Matilda Jane HeaverAge: 61 years1879–1940
- Name
- Matilda Jane Heaver
- Given names
- Matilda Jane
- Surname
- Heaver
Birth | between January 1879 and March 1879 36 25 Text: Newbury RD, ref 2c 259 Shared note: Date and place of birth from census records
Birth of a sister | Eliza Ann Heaver between January 1881 and March 1881 (Age 2 years) Text: Newbury RD, ref 2c 264 Shared note: Date and place of birth from census records
Census | 1881 (Age 2 years) |
Birth of a brother | Robert Heaver March 9, 1883 (Age 4 years) Text: Newbury RD, ref 2c 249 Shared note: Place of birth from census records
Birth of a brother | Mark Heaver between April 1885 and June 1885 (Age 6 years) Text: Newbury RD, ref 2c 247 Shared note: Place of birth from census records
Birth of a brother | George Heaver between July 1887 and September 1887 (Age 8 years) Text: Newbury RD, ref 2c 247 Shared note: Date and place of birth from census records
Birth of a brother | Walter Heaver between October 1889 and December 1889 (Age 10 years) Text: Newbury RD, ref 2c 249 Shared note: Date and place of birth from census records
Census | 1891 (Age 12 years) |
Birth of a sister | Harriet Heaver April 25, 1892 (Age 13 years) Text: Wantage RD, ref 2c 311 Shared note: Place of birth from 1901 census record
Birth of a brother | William Thomas Heaver between July 1894 and September 1894 (Age 15 years) Text: Wantage RD, ref 2c 291 Shared note: Date and place of birth from 1901 census record
Burial of a maternal grandfather | Joseph Lovelock July 29, 1895 (Age 16 years) Publication: Burials 1672-1862, 1871-1964
Compiled by Robert Sterry Citation details: 1895 Jul 29 Joseph Lovelock Aged 78 Quality of data: primary evidence Citation details: Deaths Sep 1896 Lovelock Joseph 79 Hungerford 2c 151 (FreeBMD) Quality of data: primary evidence Source: Graham Lovelock - email messages Citation details: email message 12-Aug-06 Quality of data: primary evidence Shared note: From Graham Lovelock, email 12-Aug-06: |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Joseph Lovelock between July 1896 and September 1896 (Age 17 years) Text: Hungerford RD, ref 2c 151 (age 79) |
Death of a father | Edward Heaver between April 1900 and June 1900 (Age 21 years) Text: Hungerford RD, ref 2c 180 (age 53) |
Burial of a maternal grandmother | Harriet Martin September 13, 1904 (Age 25 years) Publication: Burials 1672-1862, 1871-1964
Compiled by Robert Sterry Citation details: 1904 Sep 13 Harriet Lovelock Aged 88 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death of a brother | Walter Heaver March 18, 1916 (Age 37 years) Text: Walter is buried in St Patrick's Cemetery, Loos, France |
Death of a mother | Harriett Lovelock between October 1924 and December 1924 (Age 45 years) Text: Wantage RD, ref 2c 314 (age 72) |
Death of a sister | Eliza Ann Heaver between April 1933 and June 1933 (Age 54 years) Text: Wantage RD, ref 2c 344 (age 52) (registered in second married name of Williams) |
Death of a brother | Edward Heaver between April 1939 and June 1939 (Age 60 years) Text: Wantage RD, ref 2c 361 (age 65) |
Death | between January 1940 and March 1940 (Age 61 years) Text: Newbury RD, ref 2c 924 (age 62) (registered in married name of Matilda J Wheeler) |
Family with parents |
father |
Edward Heaver Birth: between April 1842 and June 1842 — Hungerford Newtown, Berkshire, England Death: between April 1900 and June 1900 |
mother |
Harriett Lovelock Birth: about March 1853 34 36 — Shalbourne, Wiltshire, England Death: between October 1924 and December 1924 |
Marriage: about December 1872 — Hungerford RD, Berkshire, England |
2 years elder brother |
Edward Heaver Birth: about 1874 31 20 — Hungerford, Berkshire, England Death: between April 1939 and June 1939 |
3 years elder brother |
Joseph Heaver Birth: between October 1876 and December 1876 34 23 — Kintbury, Berkshire, England Death: between April 1946 and June 1946 |
3 years herself |
Matilda Jane Heaver Birth: between January 1879 and March 1879 36 25 — Boxford, Berkshire, England Death: between January 1940 and March 1940 |
2 years younger sister |
Eliza Ann Heaver Birth: between January 1881 and March 1881 38 27 — Boxford, Berkshire, England Death: between April 1933 and June 1933 |
2 years younger brother |
Robert Heaver Birth: March 9, 1883 40 30 — Shaw, Berkshire, England Death: between January 1949 and March 1949 |
2 years younger brother |
Mark Heaver Birth: between April 1885 and June 1885 43 32 — Boxford, Berkshire, England Death: between April 1950 and June 1950 |
3 years younger brother |
George Heaver Birth: between July 1887 and September 1887 45 34 — Boxford, Berkshire, England Death: between January 1941 and March 1941 |
3 years younger brother |
Walter Heaver Birth: between October 1889 and December 1889 47 36 — Welford, Berkshire, England Death: March 18, 1916 — France |
3 years younger sister |
Harriet Heaver Birth: April 25, 1892 50 39 — Rowdown, Berkshire, England Death: between January 1955 and March 1955 |
2 years younger brother |
William Thomas Heaver Birth: between July 1894 and September 1894 52 41 — Rowdown, Berkshire, England Death: between April 1952 and June 1952 |
Birth | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Text: Newbury RD, ref 2c 259 |
Death | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Text: Newbury RD, ref 2c 924 (age 62) (registered in married name of Matilda J Wheeler) |
Birth | Date and place of birth from census records |
Census | Cottage, Boxford, Berkshire, England RG11 1271 F105 P14 Edward HEAVER Head M Male 33 Ploughman Hungerford Newtown, Berks Harriet HEAVER Wife M Female 28 Bagshot, Berks Edward HEAVER Son Male 6 Hungerford, Berks Joseph HEAVER Son Male 4 Kintbury, Berks Jane M. HEAVER Daur Female 2 Boxford, Berks Eliza A. HEAVER Daur Female 6 w Boxford, Berks |
Census | Weston Village, Welford, Berkshire, England RG12 970 F137 P4 Edward Heaver Head 45 Ag Lab Hungerford Newtown, Berks Harriet Heaver Wife 39 Bagshot, Berks Matilda J Heaver Daur 12 Boxford, Berks Eliza A Heaver Daur 10 Boxford, Berks Robert Heaver Son 8 Shaw, Berks Mark Heaver Son 5 Boxford, Berks George Heaver Son 3 Boxford, Berks Walter Heaver Son 1 Welford, Berks |