Mary WattsAge: 81 years1800–1881
- Name
- Mary Watts
- Given names
- Mary
- Surname
- Watts
Birth | between 1800 and 1801 Source: Graham Lovelock - email messages Citation details: Email 24-Jul-07 with Word document "A Tree Originating in Burghfield ... Or Perhaps Not" Quality of data: primary evidence Shared note: Date of birth from 1851, 1861 census records. |
Marriage | John Lovelock — View this family about June 1845 (Age 45 years) Source: Graham Lovelock - email messages Citation details: Email 24-Jul-07 with Word document "A Tree Originating in Burghfield ... Or Perhaps Not" Quality of data: primary evidence Citation details: Marriage in 2Q 1845 in Hungerford RD, ref 6 283 Text: Marriages Jun 1845 Lovelock John Hungerford 6283 Watts Mary Hungerford 6283 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | John Lovelock — View this family 1851 (Age 51 years) Source: 1851 British Census Citation details: Compiled by Robert Sterry, with contributions from John Lovelock and Graham Lovelock Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | John Lovelock — View this family 1861 (Age 61 years) Source: 1861 British Census Citation details: Provided by Graham Lovelock Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | 1871 (Age 71 years) |
Death of a husband | John Lovelock between January 1877 and March 1877 (Age 77 years) Text: Hungerford RD, ref 2c 172 (age 59) |
Census | 1881 (Age 81 years) |
Death | between October 1881 and December 1881 (Age 81 years) Text: Hungerford RD, ref 2c 143 (age 81) |
Family with John Lovelock |
husband |
John Lovelock Christening: April 14, 1816 45 24 — Hungerford, Berkshire, England Death: between January 1877 and March 1877 |
herself |
Mary Watts Birth: between 1800 and 1801 — Wootton Oxfordshire, England Death: between October 1881 and December 1881 |
Marriage: about June 1845 — Hungerford RD, Berkshire, England |
Birth | Graham Lovelock - email messages Citation details: Email 24-Jul-07 with Word document "A Tree Originating in Burghfield ... Or Perhaps Not" Quality of data: primary evidence |
Marriage | Graham Lovelock - email messages Citation details: Email 24-Jul-07 with Word document "A Tree Originating in Burghfield ... Or Perhaps Not" Quality of data: primary evidence |
Marriage | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Citation details: Marriage in 2Q 1845 in Hungerford RD, ref 6 283 Text: Marriages Jun 1845 Lovelock John Hungerford 6283 Watts Mary Hungerford 6283 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | 1851 British Census Citation details: Compiled by Robert Sterry, with contributions from John Lovelock and Graham Lovelock Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | 1861 British Census Citation details: Provided by Graham Lovelock Quality of data: primary evidence |
Name | Graham Lovelock - email messages Citation details: Email 24-Jul-07 with Word document "A Tree Originating in Burghfield ... Or Perhaps Not" Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death | GRO index of Births, Marriages and Deaths Text: Hungerford RD, ref 2c 143 (age 81) |
Birth | Date of birth from 1851, 1861 census records. Place of birth recorded as Oxon, Wooten in 1851 return, Wootton, Berks in 1861 return. From Graham Lovelock 22-Nov-07: I agree that the spelling should probably be Wootton, and there are 2 of them: one is just north of Woodstock, and the other is on the south-western fringes of Oxford, outside the ring road. |
Census | Kintbury, Berkshire, England HO107 1686 F43 P46 John Lovelock;Head;35;Ag Lab;Kintbury, Berks Mary Lovelock;Wife;50;;Wooten, Oxon Charles Watts;;19;Ag Lab;Kintbury, Berks |
Census | Village, Kintbury, Berkshire, England RG09 723 F32 P29 John LOVELOCK;Head;45;Agricultural Labourer;Hungerford, Berks Mary LOVELOCK;Wife;60;;Wootton, Berks |
Census | Kintbury, Berkshire, England RG10 1253 F60 P30 John Lovelock;Head;51;Ag Labourer;Hungerford, Berks Mary Lovelock;Wife;69;;Wootten, Berks |
Census | Newbury St, Kintbury, Berkshire, England RG11 1273 F25 P12 Mary LOVELOCK;Head;W;83;F;;Wootton, Berks |