Elizabeth Sarah FloreyAge: 72 years1886–1959
- Name
- Elizabeth Sarah Florey
- Given names
- Elizabeth Sarah
- Surname
- Florey
Birth | September 4, 1886 Text: Faringdon RD, ref 2c 287 |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Margaret Rose Lovelock November 1, 1909 (Age 23 years) Text: Faringdon RD, ref 2c 443 (as registered in Oct-Dec 1927) Note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Marriage | Henry James Lovelock — View this family September 6, 1913 (Age 27 years) Text: Fulham RD, ref 1a 608 |
Birth of a son #2 | Henry Richard Lovelock May 2, 1915 (Age 28 years) Text: Faringdon RD, ref 2c 526 Shared note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Birth of a son #3 | Cyril William Walmsley Lovelock between October 1917 and December 1917 (Age 31 years) Text: Faringdon RD, ref 2c 415 |
Birth of a daughter #4 | Ena Iris Lovelock February 1, 1920 (Age 33 years) Text: Paddington RD, ref 1a 133 Shared note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Census | 1921 (Age 34 years) |
Birth of a son #5 | John Arthur Lovelock between July 1923 and September 1923 (Age 36 years) Text: Paddington RD, ref 1a 102 |
Death of a son | Cyril William Walmsley Lovelock September 17, 1939 (Age 53 years) Shared note: Cyril was an Aircraftman 1st Class serving with either 811 or 822 Squadron aboard HMS Courageous. He was one of the 519 who died when the carrier was torpedoed by U-29, and sank off the coast of Ireland. He is commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial.
Death of a husband | Henry James Lovelock October 22, 1940 (Age 54 years) Text: Listed amongst the Civilian War Dead. Henry James was one of the 18 people killed in Whiteley's Department Store when it was hit by a bomb. Text: Paddington RD, ref 1a 21 (age 54) |
Death of a son | John Arthur Lovelock between January 1943 and March 1943 (Age 56 years) Text: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 220 (age 19) |
Death | between January 1959 and March 1959 (Age 72 years) Text: Wood Green RD, ref 5f 703 (age 72) |
Family with Henry James Lovelock |
husband |
Henry James Lovelock Birth: April 1, 1886 41 35 — Kensington RD, Kensington, London, England Death: October 22, 1940 — Whiteley's Stores, Queensway, London, England |
herself |
Elizabeth Sarah Florey Birth: September 4, 1886 Death: between January 1959 and March 1959 |
Marriage: September 6, 1913 — St Dionis, Fulham, London, England |
-4 years daughter |
Margaret Rose Lovelock Birth: November 1, 1909 23 23 Death: December 1976 |
6 years son |
Henry Richard Lovelock Birth: May 2, 1915 29 28 Death: July 1995 |
3 years son |
Cyril William Walmsley Lovelock Birth: between October 1917 and December 1917 31 31 Death: September 17, 1939 |
2 years daughter |
Ena Iris Lovelock Birth: February 1, 1920 33 33 Death: July 1992 |
4 years son |
John Arthur Lovelock Birth: between July 1923 and September 1923 37 36 Death: between January 1943 and March 1943 |
Birth | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Text: Faringdon RD, ref 2c 287 |
Birth | 1939 Register at Findmypast website |
Marriage | Lovelocks in Middlesex data on main Lovelock website |
Marriage | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Text: Fulham RD, ref 1a 608 |
Death | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Text: Wood Green RD, ref 5f 703 (age 72) |
Census | 13 Porchester Square Mews, Paddington, Paddington RD, Middlesex, England Henry James Lovelock;Head;34y 3m;Earls Court, London;Garage Hand Elizabeth Sarah Lovelock;Wife;33y 9m;Pusey, Berkshire (sic);Household Duties Rose Florey;Step daughter;11y 7m;Pusey, Berkshire (sic) Richard Henry Lovelock;Son;6y 1m;Pusey, Berkshire (sic) Cyril William W Lovelock;Son;3y 8m;Pusey, Berkshire (sic) Ena Iris Lovelock;Daughter;1y 4m;Paddington, London |