William John HiscockAge: 61 years1903–1964
- Name
- William John Hiscock
- Given names
- William John
- Surname
- Hiscock
Birth | between April 1903 and June 1903 24 26 |
Birth of a sister | Florence Gertrude Hiscock December 16, 1905 (Age 2 years) Note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Birth of a sister | Dorothy May Hiscock October 29, 1907 (Age 4 years) Note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Census | 1911 (Age 7 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Sarah Lovelock between April 1935 and June 1935 (Age 32 years) |
Death of a half-sister | Elsie Lovelock between January 1947 and March 1947 (Age 43 years) |
Death of a mother | Gertrude Ethel Lovelock between April 1962 and June 1962 (Age 59 years) |
Death | between October 1964 and December 1964 (Age 61 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
William Hiscock Birth: between October 1878 and December 1878 — Pewsey, Wiltshire, England Death: |
mother |
Gertrude Ethel Lovelock Birth: February 22, 1877 27 — Pewsey RD, Pewsey, Wiltshire, England Death: between April 1962 and June 1962 |
Marriage: October 13, 1900 — Pewsey, Wiltshire, England |
3 years himself |
William John Hiscock Birth: between April 1903 and June 1903 24 26 Death: between October 1964 and December 1964 |
3 years younger sister |
Florence Gertrude Hiscock Birth: December 16, 1905 27 28 — Faringdon, Berkshire, England Death: May 1985 |
22 months younger sister |
Dorothy May Hiscock Birth: October 29, 1907 29 30 — Faringdon, Berkshire, England Death: February 2003 |
Mother’s family with Unknown Unknown |
step-father |
Unknown Unknown Birth: Death: |
mother |
Gertrude Ethel Lovelock Birth: February 22, 1877 27 — Pewsey RD, Pewsey, Wiltshire, England Death: between April 1962 and June 1962 |
half-sister |
Elsie Lovelock Birth: between April 1896 and June 1896 19 — Honeystreet, Wiltshire, England Death: between January 1947 and March 1947 |
Census | Chadlington, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, England RG14 PN8244 RG78 PN422 RD157 SD1 ED7 SN110 William Hiscock;Head;32;Cowman on Farm;Pewsey, Wilts Gertrude Hiscock;Wife, married 12 years;33;;Pewsey, Wilts John Hiscock;Son;8;;Pewsey, Wilts Florence Hiscock;Daur;5;;Faringdon, Berks Dorothy Hiscock;Daur;3;;Faringdon, Berks Charles Bye;Boarder;30;Farm Labourer;Burford, Oxon Tom Bye;Boarder;29;Farm Labourer;Burford, Oxon |