Caroline Mary Ann AndrewsAge: 58 years1862–1920
- Name
- Caroline Mary Ann Andrews
- Given names
- Caroline Mary Ann
- Surname
- Andrews
Birth | between July 1862 and September 1862 26 26 Text: Kensington RD, ref 1a 82 |
Birth of a brother | George Andrews between October 1864 and December 1864 (Age 2 years) Text: Kensington RD, ref 1a 65 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Thomas Lovelock between July 1865 and September 1865 (Age 3 years) Source: Graham Lovelock - email messages Citation details: Email 24-Jul-07 with Word document "A Tree Originating in Burghfield ... Or Perhaps Not" Quality of data: primary evidence Citation details: Death in 3Q 1865 in Kensington RD, ref 1a 51 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a brother | John Thomas Andrews between January 1868 and March 1868 (Age 5 years) Text: Kensington RD, ref 1a 83 |
Birth of a sister | Minnie Louise Andrews December 31, 1870 (Age 8 years) Text: Kensington RD, ref 1a 113 |
Census | 1871 (Age 8 years) |
Birth of a sister | Rose Anna Andrews between July 1874 and September 1874 (Age 12 years) Text: Kensington RD, ref 1a 98 |
Death of a sister | Rose Anna Andrews between April 1875 and June 1875 (Age 12 years) Text: Kensington RD, ref 1a 67 (age 10 months) (registered as Rosanna) |
Birth of a brother | William Andrews between April 1876 and June 1876 (Age 13 years) Source: 1881 British Census Text: Fulham RD, ref 1a 228 |
Christening of a brother | William Andrews June 25, 1876 (Age 13 years) Source: Imagery at |
Death of a father | George Andrews between 1881 and 1891 (Age 18 years) Source: 1881 British Census Source: 1891 British Census |
Census | 1881 (Age 18 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Mary Ann Card about September 1882 (Age 20 years) Source: Graham Lovelock - email messages Citation details: Email 24-Jul-07 with Word document "A Tree Originating in Burghfield ... Or Perhaps Not" Quality of data: primary evidence Citation details: Death in 3Q 1882 in Kensington RD, ref 1a 56 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death | between October 1920 and December 1920 (Age 58 years) Text: Willesden RD, ref 3a 315 (age 58) (registered in second-married name of Gregory) |
Family with parents |
father |
George Andrews Birth: between 1836 and 1837 — St Albans, Hertfordshire, England Death: between 1881 and 1891 |
mother |
Rosanna Lovelock Birth: about 1836 22 26 — Wroughton, Wiltshire, England Death: |
Marriage: August 28, 1860 — St Luke, Chelsea, London, England |
13 months elder brother |
Joseph Andrews Birth: between July 1861 and September 1861 25 25 Death: between July 1861 and September 1861 |
15 months herself |
Caroline Mary Ann Andrews Birth: between July 1862 and September 1862 26 26 — Kensington, Middlesex, England Death: between October 1920 and December 1920 |
3 years younger brother |
George Andrews Birth: between October 1864 and December 1864 28 28 — Kensington, Middlesex, England Death: between July 1922 and September 1922 |
4 years younger brother |
John Thomas Andrews Birth: between January 1868 and March 1868 32 32 — Kensington, Middlesex, England Death: |
3 years younger sister |
Minnie Louise Andrews Birth: December 31, 1870 34 34 — Kensington, London, England Death: between January 1941 and March 1941 |
4 years younger sister |
Rose Anna Andrews Birth: between July 1874 and September 1874 38 38 Death: between April 1875 and June 1875 |
2 years younger brother |
William Andrews Birth: between April 1876 and June 1876 40 40 — Notting Hill, London, England Death: |
Birth | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Text: Kensington RD, ref 1a 82 |
Death | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Text: Willesden RD, ref 3a 315 (age 58) (registered in second-married name of Gregory) |
Census | 44 Earls Court Road, Kensington, London, England RG10 31 F37 P9 George Andrews;Head;33;Cabman;St Stephens, Herts Rose Anna Andrews;Wife;33;;Wroughton, Wilts Caroline Andrews;Daur;8;;Kensington, Middx George Andrews;Son;6;;Kensington, Middx John Andrews;Son;3;;Kensington, Middx Minnie Andrews;Daur;3mos;;Kensington, Middx |
Census | 54 Queen Street, Hammersmith, London, England RG11 54 F116 P7/8 George Andrews;Head;42;Beerhouse Keeper; Radlett, Herts Rosana Andrews;Wife;44;;Swindon, Wilts Caroline M A Andrews;Daur;18;;Kensington, Middx George Andrews;Son;16;Sho...?;Kensington, Middx John T Andrews;Son;13;;Kensington, Middx Minnie Andrews;Daur;10;;Kensington, Middx William Andrews;Son;4;;Notting Hill, Middx Walter G Walton;Boarder;22;Contractors Clerk;Camberwell, Middx (sic) |