Edith Harriet NewmanAge: 60 years1884–1944
- Name
- Edith Harriet Newman
- Given names
- Edith Harriet
- Surname
- Newman
Birth | April 9, 1884 21 22 Text: Hungerford RD, ref 2c 268 Shared note: Date and place of birth from 1891 census record
Census | 1891 (Age 6 years) |
Burial of a maternal grandfather | Joseph Lovelock July 29, 1895 (Age 11 years) Publication: Burials 1672-1862, 1871-1964
Compiled by Robert Sterry Citation details: 1895 Jul 29 Joseph Lovelock Aged 78 Quality of data: primary evidence Citation details: Deaths Sep 1896 Lovelock Joseph 79 Hungerford 2c 151 (FreeBMD) Quality of data: primary evidence Source: Graham Lovelock - email messages Citation details: email message 12-Aug-06 Quality of data: primary evidence Shared note: From Graham Lovelock, email 12-Aug-06: |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Joseph Lovelock between July 1896 and September 1896 (Age 12 years) Text: Hungerford RD, ref 2c 151 (age 79) |
Burial of a maternal grandmother | Harriet Martin September 13, 1904 (Age 20 years) Publication: Burials 1672-1862, 1871-1964
Compiled by Robert Sterry Citation details: 1904 Sep 13 Harriet Lovelock Aged 88 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death of a mother | Jane Lovelock between July 1943 and September 1943 (Age 59 years) Text: Newbury RD, ref 2c 272 (age 82) |
Death | between July 1944 and September 1944 (Age 60 years) Text: Reading RD, ref 2c 402 (registered in married name of Beasley) |
Family with parents |
father |
Alfred Newman Birth: July 14, 1862 — Hungerford, Berkshire, England Death: between January 1945 and March 1945 |
mother |
Jane Lovelock Birth: May 6, 1861 42 44 — Shalbourne, Wiltshire, England Death: between July 1943 and September 1943 |
Marriage: October 15, 1881 — Shalbourne, Wiltshire, England |
1 year elder brother |
Alfred George Newman Birth: October 16, 1882 20 21 — Bagshot, Berkshire, England Death: between July 1966 and September 1966 |
18 months herself |
Edith Harriet Newman Birth: April 9, 1884 21 22 — Shalbourne, Wiltshire, England Death: between July 1944 and September 1944 |
Birth | 1939 Register at Findmypast website |
Birth | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Text: Hungerford RD, ref 2c 268 |
Death | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Text: Reading RD, ref 2c 402 (registered in married name of Beasley) |
Birth | Date and place of birth from 1891 census record |
Census | Rowbury Cottages, Boxford, Berkshire, England RG12 970 F87 P16 Alfred Newman;Head;28;Farm Carter;Hungerford, Berks Jane Newman;Wife;29;;Bagshot, Berks Alfred G Newman;Son;8;;Bagshot, Berks Edith H Newman;Daur;6;;Shalbourne, Berks |