Ropley-Tidcombe Trees

William Sidney LovelockAge: 80 years18821963

William Sidney Lovelock
Given names
William Sidney
Birth between July 1882 and September 1882 31 28
MarriageMary (Mollie) Carolyn UnknownView this family

Birth of a brotherCharles Lovelock
September 26, 1884 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a sisterEdith Lovelock
between October 1, 1886 and December 31, 1886 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherFrederick Graham Lovelock
between April 1, 1889 and June 30, 1889 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a brotherJoseph Merrit Lovelock
October 12, 1891 (Age 9 years)
Census 1891 (Age 8 years)

Note: 148 William Street, Swindon, Wiltshire, England
Census 1901 (Age 18 years)

Note: 148 William Street, Swindon, Wiltshire, England
Census 1910 (Age 27 years)

Note: Mendota, Illinois, USA
Birth of a son
William Thomas Lovelock
March 3, 1912 (Age 29 years)
Death of a brotherFrederick Graham Lovelock
September 28, 1920 (Age 38 years)

Census 1920 (Age 37 years)

Note: Reno, Kansas, USA
Death of a motherElizabeth Ann Eatwell
October 3, 1921 (Age 39 years)

Death of a fatherTom Lovelock
July 11, 1926 (Age 44 years)

Census 1930 (Age 47 years)

Note: Hutchinson City, Reno County, Kansas, USA
Census 1940 (Age 57 years)

Note: Hutchinson, Reno, Kansas, USA
Death of a brotherCharles Lovelock
August 29, 1945 (Age 63 years)

Census 1950 (Age 67 years)

Note: Reno, Kansas, USA
MarriageNora Annie KilminsterView this family
between October 1954 and December 1954 (Age 72 years)

Death between April 1963 and May 1963 (Age 80 years)

Burial May 10, 1963 (Age 80 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: between October 1, 1878 and December 31, 1878Marlborough RD, Marlborough, Wiltshire, England
16 months
elder sister
15 months
elder brother
Harold Tom Lovelock
Birth: between January 1881 and March 1881 29 27Swindon, Wiltshire, England
Death: July 8, 1968Deer Lodge Hospital, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
21 months
2 years
younger brother
2 years
younger sister
Edith Lovelock
Birth: between October 1, 1886 and December 31, 1886 35 32Swindon, Wiltshire, England
Death: between January 1965 and March 1965
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
Father’s family with Martha Merrett - View this family
Martha Merrett
Birth: between October 1856 and December 1856Clyffe Pypard, Wiltshire, England
Death: between July 1877 and September 1877
Marriage: December 25, 1874St Mark, Swindon, Wiltshire, England
Family with Nora Annie Kilminster - View this family
Marriage: between October 1954 and December 1954
Family with Mary (Mollie) Carolyn Unknown - View this family
Frederick Graham Lovelock + Nora Annie Kilminster - View this family
younger brother
Marriage: May 30, 1916Wesley Chapel, Swindon, Wiltshire, England
2 years


148 William Street, Swindon, Wiltshire, England RG12 1583 F35 P20

Tom Lovelock;Head;40;Carriage Maker;Pewsey, Wilts Elizabeth Lovelock;Wife;41;;Clyffe Pypard, Wilts Helena Lovelock;Daur;11;;Swindon, Wilts Harold T Lovelock;Son;10;;Swindon, Wilts William S Lovelock;Son;8;;Swindon, Wilts Charles Lovelock;Son;6;;Swindon, Wilts Edith Lovelock;Daur;4;;Swindon, Wilts Frederick Lovelock;Son;2;;Swindon, Wilts


148 William Street, Swindon, Wiltshire, England RG13 1908 F103 P35

Tom Lovelock;Head;54;Railway Coach Body Maker;Pewsey, Wilts Elizabeth Lovelock;Wife;53;;Wootton Bassett, Wilts Helena Lovelock;Daur;19;French Polisher;Swindon, Wilts William Lovelock;Son;18;Railway Coach Body Maker's Apprentice;Swindon, Wilts Edith Lovelock;Daur;14;;Swindon, Wilts Frederick Lovelock;Son;11;;Swindon, Wilts Joseph Lovelock;Son;9;;Swindon, Wilts


Mendota, Illinois, USA

William Lovelock;29;England;England;House Carpenter


Reno, Kansas, USA

William S Lovelock;Head;37;England;England England;Cabinet Maker Mollie C Lovelock;Wife;37;Maine;England Maine William T Lovelock;Son;8;Missouri;England Maine


Hutchinson City, Reno County, Kansas, USA

William S Lovelock;Head;48;England;England England;Cabinet Maker [Arrived in US 1885] Mollie Lovelock;Wife;47;Massachusetts;England Maine;None (sic) William T Lovelock;Son;18;Kansas;England Massachusetts;None (sic)


Hutchinson, Reno, Kansas, USA William S Lovelock;Head;58;England;In same house 1 Apr 1935;Cabinet Maker Mollie E Lovelock;Wife;58;Massachusetts;In same house 1 Apr 1935


Reno, Kansas, USA

William S Lovelock;Married;Head;67;Massachusetts;Cabinet Maker;Cabinet Shop Mollie C Lovelock;Married;Wife;67;Maine


William sailed from Glasgow on 15 September 1906 aboard the "Athenia", one of 261 souls in Steerage bound for Montreal.

He arrived, apparently alone, in Southampton on 10 December 1954 from New York, with a forwarding address of 44 South View Avenue, Swindon, Wiltshire.