Michael SHERIDANAge: 66 years1942–2009
- Name
- Michael SHERIDAN
- Given names
- Michael
- Surname
Birth | April 16, 1942 29 24 |
Birth of a brother | Timothy Leach SHERIDAN June 13, 1949 (Age 7 years) |
Death of a father | Hillman Austin SHERIDAN July 30, 1958 (Age 16 years) |
Death of a mother | Florence Arleen LOVELOCK 2008 (Age 65 years) |
Death | February 9, 2009 (Age 66 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Hillman Austin SHERIDAN Birth: December 31, 1912 — Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island, USA Death: July 30, 1958 — Hillsborough County, Florida, USA |
mother |
Florence Arleen LOVELOCK Birth: May 7, 1917 24 27 Death: 2008 |
Marriage: 1941 — Lac-Megantic, Quebec, Canada |
15 months himself |
Michael SHERIDAN Birth: April 16, 1942 29 24 Death: February 9, 2009 — Berkeley, Alameda, California |
7 years younger brother |
Timothy Leach SHERIDAN Birth: June 13, 1949 36 32 Death: December 10, 2010 — Florida, USA |