Ropley-Tidcombe Trees

James LovelockAge: 82 years18701952

James Lovelock
Given names
Birth January 1870 37 29
Christening January 20, 1870
Census 1871 (Age 12 months)

Note: Pinner, Middlesex, England
Birth of a brotherAlfred Lovelock
between April 1872 and June 1872 (Age 2 years)

Christening of a brotherAlfred Lovelock
July 14, 1872 (Age 2 years)
Death of a brotherAlfred Lovelock
between January 1873 and March 1873 (Age 3 years)

Birth of a sisterAnne Lovelock
between January 1877 and March 1877 (Age 7 years)
Birth of a brotherFrancis Henry Lovelock
between April 1879 and June 1879 (Age 9 years)
Census 1881 (Age 11 years)

Note: Northolt Road, Ruislip, Middlesex, England
Birth of a sisterConstance Amy Lovelock
March 8, 1882 (Age 12 years)
Census 1891 (Age 21 years)

Note: Boat 'Charles', Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire, England
MarriageSarah Ann PearsallView this family
December 23, 1895 (Age 25 years)
Death of a motherJane Nightengale
July 1901 (Age 31 years)

Burial of a motherJane Nightengale
July 14, 1901 (Age 31 years)
Census 1901 (Age 31 years)

Note: 'New Inn', Norton, Northamptonshire, England
Death of a fatherEdward Lovelock
between October 1906 and December 1906 (Age 36 years)

Census 1911 (Age 41 years)

Note: Norton Lock, Buckby Wharf, Nr Rugby, Northamptonshire, England
Census 1921 (Age 51 years)

Note: New Inn, Norton Locks, Rugby, Daventry RD, Northamptonshire, England
Death of a brotherEdward James Lovelock
between July 1929 and September 1929 (Age 59 years)

Death of a wifeSarah Ann Pearsall
between October 1932 and December 1932 (Age 62 years)

Death of a brotherWilliam Lovelock
between January 1938 and March 1938 (Age 68 years)

Death of a sisterAmelia Lovelock
between October 1939 and December 1939 (Age 69 years)

Death of a brotherFrancis Henry Lovelock
between October 1945 and December 1945 (Age 75 years)

Burial of a brotherFrancis Henry Lovelock
December 12, 1945 (Age 75 years)
Death July 1, 1952 (Age 82 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: May 27, 1860Ruislip, Middlesex, England
13 months
elder brother
3 years
elder brother
4 years
elder sister
4 years
3 years
younger brother
5 years
younger sister
Anne Lovelock
Birth: between January 1877 and March 1877 44 36Eastcote, Middlesex, England
Death: December 31, 1952
3 years
younger brother
Francis Henry Lovelock
Birth: between April 1879 and June 1879 46 38Eastcote, Middlesex, England
Death: between October 1945 and December 1945
3 years
younger sister
Family with Sarah Ann Pearsall - View this family
Sarah Ann Pearsall
Birth: between April 1869 and June 1869Simpson, Buckinghamshire, England
Death: between October 1932 and December 1932
Marriage: December 23, 1895Diseworth, Leicestershire, England


Pinner, Middlesex, England RG10 1325 F91 P5

Edward Lovelock;Head;40;Carter; ...?, Wiltshire Jane Lovelock;Wife;30;;Eastcot, Middx Edward Lovelock;Son;9;;Eastcot, Middx William Lovelock;Son;8;;Eastcot, Middx Amelia Lovelock;Daur;5;;Ealing, Middx James Lovelock;Son;1;;Ruislip, Middx


Northolt Road, Ruislip, Middlesex, England RG11 1334 F25 P20

Edward LOVELOCK;Head;M;50;M;Farm Laborer;Tidcombe, Wilts Jane LOVELOCK;Wife;M;40;F;Laborers Wife;Eastcote, Middx James LOVELOCK;Son;11;M;Scholar;Eastcote, Middx Anne LOVELOCK;Daur;4;F;Scholar;Eastcote, Middx Francis LOVELOCK;Son;1;M;;Eastcote, Middx


Boat 'Charles', Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire, England RG12 1122 F50 P29

James Lovelock;Captain;22;Boatman;Ruislip, Middx F H Lovelock;1st Mate;12;Boatman;Ruislip, Middx


'New Inn', Norton, Northamptonshire, England RG13 1435 F69 P14

James Lovelock;Head;31;Publican;Ruislip, Middx Sarah A Lovelock;Wife;31;;Simpson, Bucks


Norton Lock, Buckby Wharf, Nr Rugby, Northamptonshire, England RG14 PN8476 RG78 PN438 RD164 SD3 ED5 SN25

James Lovelock;Head;41;License (sic) Victualler & Grocer;W Ken (?), Middx Sarah Ann Lovelock;Wife, married 15 years;41;;Simpon Wharf, Bucks Matilda Woodhouse;Niece;8;;Telvertoft, Northants


New Inn, Norton Locks, Rugby, Daventry RD, Northamptonshire, England

James Lovelock;Head;51y 4m;Brentford, Middlesex;Grocer Publican Sarah Ann Lovelock;Wife;52y 1m;Simpson, Buckinghamshire;Home Duties Matilda Woodhouse;Niece;19y 1m;Yelvertoft, Northamptonshire;Assisting Aunt in H D (sic)