Wilfrid Eric SmithAge: 70 years1892–1963
- Name
- Wilfrid Eric Smith
- Given names
- Wilfrid Eric
- Surname
- Smith
Birth | between October 1892 and December 1892 |
Marriage | Daisy Lovelock — View this family between April 1949 and June 1949 (Age 56 years) |
Death of a wife | Daisy Lovelock between July 1962 and September 1962 (Age 69 years) |
Death | between January 1963 and March 1963 (Age 70 years) |
Family with Daisy Lovelock |
himself |
Wilfrid Eric Smith Birth: between October 1892 and December 1892 Death: between January 1963 and March 1963 |
wife |
Daisy Lovelock Birth: December 24, 1893 40 23 — Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, England Death: between July 1962 and September 1962 |
Marriage: between April 1949 and June 1949 — |
William Cort + Daisy Lovelock |
wife’s husband |
William Cort Birth: between 1876 and 1877 — Belgrave, Leicestershire, England Death: between October 1946 and December 1946 |
wife |
Daisy Lovelock Birth: December 24, 1893 40 23 — Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, England Death: between July 1962 and September 1962 |
Marriage: between April 1932 and June 1932 — |