Alfred Joseph LOVELOCKAge: 65 years1876–1942
- Name
- Alfred Joseph LOVELOCK
- Given names
- Alfred Joseph
- Surname
Birth | between July 1876 and September 1876 37 30 Source: Free BMD/GRO Indexes Citation details: St George Hanover Square RD, ref 1a 378 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a sister | Eliza Ellen LOVELOCK March 2, 1879 (Age 2 years) Source: Free BMD/GRO Indexes Text: Andover RD, ref 2c 207 (registered in Apr-Jun quarter) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Joseph LOVELOCK between April 1879 and June 1879 (Age 2 years) Source: Free BMD/GRO Indexes Citation details: Andover RD, ref 2c 127 (age 73) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a brother | William Herbert LOVELOCK between July 1881 and September 1881 (Age 5 years) Source: Free BMD/GRO Indexes Citation details: Andover RD, ref 2c 207 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Ann SIMKINS between July 1881 and September 1881 (Age 5 years) Source: Free BMD/GRO Indexes Citation details: Andover RD, ref 2c 121 (age 69) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | 1881 (Age 4 years) Source: 1881 UK Census |
Birth of a brother | Edgar Albert LOVELOCK between April 1883 and June 1883 (Age 6 years) Source: Free BMD/GRO Indexes Citation details: Andover RD, ref 2c 215 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a brother | Sydney James LOVELOCK between October 1886 and December 1886 (Age 10 years) Source: Free BMD/GRO Indexes Citation details: Andover RD, ref 2c 208 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | 1891 (Age 14 years) Source: 1891 UK Census |
Census | 1891 (Age 14 years) Source: 1901 UK Census |
Death of a brother | Henry John LOVELOCK between January 1902 and March 1902 (Age 25 years) Source: Free BMD/GRO Indexes Citation details: Stockbridge RD, ref 2c 73 (age 32) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | 1911 (Age 34 years) Source: 1911 UK Census |
Death of a father | Alfred LOVELOCK between July 1919 and September 1919 (Age 43 years) Source: Free BMD/GRO Indexes Citation details: Stockbridge RD, ref 2c 107 (age 81) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death of a sister | Alice Ann LOVELOCK between October 1936 and December 1936 (Age 60 years) Source: Free BMD/GRO Indexes Citation details: Romsey RD, ref 2c 134 (age 69) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | 1939 (Age 62 years) |
Death | between January 1942 and March 1942 (Age 65 years) Source: Free BMD/GRO Indexes Citation details: Romsey RD, ref 2c 159 (age 65) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Family with parents |
father |
Alfred LOVELOCK Birth: between October 1838 and December 1838 33 27 — Monxton, Hampshire, England Death: between July 1919 and September 1919 — Stockbridge RD, Stockbridge, Hampshire, England |
mother |
Emily POTTER Birth: between July 1846 and September 1846 — Penton, Hampshire, England Death: |
Marriage: between April 1866 and June 1866 — St George Hanover Square, Middlesex, England |
18 months elder sister |
Alice Ann LOVELOCK Birth: between July 1867 and September 1867 28 21 — Pimlico, Middlesex, England Death: between October 1936 and December 1936 — Romsey RD, Romsey, Hampshire, England |
2 years elder brother |
Henry John LOVELOCK Birth: between July 1869 and September 1869 30 23 — St George Hanover Square, Middlesex, England Death: between January 1902 and March 1902 — Stockbridge RD, Stockbridge, Hampshire, England |
4 years elder sister |
Ada Jane LOVELOCK Birth: between April 1873 and June 1873 34 26 — St George Hanover Square, Middlesex, England Death: between January 1961 and March 1961 |
4 years himself |
Alfred Joseph LOVELOCK Birth: between July 1876 and September 1876 37 30 — St George Hanover Square, Middlesex, England Death: between January 1942 and March 1942 — Romsey RD, Romsey, Hampshire, England |
3 years younger sister |
Eliza Ellen LOVELOCK Birth: March 2, 1879 40 32 — Thruxton, Hampshire, England Death: |
3 years younger brother |
William Herbert LOVELOCK Birth: between July 1881 and September 1881 42 35 — Thruxton, Hampshire, England Death: |
2 years younger brother |
Edgar Albert LOVELOCK Birth: between April 1883 and June 1883 44 36 — Thruxton, Hampshire, England Death: between April 1945 and June 1945 — Winchester RD, Winchester, Hampshire, England |
4 years younger brother |
Sydney James LOVELOCK Birth: between October 1886 and December 1886 48 40 — Thruxton, Hampshire, England Death: |
Birth | Free BMD/GRO Indexes Citation details: St George Hanover Square RD, ref 1a 378 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | 1881 UK Census |
Census | 1891 UK Census |
Census | 1901 UK Census |
Census | 1911 UK Census |
Death | Free BMD/GRO Indexes Citation details: Romsey RD, ref 2c 159 (age 65) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | Cottage, Thruxton, Hampshire, England RG11 1261 F35 P3 Alfred Lovelock;Head;42;Gardener;Monxton, Hants Emily Lovelock;Wife;34;;Penton, Hants Alice A Lovelock;Daur;13;;St Georges Hanover Square, Middx Henry J Lovelock;Son;11;;St Georges Hanover Square, Middx Ada J Lovelock;Daur;7;;St Georges Hanover Square, Middx Eliza E Lovelock;Daur;2;;Thruxton, Hants |
Census | Thruxton, Hampshire, England RG12 963 F32 P8 Alfred Lovelock;Head;54;Gardener;Monxton, Hants Emily Lovelock;Wife;44;;Penton, Hants Alfd (sic) Joseph Lovelock;Son;14;;Belgravia, Middx Eliza Ellen Lovelock;Daur;12;;Thruxton, Hants Willm Herbt (sic) Lovelock;Son;9;;Thruxton, Hants Edgar Albt (sic) Lovelock;Son;8;;Thruxton, Hants Sidney Jas (sic) Lovelock;Son;4;;Thruxton, Hants |
Census | 7 Kimberley Terrace, Chapel St, Portswood, Southampton, Hampshire,England RG13 1068 F165 P29 Alfred Lovelock;Head;62;Gardener Jobbing;Monxton, Hants Emily Lovelock;Wife;54;;Penton, Hants Joseph A Lovelock;Son;24;Shoemaker;Belgravia, London Sidney J Lovelock;Son;14;;Thruxton, Hants |
Census | London Road, Stockbridge, Hampshire, England RG14 PN6103 RG78 PN281 RD102 SD2 ED7 SN154 Alfred Lovelock;Head;72;Gardener (Domestic);Monxton, Hants Emily Lovelock;Wife, married 44 years;64;;Penton, Hants Alfred Joseph Lovelock;Son;34;Boot Repairer;Pimlico, London |
Census | London Road, Stockbridge, Hampshire, England RD/SD ?, Sch 27 Alfred J Lovelock;M;21 Jul 76;S;Boot Repairer Albert E Lovelock;M;26 Feb 83;M;Butler |