Monxton (Hampshire) Tree

Evelyn Beatrice BLAKEAge: 76 years19111987

Evelyn Beatrice BLAKE
Given names
Evelyn Beatrice
Birth January 14, 1911 21 19


Southampton RD, ref 2c 30

Note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Census 1911

Note: 145 Empress Rd, Southampton, Hampshire, England
Birth of a sisterIvy Cecilia BLAKE
between October 1912 and December 1912 (Age 20 months)


Southampton RD, ref 2c 27

Birth of a brotherJohn Henry BLAKE
September 27, 1914 (Age 3 years)


Southampton RD, ref 2c 123 (registered in Oct-Dec quarter)

Note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Birth of a sisterDoris Rose BLAKE
between April 1916 and June 1916 (Age 5 years)


Southampton RD, ref 2c 94

Death of a motherAda Eliza LOVELOCK
between October 1923 and December 1923 (Age 12 years)
Citation details: Southampton RD, ref 2c 79 (age 32)
Quality of data: primary evidence
Death of a sisterIvy Cecilia BLAKE
between October 1931 and December 1931 (Age 20 years)


Romsey RD, ref 2c 126 (age 19)

Death of a sisterDoris Rose BLAKE
between October 1933 and December 1933 (Age 22 years)


Southampton RD, ref 2c 24 (age 17)

Death of a fatherJohn William James BLAKE
between January 1969 and March 1969 (Age 57 years)


Southampton RD, ref 6b 782 (age 79)

Death of a brotherJohn Henry BLAKE
between January 1983 and March 1983 (Age 71 years)


Southampton RD, ref 20 1711

Death September 1987 (Age 76 years)


Southampton RD, ref 20 1181 (registered in married name of Webber)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: between April 1910 and June 1910
9 months
2 years
younger sister
Ivy Cecilia BLAKE
Birth: between October 1912 and December 1912 23 20
Death: between October 1931 and December 1931
2 years
younger brother
21 months
younger sister
Doris Rose BLAKE
Birth: between April 1916 and June 1916 27 24
Death: between October 1933 and December 1933

BirthGRO Online Indices of Births and Deaths

Southampton RD, ref 2c 30

DeathFree BMD/GRO Indexes

Southampton RD, ref 20 1181 (registered in married name of Webber)


Date of birth included in death registration entry.


145 Empress Rd, Southampton, Hampshire, England RG14 PN5951 RG78 PN273A RD99 SD1 ED17 SN306

John William Blake;Head;22;Mineral Water Drayman;Shirley, Southampton,Hants Ada Cecilla (sic) Blake;Wife, married 1 year;20;;Parkstone, Dorset Beatrice Eveleen Blake;Daur;9 weeks;Portswood, Southampton, Hants