Jane NightengaleAge: 60 years1841–1901
- Name
- Jane Nightengale
- Given names
- Jane
- Surname
- Nightengale
Birth | between January 1841 and March 1841 Note: Place of birth from 1881 census record.
Marriage | Edward Lovelock — View this family May 27, 1860 (Age 19 years) Note: Jane signed herself 'Nightingale'.
Birth of a son #1 | Edward James Lovelock between April 1861 and June 1861 (Age 20 years) Note: Note: the 1901 census record for Edward James L and family indicates that he was born 1867. However, the only Edward James Lovelock birth (all counties) on FreeBMD between 1860 and 1870 is the one in the Apr-Jun quarter 1861 in Uxbridge RD, which included Eastcote.This also agrees with the 1881 census record of the Edward Lovelock at Smiths Farm, Northolt, with the Hitchcock family.
Census | 1861 (Age 20 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | William Lovelock between 1862 and 1863 (Age 21 years) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Amelia Lovelock November 6, 1865 (Age 24 years) |
Birth of a son #4 | James Lovelock January 1870 (Age 29 years) |
Christening of a son | James Lovelock January 20, 1870 (Age 29 years) |
Census | 1871 (Age 30 years) |
Birth of a son #5 | Alfred Lovelock between April 1872 and June 1872 (Age 31 years) |
Christening of a son | Alfred Lovelock July 14, 1872 (Age 31 years) |
Death of a son | Alfred Lovelock between January 1873 and March 1873 (Age 32 years) |
Birth of a daughter #6 | Anne Lovelock between January 1877 and March 1877 (Age 36 years) |
Birth of a son #7 | Francis Henry Lovelock between April 1879 and June 1879 (Age 38 years) |
Census | Edward Lovelock — View this family 1881 (Age 40 years) |
Birth of a daughter #8 | Constance Amy Lovelock March 8, 1882 (Age 41 years) |
Marriage of a child | Lewis Edward Fussell — Amelia Lovelock — View this family March 30, 1884 (Age 43 years) |
Marriage of a child | William Lovelock — Emily Lovelock — View this family January 11, 1885 (Age 44 years) Note: This is the marriage which joins the Wroughton-Tidcombe Tree to the Ropley, Crondall and Dogmersfield Tree.
Census | 1891 (Age 50 years) |
Marriage of a child | Edward James Lovelock — Emily Rowell — View this family between January 1, 1895 and March 31, 1895 (Age 54 years) |
Marriage of a child | James Lovelock — Sarah Ann Pearsall — View this family December 23, 1895 (Age 54 years) |
Marriage of a child | Charles Pickthorn — Constance Amy Lovelock — View this family December 23, 1899 (Age 58 years) |
Census | Edward Lovelock — View this family 1901 (Age 60 years) |
Marriage of a child | Francis Henry Lovelock — Constance Amy Hitchcock — View this family between April 1901 and June 1901 (Age 60 years) |
Death | July 1901 (Age 60 years) |
Burial | July 14, 1901 (Age 60 years) |
Family with Edward Lovelock |
husband |
Edward Lovelock Christening: April 8, 1832 35 42 — Tidcombe, Wiltshire, England Death: between October 1906 and December 1906 |
herself |
Jane Nightengale Birth: between January 1841 and March 1841 — Eastcote, Middlesex, England Death: July 1901 |
Marriage: May 27, 1860 — Ruislip, Middlesex, England |
13 months son |
Edward James Lovelock Birth: between April 1861 and June 1861 28 20 — Eastcote, Middlesex, England Death: between July 1929 and September 1929 |
3 years son |
William Lovelock Birth: between 1862 and 1863 29 21 — Eastcote, Middlesex, England Death: between January 1938 and March 1938 |
4 years daughter |
Amelia Lovelock Birth: November 6, 1865 33 24 — Ealing, Middlesex, England Death: between October 1939 and December 1939 |
4 years son |
James Lovelock Birth: January 1870 37 29 — Eastcote, Middlesex, England Death: July 1, 1952 |
3 years son |
Alfred Lovelock Birth: between April 1872 and June 1872 39 31 Death: between January 1873 and March 1873 |
5 years daughter |
Anne Lovelock Birth: between January 1877 and March 1877 44 36 — Eastcote, Middlesex, England Death: December 31, 1952 |
3 years son |
Francis Henry Lovelock Birth: between April 1879 and June 1879 46 38 — Eastcote, Middlesex, England Death: between October 1945 and December 1945 |
3 years daughter |
Constance Amy Lovelock Birth: March 8, 1882 49 41 — Harlington, Middlesex, England Death: between January 1969 and March 1969 |
Birth | Place of birth from 1881 census record. |
Marriage | Jane signed herself 'Nightingale'. |
Census | Ch...tt (?) Farm, Aute End, Ruislip, Middx RG9 769 F39 P16 Edward Lovelock;Head;28;Ag Lab;Didcott (sic), Wilts Jane Lovelock;Wife;20;;Ruislip, Middx Babe (sic);Son;1day;;Ruislip, Middx Lidia (sic) Bunce;Grandmother;60;;Ruislip, Middx |
Census | Pinner, Middlesex, England RG10 1325 F91 P5 Edward Lovelock;Head;40;Carter; ...?, Wiltshire Jane Lovelock;Wife;30;;Eastcot, Middx Edward Lovelock;Son;9;;Eastcot, Middx William Lovelock;Son;8;;Eastcot, Middx Amelia Lovelock;Daur;5;;Ealing, Middx James Lovelock;Son;1;;Ruislip, Middx |
Census | Northolt Road, Ruislip, Middlesex, England RG11 1334 F25 P20 Edward LOVELOCK;Head;M;50;M;Farm Laborer;Tidcombe, Wilts Jane LOVELOCK;Wife;M;40;F;Laborers Wife;Eastcote, Middx James LOVELOCK;Son;;11;M;;Eastcote, Middlx Anne LOVELOCK;Daur;;4;F;;Eastcote, Middlx Francis LOVELOCK;Son;;1;M;;Eastcote, Middx |
Census | 4 Roys Cottages, Greenford Magna, Middlesex, England RG12 1038 F124 P11 Edward Lovelock;Head;59;Farm Labourer;Tictom (sic), Wilts Jane Lovelock;Wife;50;;Eastcott, Middx Edward James Lovelock;Son;29;Farm Labourer;Eastcott, Middx Constance Amy Lovelock;Daur;9;;Haslington, Middx |
Census | Factory Cottages, Greenford, Middlesex, England RG13 1206 F118 P15 Edward Lovelock;Head;70;Night Watchman on Raily (sic);Ficton (sic), Wilts Jane Lovelock;Wife;60;;Eastcote, Middx Francis H Lovelock;Son;21;Factory Labourer;Eastcote, Middx Edward J Lovelock;Head;39;General Labourer Factory;Eastcote, Middx Emily Lovelock;Wife;27;;Harrow, Middx Constance E Lovelock;Daur;4;;Greenford Green, Middx Edward M Lovelock;Son;10mos;;Greenford Green, Middx |