Hungerford - Shalbourne Tree

Mary Ann HoareAge: 51 years18531904

Mary Ann Hoare
Given names
Mary Ann
Birth about 1853
Shared note: Date and place of birth from 1881 census record
MarriageJob LovelockView this family
January 18, 1874 (Age 21 years)
Citation details: Marriage 1Q 1874, Lovelocke, Job Hungerford 2c 353 (provided by Graham Lovelock)

Marriages Mar 1874 Hoare Mary Ann Hungerford 2c 353 Lovelocke Job Hungerford 2c 353 Mitchell John Hungerford 2c 353 Osmond Charlotte Kate Hungerford 2c 35

Quality of data: primary evidence
Note: Our 'Lovelocks in Berkshire' data indicates that the marriage took place in an unspecified Reading parish, however the registration was definitely in the Hungerford RD.
Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth Rosa Lovelock
September 17, 1874 (Age 21 years)

Reading RD, ref 2c 359 (registered in Oct-Dec quarter)

Quality of data: primary evidence
Shared note: Date and place of birth from 1881 census record
CensusJob LovelockView this family
1881 (Age 28 years)
Note: 67 Mount Street
Marriage of a childCharles PoveyElizabeth Rosa LovelockView this family
about June 1900 (Age 47 years)
Citation details: Marriages Jun 1900 Lovelock, Elizabeth Rosa, Reading 2c 737 (provided by Graham Lovelock)

Marriages Jun 1900 Bishop Phoebe Reading 2c 737 Lovelock Elizabeth Rosa Reading 2c 737 POVEY Charlie Reading 2c 737 Witcomb Walter George Reading 2c 737

Quality of data: primary evidence
CensusJob LovelockView this family
1901 (Age 48 years)

Note: 61 Sherman Road, Reading, Berkshire, England

Death between April 1904 and June 1904 (Age 51 years)


Reading RD, ref 2c 204 (age 51)

Family with Job Lovelock - View this family
Marriage: January 18, 1874Reading, Berkshire, England
8 months

MarriageGRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths
Citation details: Marriage 1Q 1874, Lovelocke, Job Hungerford 2c 353 (provided by Graham Lovelock)

Marriages Mar 1874 Hoare Mary Ann Hungerford 2c 353 Lovelocke Job Hungerford 2c 353 Mitchell John Hungerford 2c 353 Osmond Charlotte Kate Hungerford 2c 35

Quality of data: primary evidence
DeathGRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths

Reading RD, ref 2c 204 (age 51)


Date and place of birth from 1881 census record


Our 'Lovelocks in Berkshire' data indicates that the marriage took place in an unspecified Reading parish, however the registration was definitely in the Hungerford RD.


67 Mount Street Reading St Giles, Berkshire, England RG11 1307 F18 P29

Name Relation Marr Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Job LOVELOCK Head M 33 M Laborer At Biscuit Factory Shalbourne, Wiltshire, England Mary Ann LOVELOCK Wife M 28 F Housewife Newbury, Berkshire, England Elizabeth Rosa LOVELOCK Daughter 6 F Scholar Reading, Berkshire, England


61 Sherman Road, Reading, Berkshire, England RG13 1149 F77 P38

Job Lovelock;Head;53;Labourer Factory;Bagshot, Berks Mary Ann Lovelock;Wife;48;;Reading, Berks Richard King;Boarder;46;Gas Fitter Factory;Plumstead, Kent