Edith EyleyAge: 39 years1851–1890
- Name
- Edith Eyley
- Given names
- Edith
- Surname
- Eyley
Birth | between January 1851 and March 1851 23 21 Note: Date and place of brth from 1881 census record
Census | 1861 (Age 10 years) |
Marriage | William John Lovelock — View this family between October 1874 and December 1874 (Age 23 years) Note: There is another possible daughter, Harriet, since there are GRO birth and death records as follows: Births Jan-Mar 1890 Lovelock, Harriet Ann W, Burton RD, ref 6b 392. Deaths Jan-Mar 1890 Lovelock, Harriet Ann W, age 0, Burton RD, ref 6b 303. There apparently being no other Lovelock family in the area it would seem possible that this was a child of William J and Edith, especially as their respective mothers were named Harriet and Ann, and that Edith died in childbirth or shortly thereafter. The GRO Online Index of Births now (2018) confirms Harriet's mother's maiden name as Eyley.
Birth of a daughter #1 | Minnie Lovelock between July 1875 and September 1875 (Age 24 years) Note: Place of birth from 1881 census record
Birth of a daughter #2 | Louisa Lovelock between April 1877 and June 1877 (Age 26 years) Note: Place of brth from 1881 census record. 1901 census record states born Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire.
Birth of a daughter #3 | Emily Lovelock between October 1879 and December 1879 (Age 28 years) Note: Place of brth from 1881 census record
Birth of a son #4 | William John Lovelock December 2, 1881 (Age 30 years) Note: Place of birth from 1891 and 1901 census records
Census | William John Lovelock — View this family 1881 (Age 30 years) |
Birth of a daughter #5 | Edith Lovelock June 11, 1883 (Age 32 years) Note: Place of birth from 1891 census record
Birth of a daughter #6 | Clara Annie Lovelock July 8, 1885 (Age 34 years) Note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Birth of a daughter #7 | Ellen (Nellie) Lovelock June 22, 1887 (Age 36 years) Note: Date of birth included in death registration entry, but the 1939 Register gives the date of birth as 15 June 1887.
Birth of a daughter #8 | Harriet Ann Woolley Lovelock between January 1890 and February 1890 (on the date of death) |
Christening of a daughter | Harriet Ann Woolley Lovelock February 24, 1890 (Age 39 years) |
Burial of a daughter | Harriet Ann Woolley Lovelock March 2, 1890 (Age 39 years) Note: Aged 1 month.
Death | between January 1890 and March 1890 (Age 39 years) |
Christening of a daughter | Clara Annie Lovelock December 21, 1890 (11 months after death) |
Family with parents |
father |
Charles Eyley Birth: between 1828 and 1829 — Brereton, Staffordshire, England Death: |
mother |
Anne Hulme Birth: between 1830 and 1831 — Church Gresley, Derbyshire, England Death: between April 1920 and June 1920 |
Marriage: between July 1850 and September 1850 — |
9 months herself |
Edith Eyley Birth: between January 1851 and March 1851 23 21 — Church Gresley, Derbyshire, England Death: between January 1890 and March 1890 — Burton RD, Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, England |
Family with William John Lovelock |
husband |
William John Lovelock Birth: May 12, 1853 26 27 — Littleton, West Lavington, Wiltshire, England Death: |
herself |
Edith Eyley Birth: between January 1851 and March 1851 23 21 — Church Gresley, Derbyshire, England Death: between January 1890 and March 1890 — Burton RD, Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, England |
Marriage: between October 1874 and December 1874 — Burton RD, Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, England |
1 year daughter |
Minnie Lovelock Birth: between July 1875 and September 1875 22 24 — Church Gresley, Derbyshire, England Death: between October 1963 and December 1963 |
2 years daughter |
Louisa Lovelock Birth: between April 1877 and June 1877 23 26 — Annishole, Leicestershire, England Death: between January 1926 and March 1926 |
3 years daughter |
Emily Lovelock Birth: between October 1879 and December 1879 26 28 — Sherwood, Nottinghamshire, England Death: between July 1919 and September 1919 |
2 years son |
William John Lovelock Birth: December 2, 1881 28 30 — Carrington, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England Death: October 3, 1918 — France |
18 months daughter |
Edith Lovelock Birth: June 11, 1883 30 32 — Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England Death: between July 1951 and September 1951 |
2 years daughter |
Clara Annie Lovelock Birth: July 8, 1885 32 34 — Hugglescote, Leicestershire, England Death: December 2, 1972 — Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England |
23 months daughter |
Ellen (Nellie) Lovelock Birth: June 22, 1887 34 36 — Markfield, Leicestershire, England Death: between October 1972 and December 1972 |
3 years daughter |
Harriet Ann Woolley Lovelock Birth: between January 1890 and February 1890 36 39 Death: between February 1890 and March 1890 |
William John Lovelock + Ann Catherine Patrick |
husband |
William John Lovelock Birth: May 12, 1853 26 27 — Littleton, West Lavington, Wiltshire, England Death: |
husband’s wife |
Ann Catherine Patrick Birth: 1870 31 22 — Stapenhill, Derbyshire, England Death: between January 1951 and March 1951 |
Marriage: between April 1890 and June 1890 — Burton RD, Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, England |
Lucy Catherine Lovelock Birth: between January 1890 and March 1890 36 20 — Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, England Death: January 1892 — Burton RD, Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, England |
13 months step-son |
Sydney John Lovelock Birth: about January 1891 37 21 — Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, England Death: about January 1892 — Burton RD, Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, England |
17 months step-daughter |
Lily May Lovelock Birth: June 4, 1892 39 22 — Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, England Death: between January 1972 and March 1972 |
19 months step-daughter |
Daisy Lovelock Birth: December 24, 1893 40 23 — Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, England Death: between July 1962 and September 1962 |
21 months step-son |
Harry Lovelock Birth: about September 1895 42 25 — Horninglow, Staffordshire, England Death: about December 1896 — Horninglow, Staffordshire, England |
2 years step-daughter |
Ethel Mary Amelia Lovelock Birth: September 14, 1897 44 27 — Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, England Death: between October 1949 and December 1949 |
2 years step-son |
John Charles Lovelock Birth: October 14, 1899 46 29 — Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, England Death: between April 1975 and June 1975 |
2 years step-daughter |
Catherine Harriett Lovelock Birth: January 14, 1902 48 32 — Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, England Death: between July 1983 and September 1983 |
3 years step-son |
George Frederick Lovelock Birth: between April 1904 and June 1904 50 34 Death: between October 1906 and December 1906 |
3 years step-son |
Cecil Lovelock Birth: between July 1906 and September 1906 53 36 Death: between January 1910 and March 1910 |
3 years step-daughter |
Elsie Maude Lovelock Birth: March 7, 1909 55 39 — Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, England Death: February 1993 |
4 years step-daughter |
Gertrude Lovelock Birth: between October 1912 and December 1912 59 42 Death: between October 1912 and December 1912 |
Birth | Date and place of brth from 1881 census record |
Census | 7 Cappy Lane, Church Gresley, Derbyshire, England RG9 1962 F31 P13 Charles Eyley;Head;32;Engine Wright;Brereton, Staffs Ann Eyley;Wife;30;Employed at home;Ch Gresley (sic), Derbys Edith Eyley;10;;Ch Gresley, Derbys Lucy Eyley;5;;Ch Gresley, Derbys Henry Bradford;Lodger;26;Coal Miner;Oakthorpe, Derbys |
Marriage | There is another possible daughter, Harriet, since there are GRO birth and death records as follows: Births Jan-Mar 1890 Lovelock, Harriet Ann W, Burton RD, ref 6b 392. Deaths Jan-Mar 1890 Lovelock, Harriet Ann W, age 0, Burton RD, ref 6b 303. There apparently being no other Lovelock family in the area it would seem possible that this was a child of William J and Edith, especially as their respective mothers were named Harriet and Ann, and that Edith died in childbirth or shortly thereafter. The GRO Online Index of Births now (2018) confirms Harriet's mother's maiden name as Eyley. |
Census | Russell Square, Basford, Nottinghamshire, England RG11 3331 F12 P21 William LOVELOCK;M;Head;27;M;Tramcar Driver;Devizes, Wilts Edith LOVELOCK;M;Wife;30;F;;Church Gresley, Derbys Minnie LOVELOCK;;Daur;5;F;;Church Gresley, Derbys Louisa LOVELOCK;;Daur;3;F;;Annishole, Leics Emily LOVELOCK;Daur;1;F;;Sherwood, Notts |