Sarah LovelockAge: 36 days1830–1830
- Name
- Sarah Lovelock
- Given names
- Sarah
- Surname
- Lovelock
Christening | March 17, 1830 |
Death | yes |
Burial | April 22, 1830 (Age 36 days) |
Family with parents |
father |
William Lovelock Christening: November 30, 1788 41 30 — Wroughton, Wiltshire, England Death: between April 1860 and June 1860 |
mother |
Sarah King Death: between July 1849 and September 1849 |
Marriage: July 5, 1812 — Saint Peter And St. Paul, Marlborough, Wiltshire, England |
9 months elder brother |
George Lovelock Christening: April 13, 1813 24 — Saint Peter And St. Paul, Marlborough, Wiltshire, England Death: between July 1, 1890 and September 30, 1890 — Marlborough RD, Marlborough, Wiltshire, England |
3 years elder brother |
James Lovelock Christening: July 7, 1816 27 — Saint Peter And St. Paul, Marlborough, Wiltshire, England Death: |
20 months elder brother |
Edward Lovelock Christening: March 18, 1818 29 — Saint Peter And St. Paul, Marlborough, Wiltshire, England Death: |
22 months elder sister |
Mary Lovelock Birth: January 29, 1820 31 — Marlborough, Wiltshire, England Death: January 11, 1908 — St Mary, Marlborough, Wiltshire, England |
3 years elder brother |
Thomas Lovelock Birth: about 1822 33 Death: between October 1, 1865 and December 31, 1865 — Pewsey RD, Pewsey, Wiltshire, England |
4 years elder brother |
William Lovelock Birth: about 1825 36 — Marlborough, Wiltshire, England Death: |
3 years elder brother |
John Lovelock Birth: about 1827 38 — Marlborough, Wiltshire, England Death: |
3 years herself |
Sarah Lovelock Christening: March 17, 1830 41 — Saint Peter And St. Paul, Marlborough, Wiltshire, England Death: |
21 months younger sister |
Ann Lovelock Birth: about 1831 42 Death: between October 1921 and December 1921 |
Note | Batch #: C020201, Source Call #: 097840 |