Mary Ann HoareAge: 51 years1853–1904
- Name
- Mary Ann Hoare
- Given names
- Mary Ann
- Surname
- Hoare
Birth | about 1853 Shared note: Date and place of birth from 1881 census record
Marriage | Job Lovelock — View this family January 18, 1874 (Age 21 years) Citation details: Marriage 1Q 1874, Lovelocke, Job Hungerford 2c 353 (provided by Graham Lovelock) Text: Marriages Mar 1874 Hoare Mary Ann Hungerford 2c 353 Lovelocke Job Hungerford 2c 353 Mitchell John Hungerford 2c 353 Osmond Charlotte Kate Hungerford 2c 35 Quality of data: primary evidence Note: Our 'Lovelocks in Berkshire' data indicates that the marriage took place in an unspecified Reading parish, however the registration was definitely in the Hungerford RD.
Birth of a daughter #1 | Elizabeth Rosa Lovelock September 17, 1874 (Age 21 years) Text: Reading RD, ref 2c 359 (registered in Oct-Dec quarter) Quality of data: primary evidence Shared note: Date and place of birth from 1881 census record
Census | Job Lovelock — View this family 1881 (Age 28 years) |
Marriage of a child | Charles Povey — Elizabeth Rosa Lovelock — View this family about June 1900 (Age 47 years) Citation details: Marriages Jun 1900 Lovelock, Elizabeth Rosa, Reading 2c 737 (provided by Graham Lovelock) Text: Marriages Jun 1900 Bishop Phoebe Reading 2c 737 Lovelock Elizabeth Rosa Reading 2c 737 POVEY Charlie Reading 2c 737 Witcomb Walter George Reading 2c 737 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | Job Lovelock — View this family 1901 (Age 48 years) |
Death | between April 1904 and June 1904 (Age 51 years) Text: Reading RD, ref 2c 204 (age 51) |
Family with Job Lovelock |
husband |
Job Lovelock Birth: about March 1848 29 31 — Shalbourne, Wiltshire, England Death: between July 1915 and September 1915 |
herself |
Mary Ann Hoare Birth: about 1853 — Newbury, Berkshire, England Death: between April 1904 and June 1904 |
Marriage: January 18, 1874 — Reading, Berkshire, England |
8 months daughter |
Elizabeth Rosa Lovelock Birth: September 17, 1874 26 21 — Reading, Berkshire, England Death: between January 1948 and March 1948 |
Marriage | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Citation details: Marriage 1Q 1874, Lovelocke, Job Hungerford 2c 353 (provided by Graham Lovelock) Text: Marriages Mar 1874 Hoare Mary Ann Hungerford 2c 353 Lovelocke Job Hungerford 2c 353 Mitchell John Hungerford 2c 353 Osmond Charlotte Kate Hungerford 2c 35 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Text: Reading RD, ref 2c 204 (age 51) |
Birth | Date and place of birth from 1881 census record |
Marriage | Our 'Lovelocks in Berkshire' data indicates that the marriage took place in an unspecified Reading parish, however the registration was definitely in the Hungerford RD. |
Census | 67 Mount Street Reading St Giles, Berkshire, England RG11 1307 F18 P29 Name Relation Marr Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Job LOVELOCK Head M 33 M Laborer At Biscuit Factory Shalbourne, Wiltshire, England Mary Ann LOVELOCK Wife M 28 F Housewife Newbury, Berkshire, England Elizabeth Rosa LOVELOCK Daughter 6 F Scholar Reading, Berkshire, England |
Census | 61 Sherman Road, Reading, Berkshire, England RG13 1149 F77 P38 Job Lovelock;Head;53;Labourer Factory;Bagshot, Berks Mary Ann Lovelock;Wife;48;;Reading, Berks Richard King;Boarder;46;Gas Fitter Factory;Plumstead, Kent |