James LovelockAge: 74 years1824–1898
- Name
- James Lovelock
- Given names
- James
- Surname
- Lovelock
Christening | January 1, 1824 |
Burial of a sister | Ann Lovelock July 7, 1827 (Age 3 years) |
Burial of a paternal grandmother | Mary Carpenter June 21, 1834 (Age 10 years) |
Death of a sister | Hester Lovelock between January 1841 and March 1841 (Age 17 years) |
Burial of a sister | Hester Lovelock March 28, 1841 (Age 17 years) |
Census | 1841 (Age 17 years) |
Death of a mother | Lucy Ball between January 1851 and March 1851 (Age 27 years) |
Census | 1851 (Age 27 years) |
Marriage | Anne Newman — View this family May 20, 1855 (Age 31 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | John George Lovelock between July 1855 and September 1855 (Age 31 years) Note: Place of birth from 1861 census record
Birth of a daughter #2 | Mary Ann Lovelock about June 1858 (Age 34 years) Note: Place of birth from 1861 census record
Death of a sister | Mary Lovelock about June 1858 (Age 34 years) |
Christening of a daughter | Mary Ann Lovelock June 20, 1858 (Age 34 years) |
Census | Anne Newman — View this family 1861 (Age 37 years) |
Death of a wife | Anne Newman between July 1865 and September 1865 (Age 41 years) |
Census | 1871 (Age 47 years) |
Marriage of a child | John George Lovelock — Elizabeth Kilmister — View this family June 2, 1877 (Age 53 years) |
Death of a father | James Lovelock about June 1878 (Age 54 years) |
Census | 1881 (Age 57 years) |
Census | 1891 (Age 67 years) |
Marriage | Jane Jackaman — View this family between July 1892 and September 1892 (Age 68 years) Note: Jane married in her previously-married name of Holliday.
Death | about June 1898 (Age 74 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
James Lovelock Christening: April 14, 1793 45 35 — Wroughton, Wiltshire, England Death: about June 1878 — Highworth RD, Highworth, Wiltshire, England |
mother |
Lucy Ball Birth: about 1786 — Wiltshire, England Death: between January 1851 and March 1851 — Highworth RD, Highworth, Wiltshire, England |
Marriage: October 20, 1814 — Wroughton, Wiltshire, England |
9 months elder sister |
Hester Lovelock Christening: July 16, 1815 22 29 — Wroughton, Wiltshire, England Death: between January 1841 and March 1841 |
3 years elder sister |
Mary Lovelock Birth: about 1817 23 31 Death: about June 1858 — Highworth RD, Highworth, Wiltshire, England |
3 years elder sister |
Ann Lovelock Christening: September 10, 1819 26 33 — Wroughton, Wiltshire, England Death: |
2 years elder brother |
John Lovelock Birth: about 1821 27 35 Death: about June 1899 — Swindon RD, Swindon, Wiltshire, England |
3 years himself |
James Lovelock Christening: January 1, 1824 30 38 — Wroughton, Wiltshire, England Death: about June 1898 — Highworth RD, Highworth, Wiltshire, England |
Family with Anne Newman |
himself |
James Lovelock Christening: January 1, 1824 30 38 — Wroughton, Wiltshire, England Death: about June 1898 — Highworth RD, Highworth, Wiltshire, England |
wife |
Anne Newman Birth: about 1822 — Purton, Wiltshire, England Death: between July 1865 and September 1865 — Cricklade RD, Cricklade, Wiltshire, England |
Marriage: May 20, 1855 — Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire, England |
4 months son |
John George Lovelock Birth: between July 1855 and September 1855 31 33 — Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire, England Death: between January 1936 and March 1936 |
3 years daughter |
Mary Ann Lovelock Birth: about June 1858 34 36 — Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire, England Death: October 24, 1937 |
Family with Jane Jackaman |
himself |
James Lovelock Christening: January 1, 1824 30 38 — Wroughton, Wiltshire, England Death: about June 1898 — Highworth RD, Highworth, Wiltshire, England |
wife |
Jane Jackaman Birth: November 30, 1844 — Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England Death: July 9, 1936 — York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Marriage: between July 1892 and September 1892 — |
Census | Elcomb Tything, Wroughton, Wiltshire, England HO107 1176/13 F7 P5 James Lovelock;49;Bricklayer;Wilts Lucy Lovelock;48;;Wilts Mary Lovelock;21;;Wilts James Lovelock;17;;Wilts Thomas Lovelock;60;Carpenter;Wilts Ann Green;3;;Wilts |
Census | Wroughton, Wiltshire, England HO107 1833 F473 P24 James Lovelock Widower 57 Mason Elmore, Wilts Mary Lovelock 33 Elmore, Wilts James Lovelock 27 Elmore, Wilts Note: Robin Lovelock (email 21-Mar-06) checked the 1851 census image and reports that Elmore should read Elcombe (as in the Nimrod index record below) The Nimrod transcript has the following: Wroughton LOVELOCK James hd 57 Elcombe Wil C062 Wroughton LOVELOCK James so 27 Elcombe Wil C062 Wroughton LOVELOCK Mary da 33 Elcombe Wil C062 |
Census | High Street, Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire, England RG9 1273 F 122 P 18 James Lovelock;Head;37 [website has abt 1824];Bricklayer;Elcomb, Wilts Ann Lovelock;Wife;39 [website abt 1822];Purton, Wilts John Lovelock;Son;6 [website abt 1855];Wootton Bassett, Wilts Mary Ann Lovelock;Daur;3 [website abt 1858];Wootton Bassett, Wilts |
Census | Old Court, Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire, England RG10 1885 F61 P9 James Lovelock Boarder, widr, 50, Mason, Wroughton, Wiltshire Boarding with Rebecca Drury (Head), 60, Charwoman |
Census | 26 Cricklade Street, Swindon, Wiltshire, England RG11 2017 F108 P24 John HAZELL M 43 M Swindon, Wiltshire, England Rel: Head Occ: Mason Louisa HAZELL M 36 F Somerford, Wiltshire, England Rel: Wife Occ: Wife Of Mason Louisa HAZELL 14 F Swindon, Wiltshire, England Rel: Daur Occ: Scholar Eliza HAZELL 8 F Swindon, Wiltshire, England Rel: Daur Occ: Scholar Thomas HAZELL 4 M Swindon, Wiltshire, England Rel: Son Occ: Scholar James LOVELOCK W 57 M Wroughton, Wiltshire, England Rel: Lodger Occ: Mason |
Census | The Royal Oak Inn, Devizes Road, Old Swindon, Wiltshire, England RG12 1582 F117 P10 Thomas Offer, Head, M, 69, Beer[?]house Keeper (employed), Wiltshire Devizes Lydia Offer, Wife, M, 54, Wiltshire Calne Minnie[?] Offer, Daughter, S, 15, Dressmaker (employed), Wiltshire Devizes James Rattenbury[?], Boarder, S, 62, Sign Writer (neither empl. nor unempl'd), London Bermondsey James Lovelock, Boarder, Wid, 67, Bricklayer (employed), Wilts Wroughton John Phillips, Boarder, S, 43, Bricklayer[? - poss. ditto marks], Gloucestershire, Cheltenham |
Marriage | Jane married in her previously-married name of Holliday. |