Joan Mary CrossonAge: 81 years1920–2002
- Name
- Joan Mary Crosson
- Given names
- Joan Mary
- Surname
- Crosson
Birth | December 13, 1920 Text: Kensington RD, ref 1a 212 (in Jan-Mar quarter of 1921) Shared note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Birth of a son #1 | Richard Charles Lovelock September 5, 1958 (Age 37 years) Text: Barnet RD, ref 5a 1009 Shared note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Death of a husband | Henry Richard Lovelock July 1995 (Age 74 years) Text: Elstree and Potters Bar RD, ref 30A 62 |
Death | September 2002 (Age 81 years) Text: Watford RD, ref B54D 164 |
Family with Henry Richard Lovelock |
husband |
Henry Richard Lovelock Birth: May 2, 1915 29 28 Death: July 1995 |
herself |
Joan Mary Crosson Birth: December 13, 1920 Death: September 2002 |
daughter |
Pamela M Lovelock |
daughter |
Jean M Lovelock |
daughter |
Sylvia E Lovelock |
son |
Richard Charles Lovelock Birth: September 5, 1958 43 37 Death: February 2004 |
Birth | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Text: Kensington RD, ref 1a 212 (in Jan-Mar quarter of 1921) |
Death | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Text: Watford RD, ref B54D 164 |
Birth | Date of birth included in death registration entry. |