Beryl Lilian PattendenAge: 63 years1929–1992
- Name
- Beryl Lilian Pattenden
- Given names
- Beryl Lilian
- Surname
- Pattenden
Birth | January 3, 1929 41 42 Text: Paddington RD, ref 1a 10 Note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Death of a father | Ernest Montague Pattenden between January 1954 and March 1954 (Age 24 years) Text: Hampstead RD, ref 5c 978 (age 67) |
Death of a mother | Alice Maud Lovelock between October 1976 and December 1976 (Age 47 years) Text: Hampstead RD, ref 12 1873 |
Death of a half-brother | Thomas Malvern Jones between April 1979 and June 1979 (Age 50 years) Text: Havering RD, ref 13 0224 |
Death | September 1992 (Age 63 years) Text: Henley RD, ref 20 2184 (registered in married name of Faul) |
Family with parents |
father |
Ernest Montague Pattenden Birth: June 3, 1887 Death: between January 1954 and March 1954 |
mother |
Alice Maud Lovelock Birth: October 6, 1886 36 26 — Kensington RD, Kensington, London, England Death: between October 1976 and December 1976 |
Marriage: between July 1915 and September 1915 — |
14 years herself |
Beryl Lilian Pattenden Birth: January 3, 1929 41 42 Death: September 1992 |
Mother’s family with Thomas James Jones |
step-father |
Thomas James Jones Birth: between January 1878 and March 1878 — Neyland, Pembrokeshire, Wales Death: between January 1914 and March 1914 |
mother |
Alice Maud Lovelock Birth: October 6, 1886 36 26 — Kensington RD, Kensington, London, England Death: between October 1976 and December 1976 |
Marriage: September 15, 1909 — St Mark, Clerkenwell, London, England |
18 months half-brother |
Thomas Malvern Jones Birth: March 14, 1911 33 24 — Kensington, London, England Death: between April 1979 and June 1979 |
2 years half-sister |
Alice Dorothy Jones Birth: April 18, 1913 35 26 — Kensington RD, Kensington, London, England Death: February 2002 |
Birth | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Text: Paddington RD, ref 1a 10 |
Death | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Text: Henley RD, ref 20 2184 (registered in married name of Faul) |
Birth | Date of birth included in death registration entry. |