Hungerford - Shalbourne Tree

Edith Harriet NewmanAge: 60 years18841944

Edith Harriet Newman
Given names
Edith Harriet
Birth April 9, 1884 21 22

Hungerford RD, ref 2c 268

Shared note: Date and place of birth from 1891 census record
Census 1891 (Age 6 years)

Note: Rowbury Cottages, Boxford, Berkshire, England
Burial of a maternal grandfatherJoseph Lovelock
July 29, 1895 (Age 11 years)
Publication: Burials 1672-1862, 1871-1964 Compiled by Robert Sterry
Citation details: 1895 Jul 29 Joseph Lovelock Aged 78
Quality of data: primary evidence
Citation details: Deaths Sep 1896 Lovelock Joseph 79 Hungerford 2c 151 (FreeBMD)
Quality of data: primary evidence
Citation details: email message 12-Aug-06
Quality of data: primary evidence
Death of a maternal grandfatherJoseph Lovelock
between July 1896 and September 1896 (Age 12 years)


Hungerford RD, ref 2c 151 (age 79)

Burial of a maternal grandmotherHarriet Martin
September 13, 1904 (Age 20 years)
Publication: Burials 1672-1862, 1871-1964 Compiled by Robert Sterry
Citation details: 1904 Sep 13 Harriet Lovelock Aged 88
Quality of data: primary evidence
Death of a motherJane Lovelock
between July 1943 and September 1943 (Age 59 years)


Newbury RD, ref 2c 272 (age 82)


Death between July 1944 and September 1944 (Age 60 years)


Reading RD, ref 2c 402 (registered in married name of Beasley)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: October 15, 1881Shalbourne, Wiltshire, England
1 year
elder brother
Alfred George Newman
Birth: October 16, 1882 20 21Bagshot, Berkshire, England
Death: between July 1966 and September 1966
18 months
Edith Harriet Newman
Birth: April 9, 1884 21 22Shalbourne, Wiltshire, England
Death: between July 1944 and September 1944

Birth1939 Register at Findmypast website
BirthGRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths

Hungerford RD, ref 2c 268

DeathGRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths

Reading RD, ref 2c 402 (registered in married name of Beasley)


Date and place of birth from 1891 census record


Rowbury Cottages, Boxford, Berkshire, England RG12 970 F87 P16

Alfred Newman;Head;28;Farm Carter;Hungerford, Berks Jane Newman;Wife;29;;Bagshot, Berks Alfred G Newman;Son;8;;Bagshot, Berks Edith H Newman;Daur;6;;Shalbourne, Berks