Hungerford - Shalbourne Tree

Elsie Maud LovelockAge: 63 years18961959

Elsie Maud Lovelock
Given names
Elsie Maud
Birth March 14, 1896 25 22

Marylebone RD, ref 1a 536 (registered in Apr-Jun quarter)

Birth of a sisterVictoria May Lovelock
May 11, 1897 (Age 13 months)

Kensington RD, ref 1a 149

Shared note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Note: The 1939 Register gives the date of birth as 11 May 1899 but there is no corresponding Free BMD entry.
Death of a paternal grandfatherJohn Lovelock
between January 1899 and March 1899 (Age 2 years)
Citation details: Email 24-Jul-07 with Word document "A Tree Originating in Burghfield ... Or Perhaps Not"
Quality of data: primary evidence
Citation details: Death in 1Q 1899 in Kensington RD, ref 1a 77
Quality of data: primary evidence
Birth of a sisterViolet Frances Lovelock
October 10, 1899 (Age 3 years)

Kensington RD, ref 1a 125

Census 1901 (Age 4 years)

Note: 7 Porchester Sq (sic) Mews, Paddington, London, England
Birth of a sisterIvy Lovelock
January 10, 1902 (Age 5 years)

Kensington RD, ref 1a 136

Census 1911 (Age 14 years)

Note: 7 Porchester Square Mews, Paddington, London, England
MarriageCharles Henry Douglas MoorbyView this family
April 3, 1920 (Age 24 years)

Paddington RD, ref 1a 69

Birth of a daughter
Patricia Moorby
August 5, 1925 (Age 29 years)


Paddington RD, ref 1a 95

Note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Death of a fatherThomas William Lovelock
between April 1947 and June 1947 (Age 51 years)


Paddington RD, ref 5d 173 (age 76)

Death of a motherSarah Legg
between July 1949 and September 1949 (Age 53 years)


Kensington RD, ref 5c 836 (age 76)

Death of a sisterViolet Frances Lovelock
between April 1950 and June 1950 (Age 54 years)


Paddington RD, ref 5d 143 (age 50)

Death between October 1959 and December 1959 (Age 63 years)


Ealing RD, ref 5e 72 (age 63)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: between July 1895 and September 1895
8 months
14 months
younger sister
2 years
younger sister
2 years
younger sister
Family with Charles Henry Douglas Moorby - View this family
Marriage: April 3, 1920Holy Trinity, Paddington, London, England
5 years

BirthGRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths

Marylebone RD, ref 1a 536 (registered in Apr-Jun quarter)

Birth1939 Register at Findmypast website
MarriageGRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths

Paddington RD, ref 1a 69

MarriageLovelocks in Middlesex data on main Lovelock website
DeathGRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths

Ealing RD, ref 5e 72 (age 63)


7 Porchester Sq (sic) Mews, Paddington, London, England RG13 12 F61 P25

Thos (sic) W Lovelock;Head;29;Coachman;Paddington, London Sarah Lovelock;Wife;27;;Redhill, Surrey Elsie M Lovelock;Daur;5;;Marylebone, London Victoria M Lovelock;Daur;3;;Kensington, London Violet F Lovelock;Daur;1;;Kensington, London Sidney Legg;Visitor;12;;Kensington, London


7 Porchester Square Mews, Paddington, London, England RG14 PN52 RG78 PN2 RD1 SD2 ED12 SN225

Thomas William Lovelock;Head;39;Chauffeur, Domestic;Kensington Sarah Lovelock;Wife, married 16 years;36;;Red Hill (sic), Surrey Elsie Maud Lovelock;Daur;15;Assisting at Home;Marylebone Victoria May Lovelock;Daur;13;;Kensington Violet Francis (sic) Lovelock;Daur;11;;Kensington Ivy Lovelock;Daur;10;;Kensington