Muriel E EndicottAge: 92 years1926–2018
- Name
- Muriel E Endicott
- Given names
- Muriel E
- Surname
- Endicott
Birth | May 26, 1926 27 24 Text: Hampstead RD, ref 1a 647 (when re-registered in Apr-Jun 1944) |
Marriage of parents | William Charles Endicott — Ivy Lovelock — View this family between July 1939 and September 1939 (Age 13 years) Text: Paddington RD, ref 1a 178 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Thomas William Lovelock between April 1947 and June 1947 (Age 20 years) Text: Paddington RD, ref 5d 173 (age 76) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Sarah Legg between July 1949 and September 1949 (Age 23 years) Text: Kensington RD, ref 5c 836 (age 76) |
Death of a father | William Charles Endicott July 16, 1982 (Age 56 years) Source: US Social Security Death Index |
Death of a mother | Ivy Lovelock November 8, 1987 (Age 61 years) Source: US Social Security Death Index |
Death | December 28, 2018 (Age 92 years) Text: Death registered in married name of Wyro. |
Family with parents |
father |
William Charles Endicott Birth: February 2, 1899 Death: July 16, 1982 — Santa Rosa, Sonoma, California, USA |
mother |
Ivy Lovelock Birth: January 10, 1902 31 28 — Kensington, London, England Death: November 8, 1987 — El Dorado, California, USA |
Marriage: between July 1939 and September 1939 — |
-13 years herself |
Muriel E Endicott Birth: May 26, 1926 27 24 Death: December 28, 2018 — Lafayette, Contra Costa, California, USA |
Birth | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Text: Hampstead RD, ref 1a 647 (when re-registered in Apr-Jun 1944) |
Birth | Public Member Tree at |
Death | Public Member Tree at Text: Death registered in married name of Wyro. |