London - Middlesex Trees

Selina ILESAge: 57 years18561913

Selina ILES
Given names
Birth March 28, 1856
Source: GRO - FreeBMD
Citation details: Birth in 2Q 1856 in Shoreditch RD, ref 1c 137
Quality of data: primary evidence
MarriageJames Thomas LOVELOCKView this family
August 5, 1877 (Age 21 years)
Source: GRO - FreeBMD

Shoreditch RD, ref 1c 242

Quality of data: primary evidence
Birth of a son
Charles James William LOVELOCK
June 18, 1878 (Age 22 years)
Source: GRO - FreeBMD
Citation details: Birth in 3Q 1878 in Shoreditch RD, ref 1c 101
Quality of data: primary evidence
Christening of a sonCharles James William LOVELOCK
July 7, 1878 (Age 22 years)
Birth of a daughter
Minnie Alice LOVELOCK
July 15, 1880 (Age 24 years)
Source: GRO - FreeBMD
Citation details: Birth in 3Q 1880 in Shoreditch RD, ref 1c 139
Quality of data: primary evidence
Christening of a daughterMinnie Alice LOVELOCK
November 14, 1880 (Age 24 years)
CensusJames Thomas LOVELOCKView this family
1881 (Age 24 years)

Note: 10a Georgina Gardens, Bethnal Green, London, Middlesex, England
Birth of a daughter
Ellen (Nell) Lydia LOVELOCK
October 12, 1882 (Age 26 years)
Source: GRO - FreeBMD
Citation details: Birth in 4Q 1882 in Bethnal Green RD, ref 1c 181
Quality of data: primary evidence
Christening of a daughterEllen (Nell) Lydia LOVELOCK
December 17, 1882 (Age 26 years)
Birth of a daughter
between January 1885 and March 1885 (Age 28 years)
Source: GRO - FreeBMD
Citation details: Birth in 1Q 1885 in Bethnal Green RD, ref 1c 191
Quality of data: primary evidence
Christening of a daughterSelina LOVELOCK
April 11, 1886 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a son
James Robert LOVELOCK
October 6, 1887 (Age 31 years)
Source: GRO - FreeBMD
Citation details: Bethnal Green RD, ref 1c 160
Quality of data: primary evidence
Birth of a daughter
Jessie Mary Ann LOVELOCK
November 7, 1890 (Age 34 years)
Source: GRO - FreeBMD
Citation details: Birth in 4Q 1890 in Bethnal Green RD, ref 1c 164
Quality of data: primary evidence
Shared note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Census 1891 (Age 34 years)

Note: 96B Columbia Sq, Bethnal Green, London, England
Birth of a son
Frederick William LOVELOCK
between October 1893 and December 1893 (Age 37 years)
Source: GRO - FreeBMD
Citation details: Birth in 4Q 1893 in Bethnal Green RD, ref 1c 146
Quality of data: primary evidence
Christening of a sonJames Robert LOVELOCK
July 7, 1898 (Age 42 years)

Named at baptism as Robert James.

Quality of data: primary evidence
Marriage of a childCharles James William LOVELOCKAnnie Rebecca DOWNERView this family
October 29, 1899 (Age 43 years)
Source: GRO - FreeBMD
Citation details: Marriage in 4Q 1899 in Shoreditch RD, ref 1c 126
Quality of data: primary evidence
Census 1901 (Age 44 years)

Note: 96b Columbia Sq, Bethnal Green, London, England
Marriage of a childJames Robert LOVELOCKFrances CLAYTONView this family
April 2, 1911 (Age 55 years)
Source: GRO - FreeBMD

Shoreditch RD, ref 1c 105

Quality of data: primary evidence
Census 1911 (Age 54 years)

Note: South Lodge, Columbia Square Buildings, Bethnal Green, London, England
Death June 15, 1913 (Age 57 years)
Cause of death: Cerebral haemorrhage and coma
Source: GRO - FreeBMD
Citation details: Death in 2Q 1913 in Bethnal Green RD, ref 1c 213
Quality of data: primary evidence
Burial June 20, 1913 (5 days after death)
Family with James Thomas LOVELOCK - View this family
Marriage: August 5, 1877All Saints, Haggerston, London, England
10 months
2 years
2 years
3 years
Birth: between January 1885 and March 1885 27 28Bethnal Green RD, Bethnal Green, Middlesex, England
Death: between April 1955 and June 1955
3 years
3 years
Jessie Mary Ann LOVELOCK
Birth: November 7, 1890 33 34Bethnal Green RD, Bethnal Green, Middlesex, England
Death: between April 1972 and June 1972
3 years

BirthGRO - FreeBMD
Citation details: Birth in 2Q 1856 in Shoreditch RD, ref 1c 137
Quality of data: primary evidence
Birthe-Mails from Sandra Ingarfield 9/10 Jan 2018
MarriageGRO - FreeBMD

Shoreditch RD, ref 1c 242

Quality of data: primary evidence
MarriageLovelocks in Middlesex data on main Lovelock website
Census1881 British Census (Lovelock extracts for Middlesex on Lovelock Web site)
DeathGRO - FreeBMD
Citation details: Death in 2Q 1913 in Bethnal Green RD, ref 1c 213
Quality of data: primary evidence
Deathe-Mails from Sandra Ingarfield 9/10 Jan 2018
BurialAbney Park Trust website
SourceRoger Lovelock - Graham Lovelock tree (Tree based on information provided by Roger Lovelock, with additional material contributed by Graham Lovelock. Initial version 5-Oct-04, updated 17-Sep-06, 8-Jan-08)

10a Georgina Gardens, Bethnal Green, London, Middlesex, England RG11 0411 F32 P37

James I. LOVELOCK;Head;M;23;M;Cabinet Maker;Bethnal Green, Middx Selina LOVELOCK;Wife;M;24;F;Machinist;Hoxton, Middx Charles I.W. LOVELOCK;Son;2;M;;Hoxton, Middx Minnie A. LOVELOCK;Daur;8mos;F;;Haggerston, Middx


96B Columbia Sq, Bethnal Green, London, England RG12 257 F55 P11

James T Lovelock;Head;33;Cabinet Maker;Bethnal Green Selina Lovelock;Wife;34;Machinist;London Charles J W Lovelock;Son;12;;Hoxton Ellen L Lovelock;Daur;8;;Bethnal Green Selina Lovelock;Daur;6;;Bethnal Green James R Lovelock;Son;3;;Bethnal Green Jessie M Lovelock;Daur;5mos;;Bethnal Green


96b Columbia Sq, Bethnal Green, London, England RG13 285 F133 P37/38

James Lovelock;Head;44;Cabinet Maker;Bethnal Green, London Selina Lovelock;Wife;43;;St Lukes, London Minnie Lovelock;Daur;20;Fancy Box Maker;Haggerstone (sic), London Ellen Lovelock;Daur;17;Waitress;Bethnal Green, London James Lovelock;Son;13;;Bethnal Green, London Jessica Lovelock;Daur;9;;Bethnal Green, London Frederick Lovelock;Son;7;;Bethnal Green, London


South Lodge, Columbia Square Buildings, Bethnal Green, London, England RG14 PN1451 RG78 PN50 RD17 SD2 ED34 SN21

James Lovelock;Head;54;Cabinet Maker;Bethnal Green, London Selina Lovelock;Wife, married 34 years;55;;Hoxton, London Minnie Lovelock;Daur;29;;Haggerstone, London Ellen Lovelock;Daur;27; Waitress (Restaurant);Bethnal Green, London Selina Lovelock;Daur;25;Waitress (Restaurant);Bethnal Green, London Jessica Lovelock;Daur;19;Fancy Leather Case Maker;Bethnal Green, London Frederick Lovelock;Son;17;Pattern Card Maker;Bethnal Green, London