Edith Annie ThomasAge: 66 years1897–1964
- Name
- Edith Annie Thomas
- Given names
- Edith Annie
- Surname
- Thomas
Birth | about December 1897 Citation details: Births Jul-Dec 1897, Thomas, Edith Annie, Pontypridd 11a 542 (FreeBMD) Quality of data: primary evidence Shared note: Date of birth from age (67) at burial in 1964
Marriage | William Frederick Bignell — View this family between October 1916 and December 1916 (Age 18 years) Citation details: Marriages Oct-Dec 1916 Bignell, William F, Thomas, Pontypridd, 11a 1057 (Ancestry image) Text: Marriages Oct-Dec 1916 Bignell, William F, Thomas, Pontypridd, 11a 1057 Thomas, Edith A., Bignell, Pontypridd 11a 1057 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death of a husband | William Frederick Bignell November 7, 1918 (Age 20 years) Text: Name: BIGNELL, WILLIAM FREDRICK Initials: W F Nationality: United Kingdom Rank: Gunner Regiment/Service: Royal Field Artillery Unit Text: "D" Bty. 5th Bde. Age: 25 Date of Death: 07/11/1918 Service No: 245080 Additional information: Son of Thomas and Rose Bignell, of 3, Oak Cottages, Shalbourne, Hungerford. Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead Grave/Memorial Reference: VII. A. 10. Cemetery: TOURGEVILLE MILITARY CEMETERY |
Marriage | Arthur James Lovelock — View this family between July 1920 and September 1920 (Age 22 years) Citation details: Marriages Jul-Sep 1920 Lovelock Arthur J & Bignell Edith A Hungerford 2c 839 (Ancestry image) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Violet May Lovelock about April 1921 (Age 23 years) Citation details: Births Apr-Jun 1921, Lovelock Violet M., mother's name Thomas, Hungerford 2c 520 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Christening of a daughter | Violet May Lovelock April 7, 1921 (Age 23 years) Publication: Baptisms 1672-1840, 1870-1932
Transcribed and compiled by Robert Sterry Citation details: 1921 Apr 7 Violet May dau of Arthur James Lovelock & Edith Annie Quality of data: primary evidence |
Burial of a daughter | Violet May Lovelock September 10, 1921 (Age 23 years) Publication: Burials 1672-1862, 1871-1964
Compiled by Robert Sterry Citation details: 1921 Sep 10 Violet May Lovelock Aged 5 Months Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Brenda Irene Lovelock between July 1922 and September 1922 (Age 24 years) Text: Hungerford RD, ref 2c 492 |
Birth of a son #3 | Ronald James Lovelock between January 1925 and February 1925 (Age 27 years) Text: Hungerford RD, ref 2c 450 |
Christening of a son | Ronald James Lovelock February 8, 1925 (Age 27 years) Publication: Baptisms 1672-1840, 1870-1932
Transcribed and compiled by Robert Sterry |
Burial of a son | Ronald James Lovelock May 28, 1925 (Age 27 years) Publication: Burials 1672-1862, 1871-1964
Compiled by Robert Sterry |
Birth of a daughter #4 | Edith Lovelock about June 1932 (Age 34 years) Citation details: Births Jun 1932, Lovelock, Edith mother's name, Thomas, Hungerford, 2c 478 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death of a daughter | Edith Lovelock June 1932 (Age 34 years) Citation details: Death Apr-Jun 1932, Lovelock, Edith age 0 Hungerford RD 2c 311 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Christening of a daughter | Edith Lovelock June 19, 1932 (Age 34 years) Publication: Baptisms 1672-1840, 1870-1932
Transcribed and compiled by Robert Sterry Citation details: 1932 Jun 19 Edith dau of Arthur Lovelock & Edith Quality of data: primary evidence |
Burial of a daughter | Edith Lovelock June 21, 1932 (Age 34 years) Publication: Burials 1672-1862, 1871-1964
Compiled by Robert Sterry Citation details: 1932 Jun 21 Edith Lovelock Aged 14 Months Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death of a husband | Arthur James Lovelock December 15, 1962 (Age 65 years) Publication: Provided by Malcolm Lovelock and Richard Moore Citation details: 1962 Dec 15 Arthur J Lovelock Died aged 66 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Burial of a husband | Arthur James Lovelock December 19, 1962 (Age 65 years) Publication: Burials 1672-1862, 1871-1964
Compiled by Robert Sterry Citation details: 1962 Dec 19 Arthur James Lovelock Aged 66 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death | May 23, 1964 (Age 66 years) Publication: Provided by Malcolm Lovelock and Richard Moore Citation details: 1964 May 23 Edith A Lovelock Died aged 67 (Wife of Arthur Lovelock) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Burial | May 27, 1964 (4 days after death) Publication: Burials 1672-1862, 1871-1964
Compiled by Robert Sterry Citation details: 1964 May 27 Edith Annie Lovelock Aged 67 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Family with William Frederick Bignell |
husband |
William Frederick Bignell Birth: about 1893 29 29 Death: November 7, 1918 |
herself |
Edith Annie Thomas Birth: about December 1897 — Pontypridd RD, Glamorgan, Wales Death: May 23, 1964 — Shalbourne, Wiltshire, England |
Marriage: between October 1916 and December 1916 — Pontypridd RD, Glamorgan, Wales |
Family with Arthur James Lovelock |
husband |
Arthur James Lovelock Christening: March 7, 1897 33 31 — Shalbourne, Wiltshire, England Death: December 15, 1962 — Shalbourne, Wiltshire, England |
herself |
Edith Annie Thomas Birth: about December 1897 — Pontypridd RD, Glamorgan, Wales Death: May 23, 1964 — Shalbourne, Wiltshire, England |
Marriage: between July 1920 and September 1920 — Hungerford RD, Berkshire, England |
10 months daughter |
Violet May Lovelock Birth: about April 1921 24 23 — Hungerford RD, Berkshire, England Death: |
18 months daughter |
Brenda Irene Lovelock Birth: between July 1922 and September 1922 25 24 Death: February 26, 2013 — Newbury, Berkshire, England |
3 years son |
Ronald James Lovelock Birth: between January 1925 and February 1925 27 27 Death: |
8 years daughter |
Edith Lovelock Birth: about June 1932 35 34 — Shalbourne, Wiltshire, England Death: June 1932 — Hungerford RD, Berkshire, England |
Birth | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Citation details: Births Jul-Dec 1897, Thomas, Edith Annie, Pontypridd 11a 542 (FreeBMD) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Marriage | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Citation details: Marriages Oct-Dec 1916 Bignell, William F, Thomas, Pontypridd, 11a 1057 (Ancestry image) Text: Marriages Oct-Dec 1916 Bignell, William F, Thomas, Pontypridd, 11a 1057 Thomas, Edith A., Bignell, Pontypridd 11a 1057 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Marriage | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Citation details: Marriages Jul-Sep 1920 Lovelock Arthur J & Bignell Edith A Hungerford 2c 839 (Ancestry image) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death | Wiltshire Monumental Index: Shalbourne Cemetery Publication: Provided by Malcolm Lovelock and Richard Moore Citation details: 1964 May 23 Edith A Lovelock Died aged 67 (Wife of Arthur Lovelock) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death | National Probate Calendars data on main Lovelock website |
Burial | Shalbourne, Wilts, parish register - Burials Publication: Burials 1672-1862, 1871-1964
Compiled by Robert Sterry Citation details: 1964 May 27 Edith Annie Lovelock Aged 67 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth | Date of birth from age (67) at burial in 1964 |
Shared note | Surname Bignell of Edith Annie from GRO marriage record. However, GRO records of births of children give mother's name as Thomas? email to Graham Lovelock 10-Aug-06 Indeed, this is odd. However, I find it hard to believe that the marriage in Hungerford RD 3Q 1920 of Arthur J Lovelock and Edith A Bignell is not the right couple, and that they are indeed the parents of the 4 children you list (I do have the GRO references by the way, obtained from Ancestry images, and as you noted they do cite the mother's name as Thomas). One possible explanation is that the maiden name of Edith Annie was Thomas, and that she was previously married to a Mr Bignell; when she got married she used her married name, and then reverted to her maiden name for the births of her children. Or maybe it was vice versa (less likely in my opinion). I'm not sure we know that Edith Annie was born in Shalbourne (or Hungerford for that matter) and there is a GRO birth for an Edith Annie Thomas in Haverford West RD 2Q 1897 and another one at Pontypridd 3q 1897 (a bit far from home, but who knows) and yet another in Falmouth RD 4Q 1897. However, I couldn't find a corresponding marriage, and it is a bit of a long shot since she would have been very young and the marriage couldn't have lasted very long (but there is WWI to be taken into consideration). Alternatively, maybe she was an illegitimate child and initially used her mother's name and then reverted to her father's name (or vice versa). Sorry this is not very convincing, but I find it hard to believe that Edith Annie Bignell and Edith Annie Thomas are not the same person. Graham's reply included the following: "convincing or not, James, I tend to agree with your last sentence." email from Graham Lovelock 10-Aug-06: Something I don't recall musing over before is what is entered on a birth certificate for a child of a second marriage when it comes to the section for the mother's maiden name. I assumed it meant the surname she had before she was married at all, which would be consistent with Edith Annie Thomas marrying Mr Bignell before marrying Arthur Lovelock. Your mention of WW1 caused me to go to the CWGC site, and there's a William Fredrick (sic) Bignell, died 7/11/1918 aged 25, son of Thomas and Rose Bignell, 3 Oak Cottages, Shalbourne, Berks. No indication, though, that he was married. email from Graham Lovelock 11-Aug-06: There's definitely something odd about Bignell information. As mentioned last night the CWGC website identifies a William Fredrick Bignell, the son of Thomas and Rose Bignell of 3 Oak Cottages, Shalbourne, but I can't find any 1901 entry in Ancestry for Thomas and Rose. William Fredrick would have been 7 or 8 in 1901, but I can't find any likely candidate. Nor under Fredrick, nor under Bignall. I eventually found the GRO marriage record on Ancestry (images); Marriages Oct-Dec 1916 Bignell, William F, Thomas, Pontypridd, 11a 1057 I checked under Thomas and found on the same page: Thomas, Edith A., Bignell, Pontypridd 11a 1057 This fits in with the birth record I found previously on FreeBMD: Births Jul-Dec 1897, Thomas, Edith Annie, Pontypridd 11a 542 |