923 (Age 26 years) Text: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 432 |
Death of a son | Stanley Edwin Lovelock between April 1924 and May 1924 (Age 27 years) Text: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 170 (age 1) |
Burial of a son | Stanley Edwin Lovelock May 20, 1924 (Age 28 years) Source: 'Deceased Online' website |
Birth of a daughter #5 | Doris Edna Lovelock between April 1925 and June 1925 (Age 28 years) Text: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 346 |
Death of a daughter | Doris Edna Lovelock between April 1926 and May 1926 (Age 29 years) Text: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 261 (age 1) |
Burial of a daughter | Doris Edna Lovelock May 12, 1926 (Age 30 years) Source: 'Deceased Online' website |
Birth of a son #6 | Charles Terence Lovelock January 26, 1928 (Age 31 years) Text: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 360 Shared note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Birth of a daughter #7 | June Rose Lovelock June 12, 1935 (Age 39 years) Text: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 252 |
Death of a mother | Alice Victoria Musto August 9, 1941 (Age 45 years) Text: Southwark RD, ref 1d 7 (age 69) Source: 'Deceased Online' website |
Burial of a mother | Alice Victoria Musto August 15, 1941 (Age 45 years) Source: 'Deceased Online' website |
Death of a father | Joseph James Lovelock August 4, 1947 (Age 51 years) Text: Southwark RD, ref 5d 383 (age 77) Source: 'Deceased Online' website |
Burial of a father | Joseph James Lovelock August 9, 1947 (Age 51 years) Source: 'Deceased Online' website |
Death of a wife | Ellen Sarah Ward between April 1951 and June 1951 (Age 54 years) Text: Lambeth RD, ref 5c 1042 (age 51) |
Marriage | Emma Amelia Kendrick — View this family between October 1951 and December 1951 (Age 55 years) Text: Lambeth RD, ref 5c 2521 (Emma married under her previously-married surname of Tomlin) |
Marriage of a child | Charles Terence Lovelock — Dinah Amy Doris Johnson — View this family between January 1953 and March 1953 (Age 56 years) Text: Lambeth RD, ref 5c 2795 |
Death | December 12, 1959 (Age 63 years) Text: Lewisham RD, ref 5d 67 (age 63) Source: 'Deceased Online' website |
Cremation | December 18, 1959 (6 days after death) Source: 'Deceased Online' website |
Family with parents |
father |
Joseph James Lovelock Birth: August 13, 1869 24 21 — Lambeth, Surrey, England Death: August 4, 1947 |
mother |
Alice Victoria Musto Birth: July 17, 1873 — Lambeth, Surrey, England Death: August 9, 1941 |
Marriage: August 14, 1892 — Christ Church, Southwark, London, England |
13 months elder sister |
Alice Jane Lovelock Birth: between July 1893 and August 1893 23 19 Death: between January 1905 and March 1905 |
3 years himself |
Joseph Thomas Lovelock Birth: April 10, 1896 26 22 — Lambeth, Surrey, England Death: December 12, 1959 |
2 years younger brother |
John Lovelock Birth: July 15, 1898 28 24 Death: September 5, 1898 — Guy's Hospital, London, England |
2 years younger brother |
Samuel William Lovelock Birth: July 5, 1900 30 26 — Southwark, London, England Death: between July 1970 and September 1970 |
3 years younger sister |
Agnes Maria Lovelock Birth: between October 1902 and December 1902 33 29 Death: between April 1903 and May 1903 |
21 months younger brother |
Henry James Lovelock Birth: between April 1904 and June 1904 34 30 Death: between October 1962 and December 1962 |
3 years younger brother |
William Lovelock Birth: August 23, 1907 38 34 Death: March 14, 1976 |
3 years younger sister |
Elsie Margaret Lovelock Birth: between January 1910 and March 1910 40 36 Death: about July 1910 |
21 months younger brother |
Edwin James Lovelock Birth: October 9, 1911 42 38 Death: June 1992 |
Family with Ellen Sarah Ward |
himself |
Joseph Thomas Lovelock Birth: April 10, 1896 26 22 — Lambeth, Surrey, England Death: December 12, 1959 |
wife |
Ellen Sarah Ward Birth: July 13, 1899 Death: between April 1951 and June 1951 |
Marriage: June 30, 1918 — St Saviour, Southwark, London, England |
15 months son |
Thomas Robert Joseph Lovelock Birth: September 24, 1919 23 20 Death: between January 1972 and March 1972 |
15 months son |
William Richard Henry Lovelock Birth: between October 1920 and December 1920 24 21 Death: between January 1921 and February 1921 |
18 months daughter |
Elsie Alice Ellen Lovelock Birth: between January 1922 and March 1922 25 22 Death: April 1922 |
18 months son |
Stanley Edwin Lovelock Birth: between April 1923 and June 1923 26 23 Death: between April 1924 and May 1924 |
2 years daughter |
Doris Edna Lovelock Birth: between April 1925 and June 1925 28 25 Death: between April 1926 and May 1926 |
3 years son |
Charles Terence Lovelock Birth: January 26, 1928 31 28 Death: between October 1973 and December 1973 |
7 years daughter |
June Rose Lovelock Birth: June 12, 1935 39 35 Death: December 8, 2020 |
Family with Emma Amelia Kendrick |
himself |
Joseph Thomas Lovelock Birth: April 10, 1896 26 22 — Lambeth, Surrey, England Death: December 12, 1959 |
wife |
Emma Amelia Kendrick Birth: February 15, 1904 Death: September 22, 1990 |
Marriage: between October 1951 and December 1951 — |
Birth | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Citation details: Joseph Thomas Lovelock was born in 2Q 1896 in St Saviour RD, ref 1d 315 (provided by Graham Lovelock) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth | 1939 Register at Findmypast website |
Christening | Lovelocks in Surrey data on main Lovelock website |
Marriage | Lovelocks in Surrey data on main Lovelock website |
Marriage | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Text: Southwark RD, ref 1d 118 |
Marriage | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Text: Lambeth RD, ref 5c 2521 (Emma married under her previously-married surname of Tomlin) |
Death | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Text: Lewisham RD, ref 5d 67 (age 63) |
Death | 'Deceased Online' website |
Cremation | 'Deceased Online' website |
Census | 12 Charlotte St, Christchurch, Southwark, London, England RG13 359 F112 P8 Joseph Lovelock;Head;31;Furnace Stoker;Lambeth, London Alice Lovelock;Wife;27;;Lambeth, London Joseph T Lovelock;Son;4;;Lambeth, London Samuel W Lovelock;Son;8mos;;Lambeth, London |
Census | 134 Stanhope Buildings, Red Cross St, Southwark, London, England RG14 PN1751 RG78 PN61 RD23 SD1 ED2 SN128 Joseph Lovelock;Head;43;Stoker Railway;England Joseph Thomas Lovelock;Son;14;Errand Boy;Southwark Boro (sic) Samuel William Lovelock;Son;10;;Southwark Boro Henry James Lovelock;Son;6;;Southwark Boro William Lovelock;Son;3;;Southwark Boro Alice Victoria Lovelock;Wife, married 18 years;38;;None stated |