Wiltshire Lovelock Trees - A Collection of Various Trees

Hannah LovelockAge: 65 years17901855

Hannah Lovelock
Given names
Birth about 1790
Note: Birth date and place deduced from 1851 census data
MarriageJoseph PainterView this family

Note: Hannah's son William named Joseph Painter as his father when he married Charlotte Tull, but there seems to be no surviving record of a marriage of Hannah and Joseph.
Birth of a son
William Lovelock
about 1816 (Age 26 years)


William baseborn son of Hannah Lovelock, Lineham

William's father's name from William's marriage record

Christening of a sonWilliam Lovelock
March 17, 1816 (Age 26 years)
Citation details: Baptisms 1605, 1606, 1621, 1623, 1624, 1627, 1633, 1660, 1666, 1668, 1669, 1677, 1679, 1693, 1702, 1709, 1710, 1716-1731, 1735-1854, 1857-1878 (BTs)

1816 Mar 17 William baseborn son of Hannah Lovelock, Lineham

Quality of data: primary evidence
MarriageRichard SimeonsView this family
June 3, 1821 (Age 31 years)
Citation details: Marriages 1605-1606, 1621, 1623-1624, 1627, 1633, 1660, 1666, 1668-1669, 1677, 1679, 1693, 1702, 1709-1710, 1716-1731, 1735-1854, 1857-1878 (BTs)

1821 Jun 3 Richard Simeons of Christian Malford and Hannah Lovelock of this parish. By licence. Wit: Sarah Ferris, James Butler

Quality of data: primary evidence
Marriage of a childWilliam LovelockCharlotte TrullView this family
September 8, 1839 (Age 49 years)
Citation details: PR provided by Sue Lovelock by email 2-Dec-04

1839 Sep 8 William Lovelock, bachelor, 23, of the parish of Lyneham Father: Joseph Painter, labourer and Charlotte Pritchard, 31, widow, of the parish of Lyneham Father: Joseph Trull, labourer. By banns. Wit: William Shepherd, Susan Holloway

Quality of data: primary evidence

Cricklade RD, ref 8 413



Note: Charlotte married in her previously-married name of Pritchard.
CensusRichard SimeonsView this family
1851 (Age 61 years)
Citation details: email message 18 Oct 2004
Quality of data: primary evidence
Note: Road to Lye Common, Christian Malford, Wiltshire, England
Death between April 1855 and June 1855 (Age 65 years)


Chippenham RD, ref 5a 46. (age 64)

Family with Joseph Painter - View this family
Family with Richard Simeons - View this family
Marriage: June 3, 1821Lyneham, Wiltshire, England

MarriageLyneham BTs & PRs
Citation details: Marriages 1605-1606, 1621, 1623-1624, 1627, 1633, 1660, 1666, 1668-1669, 1677, 1679, 1693, 1702, 1709-1710, 1716-1731, 1735-1854, 1857-1878 (BTs)

1821 Jun 3 Richard Simeons of Christian Malford and Hannah Lovelock of this parish. By licence. Wit: Sarah Ferris, James Butler

Quality of data: primary evidence
CensusSusan Elizabeth Lovelock, née Avery, wife of Allen Lovelock, Sue Lovelock (email correspondence first via Graham L Feb 2004, then directly with Sue March/April 2004)
Citation details: email message 18 Oct 2004
Quality of data: primary evidence
NameLyneham BTs & PRs
DeathFree BMD Civil Registration index information for England and Wales.

Chippenham RD, ref 5a 46. (age 64)


Birth date and place deduced from 1851 census data


Hannah's son William named Joseph Painter as his father when he married Charlotte Tull, but there seems to be no surviving record of a marriage of Hannah and Joseph.


Road to Lye Common, Christian Malford, Wiltshire, England HO107 1836 F738 P14

Richard SIMEONS;Head;56;Ag Lab;Christian Malford, Wilts Hannah SIMEONS;Wife;61;;Hankerton, Wilts