Charles LOVELOCKAge: 51 years1817–1868
- Name
- Charles LOVELOCK
- Given names
- Charles
- Surname
Birth | about 1817 |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Mary Ann LOVELOCK between July 1840 and September 1840 (Age 23 years) Source: GRO - FreeBMD Citation details: Births Sep 1840 Lovelock, Mary Ann Shoreditch 2 384 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Christening of a daughter | Mary Ann LOVELOCK July 8, 1840 (Age 23 years) Citation details: Baptism from the IGI Text: 1840 Jul 8 Mary Ann d. Charles Lovelock & Mary Ann Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | 1841 (Age 24 years) |
Marriage | Mary Ann LOVE — View this family January 29, 1842 (Age 25 years) Citation details: Marriage from the IGI Text: 1842 Jan 29 Charles Lovelock & Mary Ann Love Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a son #2 | Charles Henry LOVELOCK August 6, 1842 (Age 25 years) Source: GRO - FreeBMD Citation details: Registered Shoreditch RD, 3Q 1842 |
Christening of a son | Charles Henry LOVELOCK August 29, 1842 (Age 25 years) |
Death of a son | Charles Henry LOVELOCK October 1843 (Age 26 years) Text: St Lukes RD, ref 2 268 |
Burial of a son | Charles Henry LOVELOCK October 22, 1843 (Age 26 years) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Martha Lydia LOVELOCK July 16, 1845 (Age 28 years) |
Christening of a daughter | Martha Lydia LOVELOCK August 10, 1845 (Age 28 years) Citation details: Baptism from the IGI Text: 1845 Aug 10 (bn 16 Jul 1845) Martha Lydia d. Charles Lovelock & Mary Ann Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | Mary Ann LOVE — View this family 1851 (Age 34 years) Source: 1851 British Census |
Birth of a son #4 | James Thomas LOVELOCK March 6, 1857 (Age 40 years) |
Christening of a son | James Thomas LOVELOCK May 10, 1857 (Age 40 years) Citation details: Baptism from the IGI Text: 1857 May 10 (bn 6 Mar 1857) James Thomas s. Charles Lovelock & Mary Ann Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | Mary Ann LOVE — View this family 1861 (Age 44 years) Source: 1861 British Census |
Death | October 7, 1868 (Age 51 years) Cause of death: Jaundice Source: GRO - FreeBMD Citation details: Deaths Oct-Dec 1868 Lovelock, Charles 51 Bethnal Green 1c 162 Quality of data: primary evidence Shared note: Age 51 at death
Family with parents |
father |
John LOVELOCK Birth: Death: |
mother |
Unknown UNKNOWN Birth: Death: |
Marriage: — |
himself |
Charles LOVELOCK Birth: about 1817 — Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England Death: October 7, 1868 — Bethnal Green RD, Bethnal Green, Middlesex, England |
Family with Mary Ann LOVE |
himself |
Charles LOVELOCK Birth: about 1817 — Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England Death: October 7, 1868 — Bethnal Green RD, Bethnal Green, Middlesex, England |
wife |
Mary Ann LOVE Birth: about 1816 — Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England Death: September 27, 1874 |
Marriage: January 29, 1842 — St James, Paddington, Middlesex, England |
-16 months daughter |
Mary Ann LOVELOCK Birth: between July 1840 and September 1840 23 24 — Shoreditch RD, Shoreditch, Middlesex, England Death: |
2 years son |
Charles Henry LOVELOCK Birth: August 6, 1842 25 26 — Shoreditch RD, Shoreditch, Middlesex, England Death: October 1843 |
3 years daughter |
Martha Lydia LOVELOCK Birth: July 16, 1845 28 29 Death: April 30, 1872 — Bethnal Green RD, Bethnal Green, Middlesex, England |
12 years son |
James Thomas LOVELOCK Birth: March 6, 1857 40 41 — Bethnal Green, Middlesex, England Death: December 15, 1914 — Bethnal Green RD, Bethnal Green, Middlesex, England |
Marriage | Paddington, St James, parish register (Lovelocks in Middlesex, Lovelock Web site) Citation details: Marriage from the IGI Text: 1842 Jan 29 Charles Lovelock & Mary Ann Love Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | 1851 British Census |
Census | 1861 British Census |
Death | GRO - FreeBMD Citation details: Deaths Oct-Dec 1868 Lovelock, Charles 51 Bethnal Green 1c 162 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death | e-Mails from Sandra Ingarfield 9/10 Jan 2018 |
Source | Roger Lovelock - Graham Lovelock tree (Tree based on information provided by Roger Lovelock, with additional material contributed by Graham Lovelock. Initial version 5-Oct-04, updated 17-Sep-06, 8-Jan-08) |
Census | Willow Street, St Leonard, Shoreditch, Middlesex, England HO107 709/7 F24 P14 Charles Lovelock;24;Dealer;Middx Mary Lovelock;23;;Middx Ann Lovelock;11mos;;Middx George Love;20;Baker;Not Middx |
Census | 3 Virginia Row, Bethnal Green, Middlesex, England HO/107/1539 F221 P1 Charles LOVELOCK;Head;34;Marine Store Dealer;St Lukes, Middx Mary Ann LOVELOCK;Wife;35;Clerkenwell, Middx Mary Ann LOVELOCK;Daur;10;;Shoreditch, Middx Martha LOVELOCK;Daur;6;;St Lukes, Middx |
Census | 3C Virginia Row, Bethnal Green, Middlesex, England RG9 251 F11 P31 Charles Lovelock;Head;44;Iron Monger;Clerkenwell, Middx Mary A Lovelock;Wife;44;;Clerkenwell, Middx James Lovelock;Son;4;;Bethnal Green, Middx |
Death | Age 51 at death |
Shared note | Also known as Charles Shaw - ? Brother - Jemmie Shaw. Charles Lovelock named his father as John Lovelock at his marriage to Mary Ann Love. However, the admission in his Will by Charles that he was really Charles Shaw but had used the name Lovelock for some years suggests that his father might have been John Shaw at birth and had also assumed the name Lovelock at some point. Documentation in the possession of present members of the family suggests the change may have been adopted to avoid association with another member of the Shaw family. Charles' marriage certificate states that John was a Jeweller, and although he, John, was apparently alive at the time of the marriage (1842) he has not been identified in the 1841 Census. |