Ellen HarmsworthAge: 83 years1909–1992
- Name
- Ellen Harmsworth
- Given names
- Ellen
- Surname
- Harmsworth
Birth | February 21, 1909 Note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Marriage | Henry James Lovelock — View this family between July 1931 and September 1931 (Age 22 years) Text: Southwark RD, ref 1d 141 |
Birth of a son #1 | George Henry Lovelock May 23, 1932 (Age 23 years) Text: Southwark RD, ref 1d 5 (registered in Jul-Sep quarter) |
Death of a husband | Henry James Lovelock between October 1962 and December 1962 (Age 53 years) Text: Surrey Mid Eastern RD, ref 5g 337 (age 58) |
Death | April 1992 (Age 83 years) Text: Reading and Wokingham RD, ref 19 465 |
Family with Henry James Lovelock |
husband |
Henry James Lovelock Birth: between April 1904 and June 1904 34 30 Death: between October 1962 and December 1962 |
herself |
Ellen Harmsworth Birth: February 21, 1909 Death: April 1992 |
Marriage: between July 1931 and September 1931 — |
11 months son |
George Henry Lovelock Birth: May 23, 1932 28 23 Death: January 17, 2011 |
Birth | 1939 Register at Findmypast website |
Marriage | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Text: Southwark RD, ref 1d 141 |
Death | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Text: Reading and Wokingham RD, ref 19 465 |
Birth | Date of birth included in death registration entry. |