Ropley-Tidcombe Trees

Rebecca SmithAge: 70 years18201890

Rebecca Smith
Given names
Birth about 1820
Note: Birth date deduced from age (70) at death 2 Q 1890
MarriageThomas LovelockView this family
February 17, 1844 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a son
George Lovelock
between January 1, 1845 and March 31, 1845 (Age 25 years)
Christening of a sonGeorge Lovelock
February 16, 1845 (Age 25 years)
Birth of a son
Joseph Lovelock
between October 1846 and December 1846 (Age 26 years)
Christening of a sonJoseph Lovelock
December 13, 1846 (Age 26 years)
Death of a sonJoseph Lovelock
July 1847 (Age 27 years)
Burial of a sonJoseph Lovelock
August 1, 1847 (Age 27 years)
Birth of a son
James Lovelock
between April 1848 and May 1848 (Age 28 years)
Note: Place of birth from 1851 census record
Christening of a sonJames Lovelock
May 22, 1848 (Age 28 years)
CensusThomas LovelockView this family
1851 (Age 31 years)

Note: Tidcombe, Wiltshire, England
Birth of a daughter
Hester Lovelock
between July 1855 and August 1855 (Age 35 years)

Christening of a daughterHester Lovelock
August 5, 1855 (Age 35 years)
Death of a daughterHester Lovelock
about February 1857 (Age 37 years)
Burial of a daughterHester Lovelock
February 12, 1857 (Age 37 years)
Birth of a daughter
Sarah Ann Lovelock
April 16, 1858 (Age 38 years)
Note: Place of birth from 1861 and 1891 census records
Christening of a daughterSarah Ann Lovelock
June 19, 1858 (Age 38 years)
CensusThomas LovelockView this family
1861 (Age 41 years)

Note: Tidcombe, Wiltshire, England
Marriage of a childGeorge LovelockSarah YoungView this family
December 24, 1864 (Age 44 years)
Death of a sonJames Lovelock
between April 1866 and June 1866 (Age 46 years)
Burial of a sonJames Lovelock
June 12, 1866 (Age 46 years)
CensusThomas LovelockView this family
1871 (Age 51 years)

Note: Tidcombe, Wiltshire, England
CensusThomas LovelockView this family
1881 (Age 61 years)

Note: Fosbury, Tidcombe, Wiltshire, England
Marriage of a childJames PeckSarah Ann LovelockView this family
about June 1886 (Age 66 years)
Note: Places of birth of the children are confirmed by the 1891 and 1901 Census Returns, as is James' birthplace of Ogbourne St George. He was born in 2Q 1860 in the Marlborough RD, ref 5a 81.
Death between April 1890 and June 1890 (Age 70 years)
Burial June 2, 1890 (Age 70 years)
Family with Thomas Lovelock - View this family
Thomas Lovelock
Christening: December 24, 1820 24 30Wroughton, Wiltshire, England
Death: between January 1, 1891 and February 12, 1891Hungerford RD, Hungerford, Berkshire, England
Marriage: February 17, 1844Tidcombe, Wiltshire, England
13 months
2 years
Joseph Lovelock
Birth: between October 1846 and December 1846 25 26Hungerford RD, Hungerford, Berkshire, England
Death: July 1847Hungerford RD, Hungerford, Berkshire, England
20 months
James Lovelock
Birth: between April 1848 and May 1848 27 28Tidcombe, Wiltshire, England
Death: between April 1866 and June 1866Hungerford RD, Hungerford, Berkshire, England
7 years
Hester Lovelock
Birth: between July 1855 and August 1855 34 35
Death: about February 1857Hungerford RD, Hungerford, Berkshire, England
3 years


Birth date deduced from age (70) at death 2 Q 1890


Tidcombe, Wiltshire, England HO107 1686 F168 P10

Thomas Lovelock 30 Agricultural Labourer Elcombe Rebecca Lovelock 30 Little Bedwyn, Wilts George Lovelock 6 Scholar Tidcombe, Wilts James Lovelock 4 Tidcombe, Wilts Charles Mason Lodger, marr. 27 Agricultural Labourer Tidcombe, Wilts Eliza Mason Wife 28 Agricultural Labourer Vernham William Mason Son 2 Marlborough, Wilts James Mason (?) 3wks Tidcombe, Wilts John Cook Lodger's son 8 Scholar Ashmonsworth


Tidcombe, Wiltshire, England RG9 724 F7 P7

Thomas Lovelock;Head;40;Ag Lab;Wroughton Wiltshire Rebecca Lovelock;Wife;41;Ag Lab;Little Bedwin Wiltshire George Lovelock;Son;16;Ag Lab;Tidcombe Wiltshire James Lovelock;Son;12;Ag Lab;Tidcombe Wiltshire Sarah Ann Lovelock;Daur;2;;Tidcombe Wiltshire


Tidcombe, Wiltshire, England RG10 1254 F7 P4

Thomas Lovelock;Head;50;Agl Lab;Wroughton, Wiltshire Rebecca Lovelock;Wife;51;;Little Bedwyn Sarah Ann Daur;12;Scholar;Tidcombe, Wiltshire


Fosbury, Tidcombe, Wiltshire, England RG11 1274 F5

Thomas Lovelock;Head;60;Agricultural Labourer;Elcombe, Wilts Rebecca Lovelock;Wife;60;;Little Bedwyn, Wilts