Evelyn Beatrice BLAKEAge: 76 years1911–1987
- Name
- Evelyn Beatrice BLAKE
- Given names
- Evelyn Beatrice
- Surname
Birth | January 14, 1911 21 19 Text: Southampton RD, ref 2c 30 Note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Census | 1911 |
Birth of a sister | Ivy Cecilia BLAKE between October 1912 and December 1912 (Age 20 months) Text: Southampton RD, ref 2c 27 |
Birth of a brother | John Henry BLAKE September 27, 1914 (Age 3 years) Text: Southampton RD, ref 2c 123 (registered in Oct-Dec quarter) Note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Birth of a sister | Doris Rose BLAKE between April 1916 and June 1916 (Age 5 years) Text: Southampton RD, ref 2c 94 |
Death of a mother | Ada Eliza LOVELOCK between October 1923 and December 1923 (Age 12 years) Source: Free BMD/GRO Indexes Citation details: Southampton RD, ref 2c 79 (age 32) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death of a sister | Ivy Cecilia BLAKE between October 1931 and December 1931 (Age 20 years) Source: Free BMD/GRO Indexes Text: Romsey RD, ref 2c 126 (age 19) |
Death of a sister | Doris Rose BLAKE between October 1933 and December 1933 (Age 22 years) Source: Free BMD/GRO Indexes Text: Southampton RD, ref 2c 24 (age 17) |
Death of a father | John William James BLAKE between January 1969 and March 1969 (Age 57 years) Source: Free BMD/GRO Indexes Text: Southampton RD, ref 6b 782 (age 79) |
Death of a brother | John Henry BLAKE between January 1983 and March 1983 (Age 71 years) Source: Free BMD/GRO Indexes Text: Southampton RD, ref 20 1711 |
Death | September 1987 (Age 76 years) Source: Free BMD/GRO Indexes Text: Southampton RD, ref 20 1181 (registered in married name of Webber) |
Family with parents |
father |
John William James BLAKE Birth: between April 1889 and June 1889 — Shirley, Southampton, Hampshire, England Death: between January 1969 and March 1969 |
mother |
Ada Eliza LOVELOCK Birth: October 14, 1891 22 21 — Parkstone, Dorset, England Death: between October 1923 and December 1923 — Southampton RD, Southampton, Hampshire, England |
Marriage: between April 1910 and June 1910 — |
9 months herself |
Evelyn Beatrice BLAKE Birth: January 14, 1911 21 19 Death: September 1987 |
2 years younger sister |
Ivy Cecilia BLAKE Birth: between October 1912 and December 1912 23 20 Death: between October 1931 and December 1931 |
2 years younger brother |
John Henry BLAKE Birth: September 27, 1914 25 22 Death: between January 1983 and March 1983 |
21 months younger sister |
Doris Rose BLAKE Birth: between April 1916 and June 1916 27 24 Death: between October 1933 and December 1933 |
Birth | GRO Online Indices of Births and Deaths Text: Southampton RD, ref 2c 30 |
Death | Free BMD/GRO Indexes Text: Southampton RD, ref 20 1181 (registered in married name of Webber) |
Birth | Date of birth included in death registration entry. |
Census | 145 Empress Rd, Southampton, Hampshire, England RG14 PN5951 RG78 PN273A RD99 SD1 ED17 SN306 John William Blake;Head;22;Mineral Water Drayman;Shirley, Southampton,Hants Ada Cecilla (sic) Blake;Wife, married 1 year;20;;Parkstone, Dorset Beatrice Eveleen Blake;Daur;9 weeks;Portswood, Southampton, Hants |