Ropley-Tidcombe Trees

Norah Eunice LovelockAge: 24 years18841909

Norah Eunice Lovelock
Given names
Norah Eunice
Birth between July 1884 and September 1884 37 38
Birth of a sisterSarah Lovelock
between January 1886 and March 1886 (Age 18 months)

Note: Eunice declared on her 1911 Census entry that she and James had had 10 children, of whom we were originally able to identify only 7. However the GRO Online Index of Births introduced in 2016 enables us to confirm Sarah's mother's maiden name as Smith, and that she was born in the same Registration District as her sister Norah. However, Eunice also declared in 1911 that 7 of her 10 children had died. We can identify 7 who had died, but they do not include Sarah, and yet she does not appear in any Census Return, nor does there seem to be any record of her death.
Birth of a brotherCharles Lovelock
between January 1886 and March 1886 (Age 18 months)

Note: Eunice declared on her 1911 Census entry that she and James had had 10 children, of whom we were originally able to identify only 7. However the GRO Online Index of Births introduced in 2016 enables us to confirm Charles' mother's maiden name as Smith, and that he was born in the same Registration District as his sister Norah.
Death of a brotherCharles Lovelock
between January 1886 and March 1886 (Age 18 months)

Birth of a sisterLouisa Mary Lovelock
between July 1887 and September 1887 (Age 3 years)

Note: Eunice declared on her 1911 Census entry that she and James had had 10 children, of whom we were originally able to identify only 7. However the GRO Online Index of Births introduced in 2016 enables us to confirm Louisa Mary's mother's maiden name as Smith, and that she was born in the same Registration District as her sister Norah.
Death of a sisterLouisa Mary Lovelock
between October 1887 and December 1887 (Age 3 years)

Census 1891 (Age 6 years)

Note: No 1 Grosvenor Cottages, St Georges Hanover Square, Knightsbridge, Middlesex, England
Census 1901 (Age 16 years)

Note: 20 Callow Street, Chelsea, London, England
MarriageEdward Daniel HerringView this family
between October 1, 1903 and December 31, 1903 (Age 19 years)
Note: The 1911 Census entry for Norah's mother includes grandson Frank Earnest Herring, confirming that No…
Birth of a son
Edward William Herring
between April 1904 and June 1904 (Age 19 years)

Birth of a son
Frank Edward Herring
between July 1905 and September 1905 (Age 21 years)
Death of a sonEdward William Herring
between July 1905 and September 1905 (Age 21 years)

Birth of a daughter
Edith Norah Herring
July 26, 1907 (Age 23 years)

Note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Death between April 1909 and June 1909 (Age 24 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: October 30, 1872St Luke, Chelsea, London, England
1 month
elder sister
16 months
elder brother
15 months
elder brother
2 years
elder brother
John Richard Lovelock
Birth: between July 1877 and September 1877 30 31
Death: between July 1880 and September 1880
15 months
elder sister
Mary Ann Lovelock
Birth: between July 1878 and September 1878 31 32
Death: between July 1879 and September 1879
4 years
elder brother
George William Lovelock
Birth: between October 1881 and December 1881 34 35Tettonhallwood, Staffordshire, England
Death: between July 1946 and September 1946
3 years
21 months
younger sister
3 months
younger brother
Charles Lovelock
Birth: between January 1886 and March 1886 38 39
Death: between January 1886 and March 1886
21 months
younger sister
Louisa Mary Lovelock
Birth: between July 1887 and September 1887 40 41
Death: between October 1887 and December 1887
Family with Edward Daniel Herring - View this family
Marriage: between October 1, 1903 and December 31, 1903Chelsea RD, Chelsea, London, England
9 months
18 months
Frank Edward Herring
Birth: between July 1905 and September 1905 24 21Norwich, Norfolk, England
Death: between January 1956 and March 1956
2 years


No 1 Grosvenor Cottages, St Georges Hanover Square, Knightsbridge, Middlesex, England RG12 72 F182 P23

James Lovelock;Head;44;Stableman Groom;Pewsey, Wilts Eunice Lovelock;Wife;44;;Exton, Rutlandshire James Lovelock;Son;15;Errand Boy Post;Billbrook, Staffs William Lovelock;Son;9;;Tettenhallwood, Staffs Norah Lovelock;Daur;6;;Pimlico, London


20 Callow Street, Chelsea, London, England RG13 71 F64 P38

James Lovelock;Head;54;Stableman;Pewsey, Wilts Eunice Lovelock;Wife;54;;Exton, Rutlanshire (sic) James W Lovelock;Son;25;Stableman;Bilbrook, Staffs George W Lovelock;Son;19;Plumbers Mate;Tetnall Wood (sic), Staffs Norah E Lovelock;Daur;16;Nursemaid Domestic;London Edith Truscott;Visitor;6;;Pimlico, London


The 1911 Census entry for Norah's mother includes grandson Frank Earnest Herring, confirming that Norah married Edward Herring.

From the FreeBMD data for Chelsea RD ref 1a 839, Norah Eunice Lovelock married George William Douglass, Edward Daniel Herring, or Herbert Arthur Tapp